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Martian settlers seek death? Scientific exploration has repeatedly hit a wall, and behind it is a difficult problem that cannot be explained by science!

There are countless planets in the vast universe, but there are not many planets known to human beings.

By sayre laylahPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

There are countless planets in the vast universe, but there are not many planets known to human beings. Mars should be the most popular one besides Earth, because Mars and Earth have very similar characteristics, so people call Mars the twin brother of Earth. It is precisely because of similar characteristics that for a long time, humans have been the best choice for Mars for space immigration. However, in the later exploration process, scientists found that it was not as easy as they imagined, which also troubled scientists for a time. Martian immigration is really suitable ?

Mars is relatively close to the sun and not very far from the earth. Compared with the earth, Mars is only 53% in diameter and about 11% in mass. Mars and Earth's rotation time is similar, taking 24 hours, 39 minutes, 35.24 seconds, but Mars' orbital time is about twice as long as Earth's. Humans have been exploring Mars since ancient times. Records about oracle bone inscriptions on Mars were unearthed in Yinxu. Mars was called Yinghuo Xing in ancient times, representing disaster or war.

Although the ancients believed that Mars was an unlucky symbol, in modern times it is an important exploration target for astronomy. Modern research on Mars shows that in the solar system, the most suitable planet for immigration is Mars. First of all, the distance between Mars and the earth is very close. Second, Mars is closer to the environment of the earth. Although Mars is now a red desert and desolate, compared with Mercury, which has a temperature difference of 500 degrees Celsius between day and night, Mars is among the many terrestrial planets. Gotta be like a girl.

In addition, because the inclination of the axis of rotation of Mars is similar to the inclination of the earth, the time of day between Mars and the earth is very close, and the seasonal changes are also similar to those of the earth. feasibility. The Italian Space Agency announced on July 25, 2018, that by analyzing radar data from the European Space Agency, the Mars Express exploration satellite, a large and stable body of liquid water was discovered, located 1.5 kilometers below the Martian South Pole ice sheet. Although this is a salty water area and the temperature is extremely low, it strengthens human exploration of Martian water, after all, the existence of water means the existence of life.

Robert, a Russian researcher in Siberia, said that this place can be used as a habitat for humans to land on Mars. Humans have launched a total of 47 probes to Mars, but only 24 were successful. The journey to Mars has been bumpy. The Soviet Union launched the Mars 1 probe on March 21, 1963, with a planned mission to fly over Mars. But it lost control at a distance of about 100 million kilometers from the earth due to equipment failure, and became a solar satellite on the ecliptic plane. However, this mission kicked off the human exploration of Mars, the mystery of Mars also gradually opened up.

In July 1905, the US Mariner 4 became the first spacecraft to fly over Mars after a long flight. It took 21 photos at a distance of 10,000 kilometers from Mars. This is the first time humans have seen the surface of Mars. . Since then, with the advancement of science and technology, more and more probes have successfully landed on the surface of Mars, and people's understanding of Mars has deepened. They not only saw the sandy surface of Mars through photos, but also learned through satellites. A strong contrast between the topography of the southern and northern hemispheres of Mars.

The northern hemisphere is widely distributed and the terrain is flat; the southern hemisphere has many mountains and valleys, scattered with large and small craters. It is worth mentioning that Mars has Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in the solar system, which is 21,000 kilometers above the base level and twice as high as Mount Everest. Not only that, we also learned that the Greek impact basin is 8,200 meters larger than the base area, which is the lowest place on Mars, and we also know that due to the scattering of weather and dust, the sun seen on Mars appears dark blue, like a A sapphire falls into the sand.

For more than 50 years, human exploration of Mars has provided valuable knowledge for these different landscapes. This knowledge carries our desire for Mars, and waits for it to compose glory with coexistence in Tianwen-1. On October 8, 2011, China's first Mars probe, Yanhuo-1, was launched together with the Ross Sampling Detector. This was China's first Mars exploration operation, and the Russian Federal Space Agency jointly explored Mars. But a few hours later, Russia announced that the orbit change of the Forbes soil Mars probe carrying Yinghuo 1 failed because the active propulsion device failed to fire, and finally the probe crashed in the Pacific Ocean in January 2012, which also represented, China's first Mars probe launch failed.

In January 2016, China's Mars exploration project was officially approved on the 11th. Due to the failure of Yinghuo-1, the subsequent Mars probe will be completed by a self-developed launch vehicle. On April 24, 2020, the National Space Administration announced that the first Mars exploration mission will be named "Tianwen-1", and subsequent planetary missions will be numbered sequentially. On July 17, 2020, the Long March 5 Yao Si carrier rocket entered the Wenchang Space Launch Site. At 12:41 on July 23, the Long March 5 Yaosi carrier rocket, which carried the Tianwen-1 probe, was ignited and launched at the Wenchang space launch site. It also joined the planetary exploration team and contributed to the future of mankind.

Many people may not understand why, we should spare no effort to invest human, material and financial resources in space exploration, why should we implement space immigration to improve the living environment of the earth and protect the resources of the earth? I think many people will have this question. Although we always say that our goal is Xinghai, how many people know what Xinghai's goal represents.

In a speech at the Tencent WE Conference in 2017, it was said that the earth's population has grown exponentially in the past two hundred years, and the world's population will double every 40 years. Such a growth rate will make the earth very Crowded, and consuming most of the world's resources, it would be a very active apocalypse.

We don't know what the future will encounter, a new habitable planet, alien life, the expectation of launching countless probes into space, the surprise of discovering liquid water on Mars? Or the excitement of Voyager rushing out of the solar system and into space? Humans have existed for about two million years, human civilization began about 10 million years ago, and our development has been steadily accelerating. If humanity is to survive for the next million years, we must boldly go where our predecessors could not. Well, the topic of Mars immigration is here. What do you guys think? Welcome to comment below.


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sayre laylah

Tired of monotonous climbing moves, but every step is close to the top

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    sayre laylahWritten by sayre laylah

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