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New Moon 23 December 2022: " The Global Shift is Hapenning! " Prepare to Enter 2023!

Hapenning! " Prepare to Enter 2023!

By zahmaraPublished about a year ago 9 min read

This December, make a big wish as you take advantage of the spiritual power brought by the New Moon in Capricorn! This powerful energy can help open up new opportunities. and give you an extra boost to start fresh in 2023. follow up with this video to find out what this New Moon means and how you can take advantage of its spiritual powers!

The new moon in December occurs just two days after the winter solstice, historically a time of great spiritual significance and also known as the first day of winter. The spiritual energy of the winter solstice calls people to turn inward and spend time introspection as it is the shortest day of the year and ushers everyone into the darker months. In light of this, the lunation closest to the solstice is a lovely time to review the year, consider your accomplishments, and use what you've learned to inform your plans for the future.

To honor the full moon, represent your intentions, and add some illumination to one of the darkest days of the year.

As the beginning of a new lunar cycle, new moons typically have an astrological vibe of fresh starts. This moon phase's spiritual energy is thought to be especially beneficial when beginning new projects, sowing the seeds for new endeavors, or otherwise beginning fresh in some way.

The spiritual meaning of the December 2022 new moon is about building a strong foundation for your most ambitious goals because it occurs in the diligent sign of Capricorn and peaks less than 48 hours after Capricorn season starts.

Even though the year 2023 isn't here yet, this new moon can help you see your limitless potential.

Have you recently been particularly harsh with yourself?

If so, there's a good chance that Capricorn season is having an impact on you. Everyone is being urged to get a clue this season, and that clue is the reality check you've been waiting for.

Even though excessive pressure on yourself won't guarantee that you'll somehow magically succeed in reaching your objectives, it does show that you're serious about your goals, and that's a great place to start.

The spiritual significance of the upcoming new moon in Capricorn will undoubtedly be a not-so-gentle reminder that in order to achieve greatness, you have to make sacrifices.

Unfortunately, hard work and perseverance are things that cannot be avoided.

Jupiter in Aries, which is eager to act on impulsive, exhilarating, and passionate impulses, and this new moon will undoubtedly cause tension, bringing brash, sudden activity and sober, reserved decision-making into conflict. During this moon, you'll probably be given the option to leap of faith, but you should weigh the risks first.

While reason and logic may be on your side right now, they're not meant to make you overly dogmatic. Even when it goes against the rules, there are times when taking a chance is the best course of action.

Five planets will be converging in Capricorn at the time of the new moon in December,

forming a stellium, as described in astrology. The Capricorn new moon is greatly amplified by this planetary alignment, making it even more supportive of setting clear objectives and laying the groundwork for your long-term plans. Capricorn is a grounded and ambitious sign.

It's a good idea to start setting up some of the foundation for your goals now because the spiritual meaning of this new moon is about putting yourself in a position to succeed.

Your true desires, however, may astound you once you take the time to sit down and think about what you want to manifest during this new moon. This is because the value-oriented planet Venus and the unpredictable planet Uranus are in harmony.

This feature exhorts people to listen to their hearts, even when they feel as though they are being led in an unusual or unexpected direction. You might very well readjust your sails under this new moon and have an epiphany about what's actually worthwhile striving for.

With no attempt to take short cuts or secure a finish line shortcut,

Capricorn zodiac energy is all about putting our collective noses to the grindstone and moving steadily in the direction of the desired outcome. It is crucial that you maintain that level of composure and patience as you set your new moon intentions.

While this lunation is a great time to create a solid step-by-step blueprint for your goals, it is best to hold off on actually taking any big leaps until late January, when these retrogrades are behind us. The next Mercury retrograde starts on

December 29, and action planet Mars is still deep in its retrograde through mid-January. In other words, plan your strategy now and carry it out later.

The zodiac signs that are less impacted by the authoritarian energy of the new moon will find it especially calming, despite the fact that it may appear to be intense.

