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I am an Artist/Creator

My new and unorthodox job title

By Melissa EavesPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read
I am an Artist/Creator
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

I don't work for the man, anymore. I quit. I am a writer, an artist, an environmentalist and a human rights advocate. Those are pretty big hobbies one might say. They are not hobbies, I've devoted my life to these causes and I have actually managed to witness substantial impact on cultural idenity. And these days, with society seeming to be crumbling around I'd say that my place is needed more than ever.

I wrote my first paper addressing human rights and my global concerns in the sixth grade. My sociology teacher told me in college, that "the world needed me". That's a pretty decent praise/ motivation, I would think.

By Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

I have always had a heart that beats for humanity, for artistry, for words. Above all, I have written and created with heart and soul for all of my conscious memory. I would actually call it a core part of my self concept.

By Florian Klauer on Unsplash

I have always waged into concepts and societal structures with my thoughts, my voice, and a strong sense for justice and equality. As I have grown older, I have found that I love to entertain. It's not just writing that catches me; it is all of the arts. I love to sing, as well.

By Cody Pulliam on Unsplash

If I can create one video, or find the right method to communicate on an issue, make someone laugh, or give someone goose bumps and a spiritual motivation with my voice; it is then that I feel I have helped to fullfill my purpose, in this life. And that is my kind of work.

By Ronan Furuta on Unsplash

I'm not saying that I didn't actually love my work, as a forklift operator (last job). Because I did. I loved that it was a challenge,and that it had a high skill level. The order and certainty of loading trucks was gratifying. Using math to determine workable loads, and the risk and skill level required with lifting and transferring items that weighed a ton or more from multiple levels, made this actually a very fullfilling job for me. I miss it, a lot, actually.

However, I have chosen another route. I have always been a writer and somewhat of an outspoken social activist. In school I often won contests. My photography and poetry is always lauded, and my voice is most often noticed. I have seen other adults moved to tears by my singing. I have been told that my stories do something, cause a person to feel some way. I have been told it's literary genius. This has definitively validated my choice of career change. Hence, it is deemed by me, at this late date in my life, to do more with the talents that I have.

"faithful" a photo by melissaeaves

So, all that being said I'm out on a limb here. I'm cliff hanging. I'm winging it, but I know I'm doing the right thing.

A excerpt from a TIKTOK video

I have created a blog on Wordpress entitled EarthenReign. This is where I add my voice and artistry to the cause for environmental change. Its not the most glossy, or most perfect as I am just getting started. I get discouraged a lot but I feel that its a good start.

I have created an account in Instagram. This is where I try to be positive and uplifting. I publish poetry, here. As well, as highlight some of the better work from other venues. I have also began by using a lot of my own photography, adding text, and making poetry slides. It actually requires a lot of work to create professional videos. My photography, so far, because of covid, generally consists of flower photos. But once more, its a good beginning.

My Instagram Account.

On TikTOK, I address social issues, I have a little fun, I send positive vibes, and make some videos, I call environmental posters. TikTOk is less work and more enjoyed but, I try to always keep the issues at hand somewhere and relevant.

My TikTOK Account

All of those things being addressed and said. My primary work and heart lies in writing. I spend hours a day writing. Yesterday, I wrote an article on Medium. The article took 8 hrs.It was called "The Five Components of Successful Weight Loss, " How to lose weight and keep it off.

I have also enrolled in college full time and am working towards my bachelors in Physchology. This is gratifying.

By Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Writing on vocal has also been a very gratifying experience for me. I feel I have gained the capacity to contribute my voice by utilizing my skills and life experience to a greater cause. Reading is a quintessential factor in human development, and I write towards the interest of a faster, more disinterested culture. Although, I would love to reach a larger audience. So, far its been a little rough, in that area.

By Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

It is within my heart and actual life experiences that I feel this to be the right path for me. I love this work. It is my soul, and the sum of my life experiences that have led me here, and also keeps me in assurance that using my voice, skills, heart, and talent will not only help bring the changes needed for us as a collective humanity to continue but will also in effect become the source of career more suitable for myself.

Its a long shot, but its also my best shot.

By Valentina Conde on Unsplash

Thank You for Reading!

"lonely dandelion" a photo by melissaeaves


About the Creator

Melissa Eaves

I am an freelance writer. I love the written word and the poetry of my soul is expressed by mastery of it.

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