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The Ability to Reuse

Save the Planet

By Sarah OPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

The current state of the world is troubling. The climate is changing and it is causing serious harm to the environment around us. We as humans are a big cause of those problems and we have the ability to help create a cleaner Earth. We need to be aware of what we are using and what we can do to stop trashing our Earth. One of the most polluted areas is our oceans. All of these one-use products we throw away can end up in our ocean. This can cause damage to the ocean life within, along with contributing to the decline of our Earth. You all have seen the islands of trash floating in our oceans. That can never be erased, but it can be further prevented. To start, switch out single use items for reusable sustainable products.

One easy switch is make-up wipes. I know once-and-done wipes are very tempting. They are easy, convenient, and cheap. What happens after you use it? The wipe is tossed out and ends up in a landfill. Think about all of those make-up wipes you use throughout the year. That is a large number that can be eradicated. One amazing product is actual reusable make-up wipes. These are small pieces of cloths that different companies sell. The product is made for your face and they do great with your choice of cleanser. Apply a small amount to the make-up wipe and take off your makeup. From there, put the wipe into the wash bag provided, throw it in the wash, and you got a brand-new wipe to use without the waste! Plus, this is a huge money saver. No more needing to buy 365 make-up wipes.

Onto the next bathroom necessity, Q-tips. We all use them for various tasks, but have you seen the harm it does to our environment? How about the little seahorse holding onto a Q-tip as if it was seaweed? These plastic or paper products are flooding the ocean and destroying habitats. If you must use them, at least use the paper ones, but there is a reusable alternative. This alternative is shaped exactly like a Q-tip, but it is making of a durable plastic and a washable cloth. This allows you to use the product like normal, but then wash it out creating reuse. Instead of using hundreds of Q-tips a year, now you have a reusable option.

A big waste in the bathroom is shower products. That shampoo, body wash, and conditioner all are in plastic containers. These are one use products. Once you use them, you throw them out! Think about all that plastic you are wasting. Instead, there are shampoo, conditioner, and body wash bars. These come in paper wrapping so it can be easily recycled! From there, each product is in a bar. I personally love this option. The shampoo bar I use allows me a great lather! With these products, you rub them on your hair, or your body to create a lather. These are simple products to use and they are 100% recyclable. No more bottles of plastic going into the landfills or oceans!

Now onto the laundry room. How many dryer sheets do you use? Think about all those loads of laundry you do. That adds up to a lot of waste! Instead of dryer sheets, an easy reusable item is wool dryer balls! These are a great substitute! They work the same as dryer sheets and help prevent static from forming. These do not take up a lot of space and can stay in your dryer. Each wool ball lasts for tons of loads and I have yet to replace the ones I have!

One thing you use throughout your house is hand soap. This is an absolute necessity, but how many plastic bottles do you go through? The more hands in your house the more you will use, but there is a reusable option for this as well! Hand soap tablets! Once you have emptied your current hand soap bottle do not throw it away. Instead, buy a hand soap tablet, fill the bottle with water, and drop it in. Once it dissolves it creates new hand soap. These tablets are easy to store and cheaper then continuously buying new bottles.

Another easy switch is water bottles. I know it is so convenient to just have pre-filled water bottles stacked in your fridge. Think about all the waste you just created. All of those water bottles can be found throughout the ocean and harming sea life. There are tons of different types of plastic water bottles. Allow your personality to shine through and have a water bottle to match your vibe! There are even water bottles with built in filters to help keep you drinking safe water. Take the extra time and use that gorgeous water bottle instead of using once and done plastic bottles.

Straws. These are awful to our environment. They are small and dangerous causing so many animals to be harmed. They pollute both land and water flying everywhere and getting stuck places. There are 2 different options. One, eliminate straws all together from your life. Ask the waiter at your restaurant to not bring you a straw for you glass. Do not buy one use straws at the grocery store. The other option is to buy a reusable straw. These are everywhere. They are so many different kinds; metal, plastic, silicone, expandable, foldable, and even ones in cases. Choose a kind that works for you! I personally have a expandable one that comes in a case. It fits onto my keychain allowing for easy access anywhere I go. I use it at restaurants and even with glasses at home. Once done using, you can wash with your other dishes and it is ready to use again.

