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Our dear planet

Aren't we taking our surroundings into consideration?

By Mars FrederickPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
The beauty of our planet Earth, and the current situation inhibiting the lifespan of our home.

The beauty and mesmerization of the northern lights, home to the Scandinavian countries have sparked engrossment in our hearts, as they appear luminous and simply beautiful. They're called Auroras, and sadly are not prevalent in the equator, but only countries located in the northern and southern hemisphere can get a glimpse of those eye candy sights.

What if i had to say that light pollution could be a leading factor on acting as a barrier between the eye and the aurora lights. It alters the way we perceive them and makes it overall a less enjoyable experience! This is because the artificial lights from cities causes all atmospheric light to scatter (stars, the moon or auroras etc.). The color variety of the northern lights are caused by collisions between electrons entering the earth's atmosphere and gaseous particles. So it isn't ideal to face manmade objects, somewhat similar to rivals, however, the manmade objects tend to be more privileged , while the nature falls into the latter.

And what about ice glaciers? They're also on the edge, facing their stages of extinction, as global warming is starting to conquer. This is a major issue discussed by scientists across the globe, however, this issue is desensitized today, as most people believe their actions would not imply any significant difference, considering the human population on earth (8.1 billion). Actions speak louder than words and in this case, people need to switch their mindset, if an individual starts on a project, more people will be willing to participate and it could eventually spread like wildfire, finally, we could gather as one against global warming. Such an issue will always stay engraved in my heart. Imagine how Greenland natives feel about this situation. As i previously mentioned, glaciers are at a high risk of getting eradicated from the face of earth, they are very important as Greenland's ice sheets account up to 68 percent of Earth's fresh water. Common solutions scientists are coming up with include: electrical cars and renewable energy sources. Recycling could significantly make a difference, too!

Not too fast, we haven't finished yet. One of the biggest major problems which lies in our modern world today never ceases to touch my heart, and that is plastic pollution, do i even need to explain that one?. Just the thought of plastic dumped into the sea is infuriating enough to have the drive to revolutionize this issue! Marine life is slowly dying and we fail to revert our attention to this major issue. Many organisms are killed like fish and birds. Everyday, a total of 2000 dump trucks empty waste into oceans, lakes and seas. The top 3 countries crowned for the most plastic waste are USA, India and China. Here's a (not) fun fact: The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is the most endangered fish species, in fact, most of your favorite fish species are endangered, and this is further exacerbated by littering the ocean with foreign objects like waste. We have to put an end to this, as we can't let fish become the next dinosaurs.

Lastly, i'll be discussing food waste, another contributing factor to Earth's major problems, i'm guilty of that one, as I impulsively throw away food which don't live up to the standards of my taste buds. Anyways, over 30 percent of food is wasted or lost each year. If food makes it way to the landfill and rots, it produces methane, fueling global warming. To top it off, 1 trillion u.s dollars' worth of food is wasted each year, this is something a person living with poverty is ready to hear. Speaking of poverty, there are many trusted websites you could choose to donate to, and the money could be used to feed a hungry child!

Once again, Earth is our home and we are its inhabitants, but we aren't doing our homework by giving our motherland the care and nurture it deserves, so we must approach and strive to make Earth a safe and happy place for everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.


About the Creator

Mars Frederick

17 year old girl and love writing!

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