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Rudy Farias

Rudy Farias disappearance: Disturbing accusations made

By Azeem TajPublished about a year ago 14 min read

Breaking tonight shocking new details in the case of a missing Houston teen found alive last week after eight years the teen who is now 25 years old met with police at a hotel in Humble he made shocking allegations against his own mother Fox 26's Matthew cedorff is live outside the hotel tonight with what we're learning Matthew well Caroline that 25 year old and his mother are just leaving this hotel within the last hour or so but the new allegations we're learning tonight are shocking 25 year old Rudy farias IV with a towel over his face outside this hotel Wednesday with Houston activist Cornell X until last week Rudy was considered a missing person last seen as a 17 year old in 2015 walking his dogs in northeast Houston then on Thursday Rudy was found alive outside of Houston church after eight years since then many people have questioned if Rudy was ever missing at all today police here with Cornell X speaking with Rudy and his mother according to Cornell Rudy told them he has been with his mom being held captive against his will for eight years but the minute he got Alone by himself he slowly calmed down and he slowly began to talk very coherently and specific details he said that she often locked him in the room that she would give him to drugs and lock him in the room it ain't no way in hell that woman shouldn't be locked up immediately and that boy needs to go to the best drug rehab and best psychological mental health facility that we can find for him he's a good kid he's a good kid that kid was just severely abused family members hearing the allegations also showing up to the hotel shocked that's wrong okay now I don't know what what HPD Okay now what's wrong with you dancing see I'll be looking for 2015 or 2016. nowhere to be found I guess not she hi for her family that was wrong and awful you mean it hurt me my cousin all my family right now uh so far no rest have been made in this case but we just just get a statement from the Houston Police Department basically saying that they can't comment on this investigation right now but their detectives did interview that boy's mother this evening and we're expecting a press conference at HPD sometime on Thursday we'll have much more tonight at six o'clock we're live in Humble Matthew cedorff Fox 26 news

