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By Tajny SpisovatelPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Humans do not rule my Earth. This is the planet of the plants. We are the sole admirers of the sun. The sun -- a star so generous to bring us to life, yet so eager to withdraw us from the joys which we have only recently been introduced to. It seems as though we are introduced to love simply to make us suffer in an abrupt end. But please remember I am not a human with such delicate feelings, for humans do not rule my Earth.

Plants are stronger than other life forms -- or so I’d imagine, I wouldn’t know. In comparison to the measly sack of organelles of humans, my cells are guarded by a robust cell wall. I do not know this now, but I will, I must be patient for my knowledge to come. I do not have the foolish curiosity of the foolish beings. Why must they know everything about me? Why must they know everything? For science is an idiotic explanation for their greed.

I am sliced and dissected and treated like trash in exchange for my kindness. I bring them life and they destroy me. Humans are parasites -- disgusting and greedy. It needs a host for survival, so why does it repay their maker with diseases and death? Only an end to the parasites themselves will bring an end to all the destruction they bring. I gave them trees and they got smart, materialistic. How naive I was to be overjoyed when I witnessed the cultivation of particular plants. “They love me so much they are making more of me, for me!” -- what a fool. It only took 12,000 years for them to destroy 46% of my innocent trees. Only 12,000 years.

Time is another idiotic human concept. My Earth orbits; My Sun brightens their day and My Moon the night; but this wasn’t enough for them. It could’ve been so simple. But no, they created time, and schedules, and pressure, and stress, and children are ending lives that haven’t been lived, and parents cannot feed their children, and billionaires are flying to space in their free-time. This was such a pity I could not believe it. I had to double-check humanity’s timeline, section 4642. Of course this was happening at the same time, they’re humans. My Earth and its features were not created for time-keeping; My Earth was the unassuming host.

What was the need for speed, or the race to space? Earth has so many mountains, deserts, oceans, seas, forests, hills, gardens, and more to be explored. Mankind stepped on the moon before realizing their own toxic chemicals were thinning the ozone layer. A layer created because my sun is “too” powerful. There will be wars in space, as above as below. Wars with no end -- no goal. Not the correct goal, at least. Wars are fought over territory, and money, a green slip peeled off my trees only to cause pain.

Green does not exist. Another label put unto me that I don’t even understand. What are colors? My nature shouldn’t be defined through the human gaze. My sun lights up their world, literally. Furthermore, all of their “sight” is false -- false perception. My sun’s light literally bends back and over to communicate in ways that humans can comprehend. Green lights don’t exist, only light that chooses where to let your eyes in. What is green, is only because of their

limited language that can define my beauty in minuscule words. The beauty of green has no need to be reduced to one word. But humans cannot handle anything they don’t understand. Everything must be refined for their understanding. For their convenience -- how inconvenient.


The Human obsession with victory caused them the greatest loss imaginable

For centuries, humans ruled the Earth. Treating us as their objects. They had forgotten that having control over something does not mean you own it. You can pick the prettiest flower in the garden, but it is not yours. It never was and never will be no matter how densely you crush it in your fist.

They had completely forgotten their purpose. How quickly they fell into the modern assembly lines of life.


My name is Neznani. I was never discovered. This was the only thing to ever bother me, personally. I am most powerful, the first to exist, why couldn’t they discover that? I wasn’t too small, they somehow knew which molecules made up water. Bigger is not better, that should've never become a popular saying. Were you expecting Old Tjikko, or Kauri, or the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine? Of course you were -- humans. However, I was glad they never got the chance to identify me as a discovery. Names announce strength, identity, and confidence. Labels are bestowed upon by none other than humans..


Starting in 2048, the fake news had become reality. Natural plant life -- I was rare. Their own imprints on Earth were leading to their extinction. They couldn’t breathe without masks, which were manufactured by factories that made the air quality worse. Good for business. Greed was at its peak. They had realized the Earth was going to die. As expected, instead of reversing the damage they decided: YOLO!

A teenage acronym for You Only Live Once. As humans always do, the teen girls who used this saying were invalidated and the saying was deemed silly. This saying should have been implemented more. Humans only live once, yet they wasted away in hopes of one day achieving more of those green-dyed vile pieces of my heart ripped out of me.

Green is the color of envy, jealousy, and me. Why was I chosen to share even one trait with such horrid spirits? Even the word greed is only 1 letter away from green. My thoughts sometimes wander and wonder if the reason humans treat me so horribly is because of how obviously I am associated with evil. Humans are so quick to separate evil people from good music but can’t do the same for colors.

Anyways, The Human Extinction Plan was implemented in 2050. I made the decision to end it all. Though it wasn't a hard one since I had already seen the timeline. Let me explain the timeline a little more -- Humanity’s timeline. There are certain events that must happen, but it doesn’t really matter when. There are other events that do hop around based on the choices of the humans themselves. For example, it is not set in stone that Student A will pass and Student B will fail, the timeline makes a prediction and each Student can change the outcome. The timeline is controlled by humans, and me. Like how children can decide which snacks to eat but their parents decide what food is at home.

I first took the severely ill, to end their suffering. I will admit, I had hoped this would leave just enough humans for them to share, but it wasn’t. So then I took the wealthy. I had hoped this would be enough to convince the heirs to share, but it wasn’t. Then, I took the elderly, with the intention of giving the young motivation to lengthen their lives, but that didn’t work. I do understand, there wasn’t very much to live for. By this point I had taken so much I decided to take it all.


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    Tajny SpisovatelWritten by Tajny Spisovatel

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