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Midnight Stormy Chronicles


By StaringalePublished 9 months ago 3 min read

I just experienced an intense encounter with nature's fury, thought to share my this encounter so here I am. As I went to bed turning off the bedside lamp and welcoming the darkness that now blankets the room. My eyes close and I start to drift off but a distant rumble awakens me. Sitting up on the bed I switch on the bedside lamp, the room becomes illuminated by the dim light from the lamp.

Pushing back the cozy blankets, putting my feet in comfortable night slippers, I leave the warmth of my bed. Tip-toeing quietly in my room I reach the window by now the distant rumble was so not distant, peaking through the slightly pushed back curtains I saw thunder reverberating through the air and coming closer and closer. Watching in eerie anticipation for the next thunderous roar, a scream was stuck in my throat when suddenly a lightening bolt pierced the darkened sky, briefly illuminating the landscape below and casting fleeting shadows that seemed to be dancing ominously.

Opening my window slightly I am able to hear crackles filling the atmosphere with an electrifying tension. I in person feel as if the surrounding darkness amplifies the sound and sensation of thunder making it seem more profound.

Knowing that I can't go back to sleep until this thunder subsides, I grab a pillow and continue peaking. The artwork created by lightning paints the sky in dramatic hues from deep purples to vibrant whites, leaving an indelible mark in the mind. A captivating spectacle is created that is awe-inspiring.

Every lightening flash that occurs is accompanied by briefly revelation of the landscape below, transforming it into fleeting scenes and unveiling the hidden drama of the night. As if it to add more intimidation to it the wind howls, making the branches shake creaking sounds of the branches can be heard in the silence of night.

As the wind continues to pick up the pace the leaves start rustling and I feel like I am that dumb person from a horror movie that keeps standing still until it hits him in the face. And suddenly the wind starts slowing down seem to be fading away in intensity this is accompanied by the start of a light drizzle.

I so wanted to stretch my hand out and feel the rain hitting on the bare skin but the creepy feeling of the weather held me in place. If I felt for a moment that rain will dull the thunder; I was wrong, the rain added its own rhythm to the thunder performance by drumming against the windows and roofs intensifying the storm.

The rain cascades down like a relentless torrent, making every droplet's impact a reminder of the storm's power. These events make us feel the insignificance of human presence in the face of nature's might, a sense of vulnerability and a deep appreciation for the forces that shape our world. Thunderstorm especially at night reminds me of the relentless forces of nature.

As the storm rages on, it gives a message to acknowledge the nature's raw power. The quite moments inbetween the thunder action serves to remind of the delicate balance between humanity and the forces that shape our world. It's a reminder that, even in the face of chaos, there's a strange beauty in the dance of the elements.

Watching it I didn't know when I started drifting of and slept the remaining night away. But I definitely felt it in the morning when I was on the ground with pain in the back, stiffness in the neck, numb arm, cold feet and hair in disarray.

short storyNatureClimate

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Great work! Natures fury!

SWritten by Staringale

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