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India won't be coerced by anybody, Jaishankar's message to Pakistan, China; 'There's only one Modi'


By Naveed JamalPublished about a year ago 3 min read

India won't be coerced by anybody, this was the message delivered by India's External Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar, in a recent address to the Indian parliament. The statement was directed towards Pakistan and China, two of India's neighboring countries with whom India has had a history of tension and conflict.

In recent years, tensions between India and Pakistan have flared up over the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir. China, on the other hand, has been involved in a border dispute with India in the Himalayas. Both Pakistan and China have been accused of sponsoring terrorist groups and supporting separatist movements in India.

India's growing economic and military power, along with its growing global influence, will make it increasingly difficult for Pakistan and China to challenge India's interests. The message from Dr. Jaishankar is clear: India will not be coerced by anybody and is more than capable of defending itself against any external threat.

Dr. Jaishankar's statement comes at a time when India is facing increasing pressure from both Pakistan and China. Pakistan has been making aggressive statements and mobilizing troops along the border with India, while China has been increasing its military presence in the Himalayas.

The External Affairs Minister made it clear that India will not be intimidated by such actions and will take all necessary measures to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. He also highlighted India's commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes and said that India will continue to engage with both countries in a constructive and peaceful manner.

India's growing economic and military power, along with its growing global influence, will make it increasingly difficult for Pakistan and China to challenge India's interests. The message from Dr. Jaishankar is clear: India will not be coerced by anybody and is more than capable of defending itself against any external threat.

He also emphasized India's growing economic and military power, and said that India is more than capable of defending itself against any external threat. He said that India has the ability to respond to any action taken by Pakistan or China and will not hesitate to use force if necessary to protect its interests.

India's external affairs minister also highlighted India's growing global influence and partnerships with other countries, such as the United States, Japan, and Australia. He said that India's partnerships with these countries will strengthen its ability to defend itself and promote its interests in the region.

Dr. Jaishankar's statement is a clear indication that India will not be bullied or coerced by any country and is willing to take strong action to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is also a reminder to Pakistan and China that India is a rising power and will not be pushed around.

India's growing economic and military power, along with its growing global influence, will make it increasingly difficult for Pakistan and China to challenge India's interests. The message from Dr. Jaishankar is clear: India will not be coerced by anybody and is more than capable of defending itself against any external threat.

In conclusion, Dr. S. Jaishankar, India's External Affairs Minister, has sent a clear and stern message to Pakistan and China, that India will not be intimidated or coerced by any country and will take all necessary measures to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. India's growing economic and military power, along with its growing global influence, will make it increasingly difficult for Pakistan and China to challenge India's interests. The world should take note of India's determination and resolve in defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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Naveed Jamal

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