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I Hope Every Person Gets Exactly What They Want

By MoniquePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

If your'e like me, when I first began to learn about manifestation, I had many questions. One of the big ones being, how can the law of attraction work for every single person; wouldn't one's desire directly conflict with another's at some point? And while the logistics of that could be addressed with a complicated and nuanced answer, I've found that a much deeper truth lies beneath.

When I moved to California last year, I was doing my best to manifest healing from years of anxiety and depression. On the surface, I wanted to have help raising my kids, to go to the beach a lot, to always have nice weather, and to save money by sharing a living space. Some of those things happened and some did not... but what I was manifesting on a deeper level, that desire to heal and transform, 100% happened. The experience that I had there led me to manifest other things, which presently, allows me to expand even more on what I'd like to manifest and create. Our desire to create something comes from an experience where we didn't have that thing OR where we did have it and it did not satisfy us. It's a refining of sorts.

So here is the deeper truth... deep, deep down, our inter-being's desires are actually in harmony with each-others. My highest self, the soul part of me that's connected to the universe, wants the same thing as your highest self, as Joe Biden's, as a child's in Africa, as my dog's, and a tree's. We are all on a journey of unstoppable evolution. We have chosen to participate in a sort of destiny in which the source of energy, or love, has separated from itself and is on the path to reunite. It's humanity's entire story, really. What once was a united and harmonious love, has taken a journey, just like I did to California, to transform and ultimately, find itself again.

So how can my desire for harmony be manifested into reality if another desires war and power and separation? My theory is that people must experience "contrast" as Abraham calls it, or "suffering" as Eckhart Tolle names it, to continue the refining process of truest desire. For some, the refining process may take thousands of lifetimes. As we can see, some people in the world today, have never once felt the desire to rejoin in our interconnectedness again. These people that are actively increasing our separation, will become so dissatisfied that they will eventually have to ask, or manifest, something else. The ask may be only slightly different than the last one, and it may not happen until their next cycle on the earth, but it will happen. And over time, the boiled down, truest desire will eventually surface to become harmonious with those that have already arrived at that conclusion.

This process takes time, like probably, billions of years. But once you have decided that the outcome, is inevitably, love uniting with itself, you can relax. You don't have to save the world, you don't have to "fight" anymore, you don't have to be depressed and burdened. You can simply enjoy the expansion of evolution into pure love. Now, there is a chance that it will take total extinction of life on this planet to finally reunite source with itself, but hopefully enough people can understand before that, so we can see the byproduct on this planet (paradise). Either way, the destiny is well on it's way.

There are so many already on the path to harmony and connection. Incredible teachers, like Eckhart Tolle, Charles Eisenstein, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jesus, Ram Dass, ect. And there are eco-villages, and sustainable, conscious communities. There are groups of moms trying to raise their kids differently, with more connection to nature. The ideas are there, the effort is there. All we have to do is meditate for a few minutes a day on what our truest selves would like the world to look like and try, even a little, to make the day contain some of what our vision holds. Even if it means growing one flower in a pot in your apartment. Or letting someone merge in front of you. Or a second of gratitude for the sun shining on your face.

There is TRUE abundance waiting for us. If you need to manifest a million dollars first, then please, do so! If you need to manifest a CEO position, do it. If you must, manifest the fight and the pain. Bring in all the things you think you want. So that you can know what is next on the list, so that you can continue to get what you want, until finally, you arrive.

The collective has done this exactly. The collective has manifested separation, war, disease, greater and greater technology with little benefit to the earth. And it now coming full circle, with more of the collective wanting peace, wellness, interconnection and harmony with the earth, herself. It only makes sense that on an individual level, the micro would mirror the macro. Each human, eventually coming full circle to finally reunite with their true selves.

Suffering shall subside upon the reunion of your human self with the soul that you came into this world with.


About the Creator


I'm interested in new ideas and the rising consciousness of humanity. We're all connected at the deepest level. I am here to explore that with you, to critically think and share with each other.

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