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By Vanshika GuptaPublished 4 months ago 3 min read


What if the sun suddenly burst into flames? It would be extremely awful news for us, as you might imagine. Scientists predict that it will happen eventually, but why What would precisely happen, and is there any chance that we might survive? Nuclear fusion is the name given to the amazing process that occurs when hydrogen atoms, which are in the core of the sun, collide with such force because they are enjoying an intense dance party. This massive chemistry experiment involves the fusion of hydrogen atoms to create helium atoms. A tiny quantity of mass from the hydrogen atoms is converted into a large amount of energy during this nuclear fusion.This is where Einstein's well-known equation eal mc^2 comes in.

The solar system is made brighter by the release of energy, which radiates outward as heat and light.A large number of energetic particles known as photons come together once all these processes are underway. These photons resemble little light packets that are constantly bouncing and zipping in different directions. They are essential in transferring the sun's energy across space, which warms and lights our planet. In order to prevent atoms from escaping and causing total chaos, the sun's core must be extremely pressurized in order to maintain all of this. The enormous weight of the sun's outer layers bearing down on its core is what causes this pressure.Although the inner core is being compressed by the outer layers, the inner layers are holding onto the energy produced by fusion.The proton particles tries really hard to escape the Sun's core but the core is so dense and the pressure is so big that the energy takes its time to make its way out it. Protons bounces around and gets absorbed and re emitted by other particles. Eventually after a long time it reaches the sun's surface and zooms off into space reaching us as sunlight.

Sun has a limited supply of hydrogen fuel in about 5 billion years. It'll run out of its fuel, after that the star will undergo some big changes.The sun will puff up and become a red giant exploding like a balloon.It will grow so big that it will swallow up the inner planets including our beloved planet Earth. Sun taking up all the space so we won't even see the the end of our sun unless we move somewhere further away. After the red giant phase the sun will shrink a bit, its outer layers will fade away into space, leaving behind a beautiful planetary nebulae.It'll be revealing its glowing core which now will be filled with helium. Home scientists estimate that the sun has about 7 to 8 billion years left before it dims its lines.

By that time humanity might have traveled to far off galaxies or maybe even evolved into amazing space. Being so sun won't go out with a bang like fireworks. It's not big enough to be become a supernova or a black hole those Stellar Superstars need way more mass than our sun to pull off those Cosmic tricks.But what if it blew up very suddenly just like an Abrupt event ? Imagine this the Sun goes boom and Earth is in for a wild ride.The event unleashes an insane amount of energy sending a shock wave racing through space at the speed of line it takes about 8 minutes for this shock wave to reach us.The sun is a whopping 93 million miles away from us on average, so it takes a little over 8 minutes and 20 seconds for the Sun's light to travel all that distance and reach us.


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  • Toby Heward4 months ago

    Kinda spooky but makes some sense

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