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The unseen shadows

By Dancun Juma Published 12 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

The sun had just started to rise, casting a dull yellow glow into the room. It was quiet except for the sound of the birds outside and the rhythmic breathing of the sleeping couple in the room. In the bed, there were two people- a man and a woman. They were sound asleep, dreaming about the world that waited outside, under the piercing light of the sun.

But all of a sudden, a loud bang resonated through the house. The man stirred, but before he could even react, he heard another sound. A deafening gunshot that had shattered through the door. He checked his wife, but she wasn’t breathing anymore. The man shouted and tried to stop the assailant from the door, but the door was kicked down violently. Suddenly, he saw the shooter- his own son, holding the gun that had just taken the life of his mother. The father was paralyzed, too shocked to move.

The boy's scowl was cold and emotionless. Without a word, he walked over to the bed and pointed the gun at his father. Tears were streaming down his face, but his eyes were stone cold. “Why?” The father whispered brokenly. "I had to do it," the boy's voice was shaking, "you both deserved it.”

Trina was a beautiful young mother who had a calling in life- to be a foster parent. She and her husband Kevin had always dreamed of opening their home and providing a safe haven to children who had been through the worst of circumstances. They had started fostering kids as soon as they got married, and over the years, they had become a safe space for countless children.

One of the kids they had taken in, however, was an entirely different story. Mark had always been a difficult child, but he had become much worse after his parents' divorce. He was with them for almost a year, and despite Trina's love and effort to help him, he was withdrawn and unresponsive. One day, he lashed out at her, accusing her of treating him like a mere burden. Trina had spent the entire night talking to him, trying to persuade him that he was cherished and loved in the family, but he had eventually lashed out, bringing up her own inadequacies as a foster parent.

That night, Trina knew that she was failing as a foster parent. At the time when Mark was still in their care, Trina had been pregnant with her second child. Morning sickness had kept her confined to her bed for weeks on end, preventing her from being there for Mark enough.

In the end, they had decided to send Mark to another family. Trina had been heartbroken to give him away, watching him go with a sense of guilt and sorrow. Little did she know that she had made a fatal mistake.

Trina's second child was born, and they named him Keith. Keith grew up, never knowing about Mark or the tragedy that had been the cause of his early departure from their home. It was ten years later, when Keith grew a curious interest in his brother's past and asked his parents.

Everything that had been suppressed came flooding back to Trina, and she broke down uncontrollably- memories of Mark's pain and anger, of her guilt and sorrow. Kevin held her tightly in his arms as she wept bitterly, but that night, the seed had been planted.

Keith had become obsessed with Mark, digging through every file and court record he could get his hands on. One day, as Trina and Kevin sat in their room, they noticed an eerie silence that had settled in the house. It became clear that something wasn’t right. As they ran towards the main entrance, they heard the gunshots that tore through the walls. They saw Mark, gun in hand, walking towards them silently but with a vengeful purpose.

The gun was pointed at them, but they refused to move, hoping to somehow tap into the love that would save them. But what they saw in Mark's eyes was pain, and they knew that they were facing something that was too much for their love.

The memories flooded back as the father looked into his son's eyes. They had never noticed the anger and pain percolating within him. They had failed to see that the boy's heart had been broken when they gave Mark away. The reality was painful, but it was the truth- they had sown the seeds of hate in their son's heart through the neglect of their foster child. The boy had never been the same since Mark left, as if he had left a hole that no amount of love could fill.

And so, the unthinkable happened- their son had turned into a murderer, seeking deadly revenge for something that had been caused by them unknowingly. The parents had failed to see the truth that had been hiding under the surface, and as they faced the end, all they could do was pray for forgiveness.

short storySustainabilityNatureHumanity

About the Creator

Dancun Juma

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