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Sadh guru: The Power of Fruit in Transforming Your Health and Well-being

benefits of different fruits

By Sardar Jahanzaib FazalPublished 10 months ago 6 min read

Sadh guru: The Power of Fruit in Transforming Your Health and Well-being


In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, the significance of proper nutrition cannot be overstated. The food we consume plays a vital role in shaping our physical and psychological well-being. In this regard, spiritual leader Sadh guru sheds light on the power of fruit in transforming our health and vitality. According to Sadh guru, fruit is a remarkable source of nourishment that can invigorate our body, sharpen our mind, and promote overall vitality. In this article, we will delve into the profound insights shared by Sadh guru regarding the benefits of a predominantly fruit-based diet and its relevance for individuals in different walks of life.

Table of Contents

1.Understanding the Influence of Food on Our Psychological State

2.The Significance of Easily Digestible Fuel

3.Fruit as the Ideal Source of Nourishment

4.The Connection Between Fruit and Increased Alertness

5.The Role of Fruit in Enhancing Joy and Awareness

6.Fruit Consumption in Regular Life and Physical Activity

7.The Importance of Timing and Awareness While Eating Fruit

8.The Need for Conscious Consumption with Physically Demanding Jobs

9.The Nutritional Quality of Modern-Day Fruits

10.Embracing Seasonal and Local Fruit Varieties

11.Ecological Sensibility: Shifting Towards Fruit-Based Diets

12.The Transition from Heavy Diets to Fruit-Based Eating

1. Understanding the Influence of Food on Our Psychological State

Sadh guru affirms that our dietary choices profoundly impact our psychological well-being. He acknowledges the growing body of scientific evidence suggesting that fruits and vegetables contribute to promoting psychological wellness. By emphasizing the significance of our food choices, Sadh guru emphasizes that the impact of our diet extends beyond mere physical health.

2. The Significance of Easily Digestible Fuel

Drawing an analogy to different fuels used in machines, Sadh guru asserts that the efficacy of the fuel lies in its ease of combustion. Similar to how specific types of fuel are suitable for various machines, the human body requires easily digestible fuel for optimal functioning. In this context, Sadh guru highlights the exceptional digestibility of fruits and their ability to nourish the body's digestive fires, known as Jam.

3. Fruit as the Ideal Source of Nourishment

Sadh guru unequivocally declares that fruit is nature's intended food for humans. He explains that the flesh of fruits serves as a lure, enticing animals and birds to consume them and subsequently disperse their seeds. Sadh guru highlights the significance of the seed, emphasizing that it is the crucial component of fruits.

4. The Connection Between Fruit and Increased Alertness

While fruit provides numerous benefits, Sadh guru acknowledges that individuals who embrace inertia and enjoy lethargy may find fruit consumption challenging. Fruits keep the mind alert and awake, making it unsuitable for those who derive comfort from inertia. However, Sadh guru assures that fruit does not induce intoxication unless it ferments.

5. The Role of Fruit in Enhancing Joy and Awareness

Sadh guru affirms that heightened levels of awareness can lead to extreme joy and a profound sense of intoxication. While fruit consumption facilitates this state, Sadh guru poses a thought-provoking question: "Why go for intoxication through substances when the body itself can create the most profound states of joy and ecstasy?"

According to Sadh guru, fruits have a unique vibrational quality that can enhance our sensitivity and awareness. When consumed with mindfulness, they nourish both the body and the spirit, leading to an elevated state of well-being. This increased awareness allows us to experience the simple joys of life more deeply.

6. Fruit Consumption in Regular Life and Physical Activity

Sadh guru emphasizes that incorporating fruits into our daily diet is essential for maintaining optimal health, regardless of our level of physical activity. Fruits provide a rich array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support our immune system, enhance vitality, and aid in recovery from physical exertion. Whether one leads a sedentary lifestyle or engages in intense physical training, the inclusion of fruits can significantly contribute to overall well-being.

7. The Importance of Timing and Awareness While Eating Fruit

Timing and awareness play crucial roles in deriving maximum benefit from fruit consumption. Sadh guru advises consuming fruits on an empty stomach or at least 30 minutes before a meal to optimize digestion and absorption of nutrients. He emphasizes the importance of chewing fruits thoroughly, allowing the digestive enzymes in our saliva to initiate the breakdown process.

Sadh guru also encourages mindfulness while eating fruits, savoring each bite and connecting with the taste, texture, and fragrance of the fruit. By cultivating awareness during eating, we can deepen our connection with the food we consume and derive greater nourishment from it.

8. The Need for Conscious Consumption with Physically Demanding Jobs

For individuals engaged in physically demanding jobs or strenuous activities, Sadh guru advises consuming fruits that are higher in natural sugars to provide quick and sustainable energy. Fruits like bananas, dates, and mangoes are excellent choices due to their higher calorie content. However, he emphasizes the importance of consuming a balanced diet that includes other essential nutrients as well.

9. The Nutritional Quality of Modern-Day Fruits

Sadh guru acknowledges that the nutritional quality of modern-day fruits may have declined due to various factors such as hybridization, cultivation practices, and transportation. However, he believes that even with these changes, fruits remain a valuable source of nutrition and should not be disregarded.

Sadh guru encourages individuals to choose organic, locally grown fruits whenever possible, as they tend to have higher nutritional value and fewer chemical residues. Additionally, he suggests exploring native and traditional varieties of fruits that may offer unique health benefits.

10. Embracing Seasonal and Local Fruit Varieties

In line with the principles of ecological balance, Sadh guru emphasizes the importance of consuming seasonal and locally available fruits. Seasonal fruits are naturally abundant during specific times of the year, and their consumption aligns with the body's needs during different seasons.

By choosing locally grown fruits, we support local farmers and reduce the ecological impact of long-distance transportation. Furthermore, local fruits are more likely to be fresh, ripe, and flavorful, enhancing the overall experience of consuming them.

11. Ecological Sensibility: Shifting Towards Fruit-Based Diets

Sadh guru highlights the ecological benefits of shifting towards fruit-based diets. Producing fruits requires fewer resources compared to animal agriculture, making it a more sustainable choice. Animal agriculture contributes to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and water pollution, whereas fruit cultivation has a lower environmental footprint.

While he acknowledges that a complete shift to a fruit-based diet may not be practical or suitable for everyone, Sadh guru encourages individuals to consider incorporating more fruits and plant-based foods into their meals to promote both personal and planetary well-being.

12. Balancing Fruit Consumption with Individual Needs

Sadh guru emphasizes that each individual's dietary needs and preferences may vary. Some people may thrive on a fruit-heavy diet, while others may require a more diverse range of foods to meet their nutritional needs. It is important to listen to our bodies, observe how different foods make us feel, and make informed choices accordingly.

In conclusion, Sadh guru advocates for the inclusion of fruits in our daily lives, not just for their nutritional benefits but also for their potential to enhance our awareness, joy, and connection with the natural world. By embracing a mindful and balanced approach to fruit consumption, we can nourish our bodies, elevate our consciousness, and contribute to a more sustainable and harmonious planet.


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