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One Touch Is Deathfully Painful

A Tree That Kills

By Corey TurnerPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Do you think you can be killed by a plant? Let's check it out. Which of these two flowers is poisonous? Which tree do you think is dangerous? Which of these berries had you better not eat? Remember what you chose. I'll give you the correct answer later. There are a variety of extremely dangerous plants in the world.

For example, once you touch this burdock leaf, your body will start a countdown to committing suicide. These flowers are like that unseen force from the bird box that sneaks into people's subconscious and makes them self-harm until they kill themselves. We used to think that herbs heal flowers delight the eye and trees bear delicious fruit. However, that's not always the case. In this video, you'll find out which tree.

Is a danger to your mother? Which plant would set your bottom on fire? And to prevent fatalities, I'll tell you how to be saved from the most poisonous plants in the world. What poisonous plants can easily be confused with normal ones?

Just look at these mouthwatering apples. If you take a bite of this fruit, it will send you into a sleeping death just like Snow White. And even the kiss of handsome Prince Charming won't do you any good. This is the manchineel tree. According to the Guinness World Records, the manchineel tree is the most dangerous in the world.

The old saying goes, even its shadow can be lethal. It can be found in areas stretching from tropical southern North America to northern South America. In 1733, there was even a royal decree issued ordering the destruction of all these poisonous trees on the island of Puerto Rico.

But it's not so easy to deal with them All parts of the tree contain strong toxins, and some of them are still unidentified. Its bark secretes Milky white SAP, which contains skin irritants. Our moms are so fond of taking pictures by trees, but after taking a picture with this one, she'll develop severe allergic dermatitis on her hands.

Being under the tree when it rains will make your skin break out in blisters from contact with this liquid. The SAP of this plant damages even the paint on cars. Now imagine what would happen to your skin, but when it was decided to burn the trees, it turned out that if the smoke gets in your eyes, you'll go blind. Therefore, often the tree is a red ribbon tied around it and also carries a warning sign.

But its fruit can pose a real danger to they're similar in appearance to an apple but more flattened. Once you swallow this fruit, it will first seem to have a sweet, pleasant taste, but these sensations will later be replaced with a pepper taste, gradually developing into a burning and then your throat will swell. The symptoms will continue to get worse, and you'll have difficulty swallowing solid food because of the excruciating pain. But if you only.

We had a little bite. There's still a way to be saved for this. Drink a lot of milk to ease the pain. In eight hours, all pain sensations will gradually reduce. Another wolf in sheep's clothing is the pong tree which resembles a green mango. This tree grows in the coastal salt swamps of India and southern Asia.

If the Serbera oda lam fruit kernel that contains the suberin steroid enters your body, it blocks the passage of calcium ions into your cardiac muscle, which causes your heartbeat to slow down gradually until it stops completely. Death follows 3 hours after intake. It's one of the deadliest poisons on Earth, and it's virtually unknown to Western physicians.

But surprisingly, you can find recipes for how to commit suicide using it. It's often ground and mixed with spices. If you are unlucky enough to eat such a spice accidentally, then dilute a spoonful of mustard in a glass of boiled water and drink it. It'll cause vomiting and maybe you'll be saved if you do it right after you ate the fruit.

What poisonous plants are exploited by people? The only thing that's more dangerous than poisonous plants is a person who knows how to use them. For example, the Castor bean that's widespread throughout tropical and subtropical regions of both the northern and southern hemispheres and acts as a laxative. A laxative is so powerful it's referred to as a potential terrorist weapon for committing mass murder. When injected, it causes.

Abdominal pain, dehydration, and destroys the major internal organs. But if you happen to swallow it, then don't do anything. It'll make you throw up, which in many cases removes the poison. People also use the sandbox tree as a weapon. This plant is native to tropical regions of North and South America.

It can be identified by its smooth brown bark covered in many dark, pointed spines. These spines led to it being nicknamed Monkey No Climb.

It produces caustic SAP similar to drain cleaner. Fishermen are said to use the caustic SAP from this tree to poison fish, and the indigenous tribes use the SAP to produce poisoned arrows, the sandbox trees. Seed capsules are a fruit about the size of a fist, and when ripe they burst open with such force that they usually strike everyone who's standing next to them, and one single seed eaten will cause a burning in your throat.

A headache and, pardon my French, vomiting, and diarrhea. 2 seeds will cause hallucinations. If you happen to suffer from this tree, eat some white boiled rice which is the fastest and most efficient way to eliminate diarrhea. But sometimes people consume poisonous plants intentionally as is the case with the deadly nightshade or it's also called belladonna. Belladonna is one of the most toxic plants native.

To the Eastern Hemisphere, deadly nightshade berries pose the greatest danger to children. And they're attractive and are deceptively sweet at first bite, yet just too.

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About the Creator

Corey Turner

Reading really is fundamental

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