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Pluto is full of "diamonds"

Diamonds are an absolute luxury in life.

By Karen GillanahPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Can you imagine a planet full of diamonds? In our daily life, diamonds are an absolute luxury.

Of their scarcity and beauty, diamonds have become the object of everyone's desire. Whenever a couple gets married, they use a diamond ring as a token of their love to commemorate their relationship. But because of the high price, not everyone on earth can own a diamond.

When you look at the universe, Pluto is a planet "full of diamonds". On Pluto, you can see precious diamonds all over the place. But these diamonds are just "out of reach" for humans, so why can't the diamonds on Pluto move?

The mysterious Pluto

The universe is vast, with not only magnificent and colorful nebulae but also a wide variety of planets. In the solar system, Pluto is a "unique" planet, it was the ninth planet in the solar system, but also a mysterious planet full of "diamonds".

When it comes to Pluto, its discovery history is extremely difficult. As early as 1849, a scientist named Aubin Lévyer predicted the position of Neptune in the universe.

And following the observation of Neptune, scientists found that Neptune seemed to be interfering with the motion of Uranus together with another mysterious planet.

However, due to the backward observation technology at that time, people never found this mysterious planet in the universe. After this, people also called this planet the ninth planet in the solar system - Planet X.

As the time came to 1909, the scientist Lowell predicted the location of the ninth member of the solar system "Planet X", but the planet seemed to hide completely in the darkness of the universe, until the death of Lowell in 1916, people have not been able to find out where the planet is.

In 1930, "Planet X" finally seemed to be willing to show its mysterious face to people. A scientist named Clyde William Tombaugh finally discovered Planet X in deep space by comparing numerous photo negatives.

After the discovery of this star, people all over the world participated in the naming process, and finally, this mysterious planet was named "Pluto", the word Pluto also the meaning of "God of Hell" in Greek.

Thus, Pluto, full of mystery and terror, joined the family of the solar system.

A planet full of diamonds

As people learned more about Pluto, it became clear that the planet did not have what it needed to become a planet. In 2006, Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet and removed from the solar family of planets. After losing its planetary halo, Pluto has attracted attention with its diamonds.

According to scientists, the surface area of Pluto is about 1.779×10^7 square kilometers, which is the size of Russia.

Indeed, the area of Pluto is not large, but the surface of Pluto is covered with "carbon crystals", which are often referred to as diamonds. Therefore, we can also say that Pluto is a planet wrapped in diamonds.

But you do not misunderstand Pluto's diamonds and our perceptions of the diamond are very different, distributed Pluto's diamonds are neither shiny, nor even solid, and the diamonds on Pluto become such an "alien", mainly and Pluto itself has the environment related.

As we all know, high-quality diamonds on Earth are generally stored deep in the earth's strata, and the deeper the place, the higher the quality of the diamonds produced, the deeper the place, the higher the temperature of the strata may also have. Pluto, on the other hand, carries diamonds that are generally found on the surface of the star.

As a planet hidden in the deep space of the universe, the temperature of Pluto is very low, only about -229 degrees Celsius, in such conditions, although Pluto has diamonds, these diamonds can only form a "diamond sea".

Therefore, if we want to pick the diamonds on Pluto, we will get back only half-finished products, not as we imagine that the finished product is a shiny diamond.

The "undesirable" diamonds

Humans have always been chasing profit as the goal, covered with diamonds Pluto in the eyes of some businessmen is a huge "treasure", even though Pluto is about 6 billion kilometers away from us, it does not stop these people from doing their "diamond dream".

But according to experts, the diamonds on Pluto can not be taken, why is this?

The first point: mining technology is limited. Although human civilization has achieved extremely rapid development, the face of the vast universe, we are still an extremely small existence.

Not to mention that Pluto is very far away from us, even if we reach the surface of Pluto, but also can not take out the diamonds from the ice on the surface of Pluto. According to the current human mining technology, wanting to seize the diamonds on Pluto is undoubtedly a daydream.

The second point is the destruction of Pluto's environment. As Pluto's "shell", these diamonds are very important for Pluto. If we forcibly take away these diamonds, then it will certainly destroy the original ecological environment of Pluto, and may even push Pluto to the end of destruction.

Therefore, we can't take the diamonds from the surface of Pluto to protect the environment of Pluto.


Diamonds are undoubtedly a "great temptation" for all people. In the face of the "diamond planet" in deep space, we can not destroy the planet's ecological environment for our selfish desire. After all, diamonds are not a necessity for us, and without them, human beings can continue to live normally.


About the Creator

Karen Gillanah

The aggravation that can be told is not aggravation; the lover that can be snatched away is not a lover.

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