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It's Now Or Never

On planetary regeneration

By Hoyt Douglas BattlesPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
We cannot continue as viral creatures

It had become such a concern of mine many years ago, approximately twenty-five years to be exact. I found myself in the bottom of my own self- reflection pool where my subconscious rules what my waking self had trouble understanding. My biggest fear wasn't my carbon footprint , it was the fact that we have a system that seems broken but really isn't it was designed to bring us to ruin, that is all we have come to learn about how we are more or less divine, but react as nothing more than all-consuming viruses, capable of consuming, devouring and destroying everything, including the world in which we live. I personally hated biochemical threats of warfare, especially when there really wasn't anything worth fighting for from that point of view. So being raw was probably a good thing inasmuch as a clean slate can hold more than a full slate of misguided preconceived notions about how we should live our lives.

I wanted to change this world and how we behave, this included myself. after all, I could not very well tell you to stop eating sugar if I was still consuming it. Or so I thought. I wasn't formally educated nor was I well behaved either, but I did find that I was spiritually be prepared for this journey I was embarking upon, ironic isn't it?

The one thing I can relate is that for the next ten years I was under the spell of serendipity, whatever I needed to know would appear before me in almost any fashion and most quickly, I never had to wait. of course I never told anyone of this, they would have thought I was crazy. I just personally believed that I had finally woke up from the human spell of damnation.

Like a sponge I soaked up a vast amount of information that hardly one person could contain in two lifetimes, it was incredible, to say the least, I was intellectually evolving before my very own eyes, yet I remained visibly hidden in front of everyone, it didn't hurt to play the part of the fool either to throw most folks off the trail. Being inundated with this new information, I excelled in all the subjects I was being groomed for and we will approach this very subject as a means to help the earth avoid the sixth event of thinning the population through catastrophic means. We've already experienced a pandemic that took us by surprise, and the next one to follow would indeed be biochemically engineered to kill a lot of living things, from man and woman to beasts, fish, fowl, botanicals. afterwards, the earth would rebel.

these are the main key points I want to address to the world, how can you fight if you are dead? You can't so we must do something now, and not just talk about it while we introduce ourselves to each other with our lengthy unnecessary titles, for titles mean nothing to me, we are at best considered multi-dimensional mammalian human beings capable of great things, including planetary regeneration. I am not about mincing words and wasting time, it is already a sad affair that people are actually complacent and actually do not know as much as they think and say that they do. It will take approximately ten years to build the New Jerusalem inside the northern continent of the United States of America, as well as procure the materials from different parts of the earth.

When I dream I dream big! I actually have the ability to dream and do. I would like to explain that this New Jerusalem is a fortress that surrounds a great city and nothing can fly through it or above it, primarily because electromagnetic science will be connecting us directly to the earth and will be saved from terrestrial disturbances and biochemical threats, everyone and everything inside will be safe while the outside will continue to go through turmoil until the auspicious day of planetary regeneration has been fully achieved, at the rate of induction being only during six months of the year, it would be safe to assume that this would take another five years, so, in total, you are looking at a massive undertaking that will be costly and time-consuming, but everyone will be busy working to achieve the protocol of Right Human Relations, where new schools will be designed, new platforms of law and justice will remove the current system, the city inside will reflect the real ideology of humanity, (Respect, Cooperation & Tolerance), and once planetary regeneration has been achieved, and we have stopped trashing our selves and our planet, we will all breathe easier knowing that we got rid of all evil, which by the way is nothing more than another word for failure.

I'm ready to go to work, are you?



About the Creator

Hoyt Douglas Battles

The reluctant writer emerges from the thicket of discontent wanting to scold society for the lies and deceit.

Unsure of his methods, he embraces his individual excellence and immeadiately received an offer to publish his very first novel!

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