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Seven Sisters Stars

Stars and voodoo circles

By Shay MorrowPublished 2 years ago 6 min read


Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. Well, who is nobody and who are they? Are they human, hybrid, alien or something else? A cosmic void rarely if never involves loud screaming beer drinking humans on a Friday night. There is no bonfire, disco ball, rocking DJ, dancers or booming speakers. Doubtful you would ever find yourself in a vacuum of space with one of your buddies to hear you scream or not. Mabel laughs at the thought of it anyway as it sounds ridiculous.

So very typical of the human race though, consumed in their personal perceived time and space and how it relates to their daily lives. Expansion of your current reality and dimensions, time travel, space travel and life on other planets is really an over expectation of anyone who has not experienced it or at the very least opened their mind to it.

Mabel is an old soul. She has a few stories to tell. You may or may not believe them, you might chalk them up to science fiction, or an active imagination, but her stories are her truth and testimony to the role she plays on Earth. Caught between the dimensions of life and death, Earth and somewhere else, her reality is her consciousness of where her body is at a given time and day She is aware there are alternate realities and spaces in time running concurrent with her own. She lives in a three dimensional spider web, trapped in time, uncomfortable in the shell of a body she is confined to, and doing the best she can do to move, function and grow on Earth.

If you are a student of the stars, you will know what I am talking about when I mention the Seven Sisters stars. Dating back over 100,000 years, the Australian Aboriginals reference this place in the night sky as the origin of Earth bound humans and hybrids. If you can take a minute in the quiet of the night, sit outside void of city light and look up. Feel the night breeze, close your eyes, listen to the darkness and then open your eyes and peer up to the twinkles in the sky. The celestial brightness dancing in the night sky will beckon your heart and absorb your soul. The Seven Sisters offer protection and guidance in the crowded sky from the Hunter Orion and a link back to the beginning – the beginning of man on Earth.

The first story I am going to share is from Louisiana in 1936. One of the coldest winters ever recorded in that area. Mabel was what you would call a nurse or EMS helping injured or sick humans heal, move to a doctor or hospital, or in the rural parts, a medicine man.

It was hard to get out and walk with the air so brisk and cold sticking you in your bones. Hard to move around whether you were human flesh and bone or hybrid like Mabel. You could see your breath every time you exhaled, your nose hairs froze with every breath, your eyelashes stuck together frozen and two pairs of wool socks only gave you minimal comfort. She would have much rather been at her home, in front of a fire and reading a book instead of beating through the dirt roads checking on residents and providing medical assistance when needed and possible.

They pulled up to a small wooden shanty. The resident had not been heard from in a few days and his aunt was worried. She was unable to check on her nephew for health reasons so Mabel volunteered to do a welfare check with her partner. The owner, Earl, was a middle aged, black, thin man with hair he wore long in braids that draped over his shoulders. He was known around the area for his practice of voodoo religion and listening ear to ailments of friends and family. Earl had gone silent and his family was worried.

She paused at the door. The night was cold and dark, with no wind, half a moon and no clouds. The frozen trees stared down at her as she looked up to the stars. There was no light or heat or noise coming from the small shack. There was either a crouching tiger waiting for her to open the door, an empty house or a gone soul waiting to be discovered.

Mabel exhaled a gust of warm breath invading the cold air and opened the door. There, in the middle of a hand drawn circle, was the shape of Earl, naked, exposed by lingering candle light. He was lying on his back, palms facing the ceiling and legs extended straight out filling the circle. Earl’s life and soul had left his body but still seemed captured by the dim light. Several candles remained lit though they were at their last moments of providing flickering light to this dark scene. His eyes were open and Mabel thought he spent his last minutes of life starting at something beyond. Earl knew there were no limits on time and space and dimensions based on his religious practices and she could see what he saw even if her partner could not. It gave her pause to continue.

Time stopped for a minute. Mabel considered how to approach him and breaking the circle he had drawn. Would her alien and human makeup protect her from Earl’s voodoo circle? She had to check him for a heartbeat, even though she could tell there was none. The air suddenly became thick and she pushed through the dense space to reach him through the circle. She reached out and touched his body to feel an instant chill go up her spine.

He was dead but any dimensions he had opened were still open and pushed against her human body and pulled the gravity around the space they shared. She moved back out of the circle as her partner just still stood there staring at her almost entranced by the scene.

She worked mentally on closing the portal and worked spiritually on helping Earl’s soul move on to the next realm; pushing back any bad energy she might have absorbed from crossing his circle. The pool of souls was not partial to planets, whether the planets surrounded by the Seven Sister stars or Earth. Life from the Seven Sisters far predates the souls on Earth. The only difference is if you are a hybrid human/alien like Mabel, you can see the different dimensions clearly, whereas humans can only see the Earth dimension and are not able to see souls when they pass from one dimension to another as in life and death or from one solar system to another.

Suddenly, the last of the candles snuffed out leaving encompassing darkness. The half moon barely provided any light to see. Mabel and her partner covered Earl and left to check on someone else, vowing to return once the freeze lifted and to gather and transport him for burial. Earl’s spirit stayed with her the rest of the evening. Not ready to move on yet and confused about his state of death, his dark shadow loomed over her the remainder of the dark and freezing night.

short story

About the Creator

Shay Morrow

Just sitting on the pier with my dog casting a line out with some live bait, sipping a beer and puffing a smoke, like everyone else.

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