Aries. Your tenth house of career is activated by the new moon, so it is important to be specific about your long-term goals at this time.

Of course you want results now, but there's a good chance they'll be even better if you create and adhere to a sound, step-by-step plan. Taurus.

When spending time with a special someone, you should be vulnerable because the new moon is in your eighth house of connection. You might want to set new boundaries in order to feel more at ease.

Gemini. With a special someone,

you should be open and vulnerable because the new moon is in your eighth house of intimacy.

You might do well to set new boundaries in order to feel more secure. Cancer. Because it falls in your seventh house of partnerships, this new moon emphasizes your one-on-one relationships. You can start a thrilling, possibly novel new project, especially with assistance, inspiration, or practical contributions from a partner, whether it be a friend, partner, significant other, or coworker.

Leo. The new moon in your sixth house of wellness is a wonderful time to concentrate on a self-care or health-related habit you've been wanting to start.

It will eventually become a regular part of your schedule if you put your mind to it.

Virgo. Your fellow earth sign bestie's outpouring of support serves as a prompt to appreciate the little things. Have you put a creative project on hold or the back burner? Due to this madness, you must give your all to your tasks.

Libra. With the new moon in your fourth house of domestic life, you have the opportunity to create new family traditions or even make a significant change that will alter your home environment.

Just be sure to treat your needs with the same respect as your family's. Scorpio. The world around you seems to be changing right now, but the new moon is telling you, Scorpio, to take a step back. This lunation focuses on calm reflection, evaluating your growth, and making an effort to view situations logically rather than emotionally.

Sagittarius. There may be pressure on you to launch a business because the new moon is in your second house of finances. If your current method of making money doesn't quite fit with your ideals, it might be time to consider other options.

Capricorn. You'll be inspired to take a significant step toward completing a passion project by the new moon in your sign. By following your instincts and taking care of your emotional needs as you go, you can achieve even better results.

Aquarius. This new moon urges you to let go of logic and lose yourself in your imagination because it occurs in your spirituality-related twelfth house.

Your ideas might provide a surprisingly sound foundation for an action plan.

Pisces. You, Pisces, will experience a lot of uplift from this new moon. It is a helpful reminder to lean on your support system moving forward in the new year. There may be new friendships developing right now. Try to keep your emotions in check.

Connect with the cause that feels most relevant to you at this time in your life and under the influence of the Capricorn New Moon. See if you can use that goal to your advantage and draw out the wisdom it holds. Additionally, you can prepare a crystal for healing and place it on an area of your body that requires it. Feel free to investigate and cultivate the healing power of your own body because working with your own innate healing abilities will be enhanced during this New Moon. Feel free to nurture and explore your own healing power during this New Moon as using your own innate healing abilities will be amplified.

Jupiter enters Aries just before this New Moon and will stay there for the majority of 2023. The energies of the upcoming year can be influenced by the sign Jupiter is currently in. 2023 will be a year of independence, innovation, and fresh starts, according to Jupiter in Aries, and this energy is captured by the New Moon.

Whatever emotional seeds are sown at this time will probably leave an etching of what 2023 might bring. The lessons and gifts that the new year will likely bring are likely to be found in the oblique thoughts, emotions, and themes that are stirring for you at this time.

The feelings that are currently being sown will probably shape what 2023 may bring. If you pay attention to the subtle thoughts, feelings, and themes that are stirring for you at this time of year, you might be receiving the lessons and gifts of the new year.

There is a lot of energy warning us to slow down, withdraw, and relax as 2022 draws to a close.

Mercury will station retrograde shortly after this New Moon, joining Mars, which has been in this position since the end of October. Both of these planets' retrograde motions encourage us to take our time, look back on the past, and reflect on the lessons it has taught us.

If past experiences or emotions resurface under this New Moon, be aware that there is wisdom to be gleaned from those memories. Try to use this strategy for anything that arises for you. Therefore, you may assist us in achieving a mass worldwide awakening by sharing this knowledge with others and assisting them in seeing the truth with an open heart.

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