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Can Survive In Space?

By Master DPublished 12 months ago 7 min read


10. Lungfish first off is a fish that could breathe air well a really old fish dating back to panjia level old i introduce you to the longfish lungfish are freshwater vertebrates animals with backbones that have a very well developed internal skeleton inherited From their ancestors native to africa south america and australia there are six known species in existence these fish become humongous in size up to 10 kilograms and grow to be 1.25 meters in length that's the size of two mini-fridges these aquatic creatures have mastered the art of making it through a dry spell by burrowing into the ground and basically burrito wrapping themselves in mucus by creating this slimy snotty safety net the moisture in their bodies can be bottled in and their metabolism slows down drastically to the point of estivation a state of complete dormancy so they can survive with zero nutrients at all for months have fun starving one to get rid of it number nine cockroaches when it comes to incredibly resistant and massively unpopular animals

9. Cockroaches are hands down unmatched they can for example regrow lost legs they have an almost supernatural sense of smell and they make their own antibiotics pretty cool right so why are they so unpopular well they can spread germs and they aggravate asthma and allergies plus they're seemingly getting tougher for one thing it looks like they're developing an insecticide resistance oh and they're 6 to 15 times more resistant to radiation than humans are so let's just say in case of a nuclear apocalypse we'd be doomed but they'd be doing good female cockroaches can lay unfertilized eggs that will hatch in a process called pathogenesis basically a virgin reproduction

8. Lobsters biological immortality is baffling animals that basically never die of senescence which is basically a really sciency word for old age many bio-indefinite mortality animal species can die of things like environmental changes injury disease and poison however some of our friends under the sea can't be killed off so easily and defy what seems like the laws of nature now while they obviously aren't actually immortal lobsters have been known to live up to an estimated 40 to 50 years these crustaceans notoriously just keep on growing during that time and growing and growing with one recorded catch being almost 20 kilograms it probably survived both world wars due to its estimated age of 104 years young the reason lobsters make this list isn't just because of their age that's all thanks to an enzyme called telomerase which handily repairs long-chain dna sequences generally found in early embryo stages and absent in later life lobsters literally repair themselves as they get older and some research even suggests that elderly lobsters can be more fertile than youngans

7. Sharks one species of shark known as the greelen shark is a big fish you do not want to come across as if george wasn't scary enough this distinct relative of the southern sleeper shark remains mostly isolated to the arctic ocean so there's no real worry of them attacking humans but don't relax just yet these bad boys can reach up to six meters in size and have the longest lifespan of all vertebrate species i'm talking oaps of the animal kingdom living anywhere between 250 to 500 years and they don't reach sexual maturity until at least a century old adapt to living at the depths of the ocean these sharks have an ability to withstand crazy chilly temperatures as observed depths of 2200 meters they're one of the only known sharks that can withstand the harsh cold of the arctic ocean year round they have also sparked multiple inuit legends like the scallop surak due to their poisonous flesh that cannot be consumed

6. Immortal Jellyfish with a name like that does the immortal jellyfish live up to its expectations yeah it does in fact scientists are obsessed with it they're currently studying the species hoping to uncover their crazy secret for everlasting life assuming one really wants to live forever in the crazy world that we've created but what makes the churitopsis dorni is technical name immortal well it's quite simple to understand really this 4.5 millimeter wide and tall jellyfish can actually reverse its life cycle seriously when one of these specimens is physically damaged or experiencing stresses such as starvation instead of dying it resets its vital cycle it shrinks in on itself reabsorbing its tentacles and then settles on the sea floor as a blob-like cyst restarting its life soon after

5. New Zealand weta weta is a new Zealand word for a group of up to a hundred insect species they are giant flightless cricket light insects with some species being the heaviest in the world similar in size to a sparrow scary right are predators feasting on smaller bugs while other larger kinds are generally herbivores those 16 species have been classified as endangered the tusk sweaters sure know how to hide often they can be found dwelling in trees like their buddies the tree wetter and have a pretty quirky habit of diving underwater in streams and hiding there for up to three minutes if under threat talk about a good set of lungs mountain stone wetter called himandina mayuri can freeze themselves solid during the winter months and thought out to crawl around freely in spring and summer due to their inner tissues not being damaged by the treacherous cold sometimes they can even be revived to life when they thaw after prolonged freezing

4. Braconid wasps bees are good that's what they teach us since we're kids but wasps not so much especially but cronied wasps which to start with need other organisms to survive in fact their life cycle starts and ends by inhabiting the bodies of other creatures not a big deal most parasites do the same but these little creatures are no common parasite they are smart and lucky contrary to other wasps the reconnaissance do not have a skinny waste hence they can easily pass as small flies and go unnoticed to make things trickier they have multiple plans of attack making it harder to detect when they're infecting an organism some becomes lay eggs in or on the host others leave only one egg per aphid nymph and the invader completes its cycle and emerges as an adult diversifying is their strength and you know what they can also sustain 300 times more radiation than humans potentially withstanding a shocking 180 thousand rads so yeah they're pretty much impossible to get rid of

3. Mummy chug: the mummy chug also known as the atlantic killfish inhabits the atlantic coast of the united states and Canada and it is one of the toughest animals alive first of all it can survive in many different environmental conditions experiencing changes in salinity extreme temperatures and low oxygen levels which as you can tell it makes it very hard to kill in summer for example mobichogs range over distances of less than 40 meters and often make their home run into tidal marshes where only small salty pools are left as the water levels fall in winter on the other hand when the temperature drops they often just burrow down into the mud and wait it out now imagine any kind of fish put in a similar environment they wouldn't be able to survive as normally most fish live either in fresh or salt water and die if put in the wrong sort but mummy chugs are equally happy in fresh water or salty water in fact they can even survive in polluted water this species has rapidly evolved in resistance to toxic chemicals

2. Tardigrade not only the world's smallest animal smaller than 1.5 millimeters and only visible in a microscope the tardigrade is also one of the most indestructible ones they live at the bottom of the ocean inside hot springs and even at the top of mountains like mount everest and there are more than 900 species of tardigrades living nearly everywhere around the globe in every possible environment even out of space yes scientists have launched them into space on board a satellite to test their resistance and you know what after having endured a trip into an environment that would kill a human in a matter of seconds most of them came back fine what's the secret well just like yeast tardigrades can survive extreme drying they shed nearly all of their water and go into suspended animation until they're rehydrated for how long a few hours days months yeah

1. Bedaloid Rotifers there are many aspects that contribute into making the bedloid rotifers one of the most unique animals here on earth first they're super small slightly too small to be seen with a naked eye they can still spot them as they appear as tiny white dots especially in bright light and they're doing fine considering that they've been around for some 800 million years but to make them pretty much immortal is that at any point of their life cycle they can dry out completely take a nap and be back as new a couple of centuries later in fact scientists are studying bedloyd rotter versus capability of jumping genes from specimens roughly 60 million years old inhabiting a number of gnarly habitats they are also considered among the most radiation resistant animals ever the only close competition in that department are tardigrades or water beds and while they can withstand sub-zero attempts and poisonous gas even those little moss piglets are sterilized by radiation levels that are a piece of cake for betaloids they reign supreme it seems taking on some of the highest tested levels of ionizing high energy radiation a thousand greys how radiation is measured and still alive and kicking after weeks of exposure to compare a measly 10 graves would be more than enough to kill a human ouch so that was 10 animals that are basically impossible to kill.


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Master D

Lifehacks, Science, Facts and Fun!

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