y'all we have got a doozy to talk about today before we get into it though I did want to let you guys know that this video is for educational entertainment purposes only please remember to be kind to everybody everywhere in your everyday life in your home in the grocery store and especially in the comment section down below please do not show hate to anybody anywhere [Music] good morning my lovelies my Beauties my friends my name is Christina and welcome to my channel if you're new here thank you so much for clicking on this video I really hope that you will subscribe stick around take a chance and hearing some things that I have to say and if you are a returning subscriber y'all already know y'all are my babies so good morning good morning good morning how is everybody doing today I hope you all are having an amazing day I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend or long weekend hopefully for those of y'all that are here in the U.S I hope that y'all got Friday off Saturday off Sunday off Monday off and Tuesday off and I hope y'all are watching this from home today because you got today off too and if you didn't get uh the holiday off thank you so much for working we appreciate you guys we love you guys I hope you got paid time and a half so in today's video we're going to go over this very peculiar case that's going on literally right now this is the situation of Rudy farias his real name is Rudolph but he goes by Rudy and this is pretty much everywhere right now and I read about this a couple days ago and the story was that Rudy went missing while walking his two dogs back in 2017 and has been missing for eight years and they just found him like randomly just found him outside of a church and it has been like this miracle I've been reading up on it I'm like wow like this is the story that we all want to hear about when we're looking into these cases where somebody is missing like there is hope right like people can actually be out there and they can be found and found alive and be okay and the family be brought back together and it be one happy ending but let's talk about this because since all of this has come out there's also been some other weird Rumblings that is just making this super strange so I'm gonna do like I typically do I'm gonna tell y'all everything that I know from the very public information that's already out there okay I'm pulling my information from major news sources and information that's already out there then I'm going to filter it through my own words and my own opinions so please go do your own research form your own opinions I was not there I don't know these people I'm just reporting on what's already out there so let's just start back in to Rudy's history a little bit and then we can understand about like him going missing walking his dogs and all of that so Rudy had been reported missing on March 6th of 2015 when he was walking his two dogs near Tidwell and Park Drive at around 6 30 p.m in Houston Texas and at the time he was wearing blue jeans a black T-shirt gray cotton gloves and brown shoes Rudy had an injured leg which caused him to walk with a slight limp and was known to suffer from depression PTSD and anxiety now when Rudy went missing people everywhere were looking for him I mean it was in the media the family started a GoFundMe at some point and people were just super upset and when more information came out just about like Rudy's personality in his past this is when we found out that Rudy had been through quite a few traumatic incidences in his just short 17 years of his life his father had passed away just a couple years prior but the thing that seemingly according to his family affected him the most was when his brother had passed away a few years before he went missing due to a motorcycle accident and from what I understand his brother was his best friend like his who he was with all the time who he looked up to who he talked to who he confided in it really brought on all this anxiety and PTSD and depression the family went on to hire a private investigator in April of 2015 so just a month after he went missing while walking the dogs they found Rudy's two dogs that he left walking with they allegedly found his wallet in a park as well as his inhaler because he did have asthma and used an inhaler so it was completely strange right the dogs are there he's 17 years old five eight 200 pounds I mean he's not a tiny little boy he's almost a grown legally a man right he would have been 18 in October of that year and he's missing his inhalers there which they knew he would not leave without his wallet the dogs are gone and poof he's just completely disappeared so they hire this private investigator the next month in April from here allegedly nobody could find him the private investigator didn't come up but with anything that we know of but something weird happened because in 2018 just the following year after he went missing the Houston Police got a call from a family member saying that they saw Rudy sleeping out behind another family member's home however when the cops went out there to look for him they allegedly could not find him and throughout the years there were different spottings of Rudy where the Houston police would get calls saying that they thought that they saw him in different places so just just think about how weird this is right again so he's disappeared five eight two hundred pounds left his dog his inhaler everything he's gone then the next year a family member calls the police and says hey I see him sleeping in the backyard of this other family member's house weird they go out there he's nowhere to be found then there's different spottings over the years now we're in 2023 okay eight years after he has disappeared and on a security camera footage there is a video of what looks to be Rudy in this restaurant looking disheveled and according to one of the employees a customer went up to him and purchased him food and he ate the food gained it after workers at a business near where Rudy Faris was found expressed concerns they see the man in the video Never visited their establishment before but that he came in only hours before Ferris was discovered he was incoherent had no money and left after someone purchased a meal for him then a little while later at 10 pm a Good Samaritan was walking down the road and they found Rudy who is now 25 years old laying on the ground unresponsive in front of a church in Southeast Houston when the person was walking by and saw him laying in front of this church at 10 pm unresponsive and they're trying to wake him up to see if he's okay they immediately called 9-1-1 9-1-1 came out and when they started rendering Rudy Aid this is when they found on him somewhere a card that had like family members information on it so like if I'm lost that type of thing like call this number and that's how they got in touch with the family and let them know that they had found Rudy and they were taking him to the emergency room after he was rushed to the hospital and the family was notified this is when Jenny Santana Rudy's mother told the local news outlet that her son was discovered with cuts and bruises all over his body and even blood in his hair and according to news sources his family members made this post on social media I'm only going to read parts of it because it is very long but I will leave a link down to the news source in the description box if you guys want to click on it and read the whole thing for yourself but it says that God only knows what he has endured during his time away from home he's expressing that he's in a lot of pain he flinches if you try to touch him or hug him