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Navigating the Rats of New York City

A Nighttime Urban Tale

By IK AlilePublished 9 months ago 3 min read


In the bustling metropolis of New York City, the sights, smells, and sounds are abundant during the day, but as the sun sets, a different type of activity takes center stage. Among the iconic pigeons, another creature roams the city streets, and they are perhaps the closest thing the city has to a mascot – rats. These fascinating yet divisive creatures have long been a part of the city's identity, earning New York its reputation as one of the rattiest cities in America.

The Arrival of Rats in the Big Apple

Rats, or Rattus norvegicus, more commonly known as the Norway rat or brown rat, made their debut in the city during the mid-1700s. Stowing away on ships bound for the colonies, rats found a new home in the bustling streets of New York. Their success in the city can be attributed to the dense population of people, providing an ample food and water supply, essential for their survival and rapid reproduction.

These rodents are nothing short of adaptable, thriving in various environments and reproducing quickly. A female rat can birth around eight pups in a single litter, and these offspring can start reproducing in just five weeks. Over the centuries, rats have evolved into two distinct groups, separated by Midtown Manhattan – Uptown and Downtown rats, each with its own genetic differences.

A Day in the Life of a New York City Rat

For many New Yorkers, rats have become an accepted part of city life, but their presence poses various health risks. Rats can carry numerous pathogens, including toxoplasmosis, salmonella, and even the Bubonic plague. To mitigate the rat population, the city has initiated a $32 million city-wide initiative to reduce the rat population in specific target areas by 70%.

Exterminators at the Frontlines

Exterminators play a significant role in managing rat populations. They employ various tactics, including rodent bait stations and traps, to control known rat populations. However, some New Yorkers have taken it upon themselves to handle the rat problem using their trained rat-hunting canines. These terriers, with their natural instincts, help communities tackle the issue on a smaller scale.

The Terrier-Rat Connection

A group of dedicated New Yorkers at Liberty State Park has formed a unique alliance with their rat-hunting terriers. Their dogs, trained to dispatch rats, demonstrate remarkable skills in catching these elusive creatures. They use a combination of catch dogs and push dogs, working together to control the rat population in their area. While their primary goal is to help the community, they also find fulfillment in providing their dogs with the opportunity to fulfill their DNA-driven hunting instincts.

Efforts to Tackle the Rat Infestation

While various efforts are made to manage the rat population, experts emphasize the importance of eliminating the root cause of the problem – the abundant food supply. Rats are attracted to areas where they can find food, so maintaining cleaner environments and improving sanitation practices can go a long way in reducing their numbers.

The City's Initiative

The battle against New York City's rats is ongoing, and while they are part of the city's identity, efforts to manage their population continue. The city's $32 million initiative to reduce the rat population in specific target areas involves the installation of rat-proof trash compactors and increased trash pickups. Additionally, illegal trash dumping is met with heavy fines to discourage the presence of easily accessible food sources for rats.

Living with Rats - An Urban Tale

In the end, living with rats is an urban tale unique to New York City, a city that thrives on its resilience and adaptability – much like its furry, nocturnal residents. While rats may continue to roam the streets, New Yorkers strive to strike a balance between accepting the city's iconic rats and mitigating the health risks they pose.


New York City's rats, an inseparable part of its culture, continue to intrigue and divide its residents. As the city progresses in managing the rat population, residents, exterminators, and researchers collaborate to find sustainable solutions. The delicate balance between acceptance and control ensures that rats, along with their complex behavior and remarkable adaptability, remain a symbol of the city's enduring spirit. As New York's nocturnal ambassadors, rats continue to captivate the world and provide an enduring urban tale for generations to come.


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