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155 recycled masks re-purposed - sustainable fashion

By Katrina AnastasiaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Outfit designed and created by Katrina Anastasia - Photography by Khary Safari

This outfit which is handmade using 155 recycled surgical masks that Katrina collected since March 2020 from her close family, friends and herself.

After hours of preparation including washing every mask, removing the metal nose wire, and removing all the elastics, she was ready to start creating this outfit.

She wants to inspire people to think twice about the waste they discard everyday and to think beyond what we consider as trash and if safe to do so to repurpose these items to give them a new life.

Everything you see here is made from the masks themselves, the waste band of the pants is composed of 72 of the mask elastics tied together than braided. The back of the top she is wearing is secured using the elastics from the masks tied together.

Making use of her sewing machine, scissors, pins and seam ripper and 10 + hours of work she was able to create this one of a kind outfit to combat the vast amount of waste that goes into the landfills on a daily basis.

Especially since the start of this pandemic, single use plastics are on the rise, when everyone was working hard to dismantle this normality. It is now common again to use plastic once and throw it away, even if you didn’t even need to use the plastic in the first place.

I believe a lot of the younger generations are becoming more and more passionate on this issue and trying different ways to convey their message of how scared we all are for the longevity of our planet and our futures living upon it.

Not only did she design and create this outfit she also wrote and released her 3rd single called “I41” which is her perspective of what Planet Earth would say if it could speak.

The link to the official music video for “I41”is embedded in this post.

During the curation process of this recycled outfit she filmed time lapses from start to finish to document the process. This can be seen in the “I41” music video.

She also plans on releasing another video that has a voice over of all the steps she took to create this piece. To provide a building block for this who really inspired by this project.

As a creator she wants to expeariment with as many creative mediums as possible. She is curious to explore the potential of her artistry. It is presently evident that she is exploring music and fashion/design cohesively and braids them together to work harmoniously with eachother to share a message not only through the music/entertainment industry but through the fashion/design industry as well.

She has more repurposing projects on the way and intends to always keep an open and imaginative mind when it comes to the possibilities within art and creation.

“Massked” was her first project creating by herself without the help of a professional. She mentions “I’ve never had more patience in my life, I consider myself a pretty impatient person when it comes to most things, but when I hone in on something time becomes important and often I won’t stop (or sleep) until I have completed my task. The most difficult part of this project was ensuring all the masks were straight and even, working to create a piece that is made up of many tiny pieces is not an easy task.”

She aspires to reach those who are interested in her work, she works great independently but strives to work on teams alongside fellow creatives to curate grander projects with more helping hands.

Katrina Anastasia has big dreams and ambition that fills the room, she doesn’t limit her imagination as she would never have created anything if she left her imagination as imagination. Instead she pieces it all together in her mind and has the ability to put it all together piece by piece within her reality.

She aspires to work with brands who have sustainability at their for front or atleast inspire bigger brands to make sustainability more important within their brand and message.

Eager to meet more people and having open conversations and creations without judgement she strives to connect with as many souls as she can to further her understanding of life itself and all the different perceptions it holds.

Katrina Anastasia is a Toronto local to keep your eye on, she’s got big dreams and as we’ve already seen it’s not to difficult to turn her dreams into her reality.

You can find her on Instagram @katrina.anastasia and you can contact her through email at [email protected]


About the Creator

Katrina Anastasia

Artist & Creator from Toronto, Canada

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