thinking we are going to strike him the doctor said that that is normal considering what he has endured and gone through he thinks his name is Julio Torres and he's 14 now the doctor said not to correct him to just go with it for now until he can begin to receive further treatment to begin healing and Recovery it's obvious he's been through hell and he's not our same Rudy anymore he is very thin and his hands and fingers are smaller than mine and Nikki's hands he's not very verbal aside from one or two words here and there we hope he will begin to open up more and more and not feel that we are out to harm him the news reporter even said that when she was talking to Rudy's mother who was at the hospital at the time she began to cry that she was crying because she didn't know basically what had happened to her son and he was in this state and that he would not speak to anybody in any time the people in the hospital tried to get him to talk he would just immediately go into the fetal position and so therefore Rudy's mother asked the local media and the public to give them privacy while he heals seems like one a miracle right like that he was found and it just cuts and bruises I mean daggum like if that's all he's got on him I mean they can get through the rest type of thing if he's been missing for this eight years and the mother is with him now this is when things get weird okay this is when things get really really really weird some of the neighbors of Rudy's mother come out when they saw all this stuff about missing Rudy gone for eight years has been found and so wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute Dolph as we call him because they know him as his name Rudolph which is his first name so they called him doll for short they're like he'd been missing he's been at his mother's house the whole time matter of fact he comes down to our house all the time and talks and hangs out with us and anytime he gets you know where he's not where he's missing his brother or whatever he goes and sits out in the woods and he ain't missing I don't know what his mom's talking about like I'm confused right now I'm like what's going on these neighbors are shocked after seeing reports that missing 25 year old Rudy farius was found after missing for eight long years court records reveal his mother lives a few houses down from them and they tell us her son lives there and they hang out with him often he used to come in my garage chilled my cousin my son my daughter she's at work right now but Yeah Boy And been missing since he was no both say they've spoken to him in the last five months and even text other neighbors say they've seen him living there for years some days he go to the park and sit in the park around the corner myself he said he had lost a brother in a motorcycle accident I know when you're thinking about his brother he wouldn't come he really wouldn't come hang out he'd go sit back there in the back the woods by himself and now they're trying to wrap their heads around why he or his mom would ever say he's been missing for the past eight years because again not only there was a GoFundMe there was all of this stuff about him being missing all this time now he was found out in front of this church laid out at 10 pm and he just happened to have a card on him with a contact number for the family witch if he still had that card on him after eight years of being missing from his family that's a miracle but the fact that his mother cried allegedly on the phone with the reporters saying that she felt like he had been through all this stuff and that give them privacy while he heals and it just was seemed a little bit weird so when the news media Outlet reached back out to his mother in order to get a statement and saying hey we interviewed the neighbors and this is what they're saying she said no they must have him confused with his cousin I asked the mother about who the neighbors have been seeing and she was insistent with me that the person they were seeing was her nephew so she showed me a picture of her nephew I showed that picture to the neighbors you just heard from and they said absolutely not that is not the person they know as adults so so many questions here so how weird is this now I'm gonna tell y'all I was digging about this at this point because I'm like so I got to digging and boy did I find some stuff that leads me to believe there may be some funny stuff going on now I'm not going to put it in this video because I don't know for sure and at right at this point right now this could be a case of a mother finding her long-lost son after eight years and I wouldn't want to disturb that but I do want to say a couple things so before we wrap this video up because I'm going to be following this and there is an investigation going on the mother allegedly shared photos with the media of her son Rudy in a hospital bed and I want y'all to look at this right here this young man has obviously had a haircut and a good haircut any of y'all out there you know you see that fade in the back so whoever if somebody had him this whole time and dropped him off at a church they was getting him you know looking right that's a nice haircut right there which seems odd to me it seems like maybe if he was with somebody that he knew or cared about him they would be giving him a haircut I don't know seems weird but I also looked at this photo compared to the guy that was in the restaurant and it's two totally different haircuts so after seeing this I'm not convinced that the man in the restaurant looking for food was Rudy but still how did he end up there and why do the neighbors say that they definitely know Rudy but they call him Dolph and he comes and hangs out at their house and they are a hundred percent convinced and they live down the road from the mother I don't know y'all man that's weird okay and this is just pure speculation here just like pure Thinking Out Loud because the fact that the neighbors are seemingly a hundred percent sure that they have hung out with Rudy before who they refer to as Dolph I think back to the family's Facebook post that we talked about and in it how they say that the man who they're saying is Rudy who's in the hospital they're saying that he believes his name is Julio Torres and he believes he's 14. they also said that his skin is much darker he's unrecognizable his hands are smaller his fingers are smaller I don't know I know that this is such a stretch to think about but it is that Rudy that's in the hospital I mean his face is completely covered because if he's unrecognizable his skin is darker his hands are smaller his fingers are smaller like I don't know I mean your hands and fingers don't usually shrink when you become a 25 year old man I mean he was five eight and two hundred pounds in 2017. if that's Rudy then who are the neighbors talking to oh my gosh it's weird it's weird I hope that the family members got there Rudy back and that this is Rudy and everything they said is true and that he's okay because there's an investigation going now and if there's anything funny it's gonna come out so hopefully right now this is a success story and maybe all these neighbors are just confused I don't know I find I I don't think the neighbors I don't know I I tend to the neighbors looked they look like they were sure of what they were saying I don't know it's a little bit weird what do you guys think have you heard about this let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below other than that I love you guys thank you all for being here and I will see y'all on Friday love you guys bye foreign

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