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Japanese submarine penetrated 10,000 meters into the seafloor and captured a marine creature that gave humans a wake-up call

Mutated marine life

By DeljewitzkiPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Earth is one of the eight planets in our solar system, and it is the third in order of proximity to the Sun. From its appearance, Earth is an azure planet, also because 71% of its surface area is covered by oceans, and there are four major oceans on Earth: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic Oceans.

The ocean contains more than 1.35 billion cubic kilo meters of water, accounting for about 97% of the Earth's total water, the current progress of human exploration of the oceans has reached only 5%, and there are 95% of unknown areas, these unknown areas in the end what kind of fish live, humans can not know, but researchers once found inside the sperm whale belly of giant octopus teeth 20 cm in diameter, from the teeth inferred that this octopus Should be in about 10 meters long, and they may live in the deep sea in unknown areas.

With the increasing depletion of the Earth's energy, human beings use the ocean as the main site of energy development, such as desalination, submarine combustible ice, and tidal energy, and to develop marine energy, it is necessary to carry out undersea exploration, sampling, underwater construction, etc. From the current discovery of marine exploration, the depth of the ocean is more than 6000 meters there are more than 30, and the deepest is the Marianas Trench.

Marianas Trench depth of the western North Pacific Ocean seabed, near Guam, 's the Mariana Islands to the east, its formation because the Pacific plate and the Philippine plate collision with each other, about 60 million years, and its depth of 11,034 meters, can be said to be the deepest on Earth, even if the Everest to the bottom of the sea, you can not see the peak.

The exploration of the Marianas Trench, in the 19th century has begun, in 1899, humans in the southeast of Guam measured the depth of the trench at 9660 meters, this record is also maintained for nearly 30 years, and in 1929 measured the depth of 9814 meters, in 1951, the British Royal Navy and the use of echo positioning measured 10863 meters of data.

These data are the use of ultrasound detection, until 1960, the United States "Trieste" submarine for the first time into the Marianas Trench, this scientific expedition, is also the first human peep into the deep sea among the water creatures, since the United States pioneered this precedent, countries are also developing their tech. Since 1960, Japan's economy has been developing rapidly, but the technology of pressure-resistant submarines has not been developed, in 1984, Japan sent the high-energy professional exploration vessel "Takeout" into the Marianas Trench, and Japan also used echo positioning test depth.

In 2008, Japan sought the cooperation of the United States and jointly developed the "Marianas" deep-sea submarine into the Marianas Trench 10034 meters, In this exploration, the United States and Japan used more advanced filming technology, and survival of species in the deep sea, is also a step closer to being unveiled the true face.

At the bottom of the sea 10,000 meters, equivalent to 1000 atmospheric pressure, this marine life adapts to the environment, the body has become very flat, the usual fish eyes are long on both sides, and the deep sea in the eyes of fish in the back of the head, looks very strange indeed, more "chilling" is that the sea floor in the garbage piles.

They also brought back the Marianas Trench hook shrimp, the results in its body found a nuclear explosion carbon 14 signal, it seems that human-induced pollution, has gradually dived into the deepest part of the sea floor, and now the global warming, in too extreme heat, the ocean currents will stop.

Once the currents stop, the oceans will lose oxygen, and then the Earth will see a new round of species extinction.


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Science is no national boundaries, but scholars has his own country

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