Coffee drinkers are everywhere. It is the caffeine that fuels our life and keeps us going. Some of us choose to go out and order coffee, but others make it at home. One of the most common ways is through the use of k-cups. These come in all sorts of flavors and brands. But each cup is in its own plastic that immediately gets thrown away. What a waste! There are reusable cups made by each brand for the machines. These can be taken out and washed at any point too! Buy one of those and then buy the coffee grounds of your favorite coffee or tea! Add a scoop to your cup, plug it in, and there you go a fresh cup of coffee. This will dramatically reduce the waste you use when getting your caffeinated start.

Now onto the kitchen! There are lots of things that you can switch to reusable items! First up, paper towels. These are used for everything. From picking up spills the cleaning down the stove these are a necessity. Instead of continuously using that paper towel that has one use, switch to reusable ones! Most of these are made of fabric and connect together. These can still fit on those handy holders and they work just the same. Once used, throw them in the washer and add them to your next load of laundry. Once cleaned, attach them back to your container and they are ready for use.

Another form of paper in the kitchen is napkins. These are used all the time and the paper ones never last more than one meal. Instead of paper switch to fabric. We may think of these as a more formal occasion, but make them normal. You can have all different types of patterns if you want to keep some for more formal events. Use these fabric napkins anytime you would use a paper one. Once used, throw them in the wash to be used again and again! Think of all those trees you would save!

Sandwich and snack bags are constantly used. Either to save food, or to take them to go. Instead of that flimsy one-use plastic, there are sustainable options! These bags are made of silicone and can be washed. They seal great, come in many colors, patterns, sizes, and are great for all types of foods! Some bags can even be frozen, steamed, and microwaved! They are perfect for taking your snacks and lunch to work or to even store leftovers in the fridge. These will save you space in the fridge along with money. No more extra cash being spent on plastic baggies. Every time you use one of these new bags, remember all the waste you just prevented.

In the kitchen you probably use plastic wrap to help store items and keep things fresh. All that plastic is used once then tossed creating tons of waste. Instead, there are beeswax wraps. These are great for covering bowls along with wrapping up food for later. Some may not feel like these items work, but they truly do! The beeswax is natural and forms a great seal. It will help keep your food fresh plus you can continue to reuse it for a while! These beeswax wraps also come in tons of different sizes and patterns to help you get your style in the fridge. This will even further reduce your use of plastic in the kitchen!

When going to the grocery store how often do you put your produce into those plastic bags they have? Those are everywhere and the stores encourage you to use them. Think about how much everyone is using those bags and once they get home, they get tossed. Lots of plastic waste there. Instead, use a reusable produce bag. You can take these into the grocery stores with you. They come in lots of shapes and sizes to help fit all of your produce needs. Pick them up, place them in the bag, and zip them close! The rest is the same except no more wasted plastic!

Finally, with shopping try to use reusable bags. These can be used at any and every store you go to. Instead of using those plastic or paper bags pick up some stylish fabric bags. Personalize it to fit your style. On the next trip to the mall or to your local grocery store bring them with you. The stores actually encourage it! When you check out, inform the cashier that you brought your own bag and they will be more than happy to put your products in it! Some stores even have containers to return old plastic bags to be properly recycled. Once those are all gone, you can continue to use your personalized reusable bags!

The list continues to go on. There are so many products that can be replaced with a reusable option. Everything can be done, and I currently use every reusable product I can. It is actually easier, plus it saves you money. Reusable products can take a bit longer to utilize but in the long run it will be worth it. There are tons of online websites that focus on selling only reusable products, plus Target has started to carry some of these items! Think about all the good you will be doing for our plant and the future generation to come. I pledge to continue using all reusable items and can. I encourage you to start making the switch and to make a difference.


About the Creator

Sarah O

I am a medical student studying at Saint George's University. I have the opportunity to travel and help those around me. In my career I want to be an OB/GYN in order to help further women's health.

Writing is a true passion that brings joy!

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