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Mother Nature playing tricks

Reddit users: Fact is stranger than Fiction

By Rafaela's RaysPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Clouds pretending to be ocean waves in Minnesota. Source: Facebook - Theresa Birgin Lucas Lucas

Nature, both beautiful and awe-inspiring, can also have its eerie and mysterious side. In this article, we observe Mother Nature reveal her chilling secrets through the experiences shared by Reddit users. Brace yourself as we delve into the uncanny and dark aspects of the natural world.

Picture yourself on a serene Sunday, engrossed in gardening. As you dig the earth to plant flowers, your hand unexpectedly encounters something slippery and sticky. Filled with fear, you muster the courage to investigate, only to discover that it's not a snake but an enormous earthworm. This earthworm, however, is just a fraction of its actual length, as some of it remains hidden beneath the soil. Fun fact: Earthworms possess the ability to regenerate, with certain species even resulting in two worms when cut in half. The longest recorded earthworm stretched an astonishing 21 feet.

Next, observe two crows perched on a fence. One crow conceals a bone within its beak, evoking a spooky aura. While this might align with Gothic superstitions, crows' intelligence and cunning nature offer a logical explanation. They can recognize individual human faces, gossip among themselves, use tools to solve problems, and even plan for the future. Fascinatingly, they can hold grudges against those who mistreat them and pass this animosity to their offspring. Conversely, once they befriend someone, their loyalty remains unwavering.

Intriguingly, a Reddit user shared a photo of small, pearl-like objects resembling gemstones on their kitchen window. However, these turned out to be eggs, potentially belonging to moth X or stink bugs. Cleaning the affected areas with a vinegar and water solution can help eliminate these pests.

A captivating photograph (shown above), not originally from Reddit, captured a breathtaking scene in Minnesota. The image depicts clouds resembling ocean waves, evoking a cinematic quality reminiscent of Christopher Nolan's work. Meteorologists described the clouds as rare and unique, even for their expertise, making the photo go viral on social media.

Moving on, another Reddit user shared a photo of a truck struck by lightning, resulting in a fiery blaze. Contrary to instantaneous destruction, the fire burned for around ten minutes, generating intense heat. So, while lightning bolts may inspire childhood fantasies of becoming superheroes, caution should prevail.

A wind turbine, battered by a tornado, exudes a sorrowful appearance. It's a testament to the destructive force of nature. Nonetheless, the witty comments on Reddit provide some humor, imagining the turbine being scolded by its mother or resembling a giant robot palm tree.

Enter the realm of oddity with a photo featuring peculiar-looking toes emerging from the ground. However, these toes belong to a fungus called dead man's fingers. Found in forests and woodlands, they grow near decaying wood and tree stumps. The appearance of these fingers evolves throughout their life cycle, much like changes in a human's body.

A Reddit user woke up to discover an intimidating wasp with a colossal stinger in their basement. This species, known as cicada hawks, preys on cicadas and paralyzes them to provision their nests. While they are not usually aggressive towards humans, it's still an awe-inspiring sight.

Lastly, a Reddit user stored their duck eggs in the pantry, only to find snakes coiled around them. Despite removing the snakes, a subsequent encounter led to the loss of all the eggs. If only the user could communicate with snakes, the situation might have been easier to handle.

Nature's dark and spooky side remains an enigma, as these Reddit users can attest. It serves as a reminder of the immense diversity and unpredictability of the natural world. So, whether you're marvelling at the wonders of the earth or encountering its uncanny secrets, embrace the mysteries that nature presents.


About the Creator

Rafaela's Rays

I hope to inspire and empower by sharing stories based on my 30 year corporate experience, as well as my 51 year spiritual and life experience.

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