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Humans started drinking milk as early as 6,000 years ago? Why do scientists come to such a conclusion?

Humans began drinking milk as early as 6,000 years ago

By sondra mallenPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Introduction: A recent study showed that humans began to drink milk many years ago. Scientists have found that South Sudanese have produced milk products six or seven thousand years ago, and some dairy products have continued to this day and are still accepted by the public, so milk products have a long history.

Humans started drinking milk as early as 6,000 years ago? Why do scientists come to such a conclusion?

Everyone has a lot of doubts about milk, after all, it is a necessity of life. Some people say that when humans start drinking milk, do they have to let the body have an adaptation process, let the body learn to digest milk first. In fact, such a problem is similar to the contradiction between the chicken and the egg or the egg.

Of course, when humans first started drinking milk, they could not digest it in advance, but in the process of natural evolution, they can slowly change their DNA. In fact, scientists have discovered this problem very early. They found that the Sudanese began to consume dairy products 6,000 years ago.

When this time point appeared, the human body already had the gene to digest milk. This shows that people started drinking breast milk 6,000 years ago.

According to such surveys, we can learn that most people can digest milk in infancy, but this digestive ability of adults was developed 6,000 years ago. Of course, there are also some mutations in the process that may produce the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose, in the human body.

As the body accepts milk, a certain gene in the body also increases the activity of lactase, making it better for the body to accept. But this human gene is very common in modern Africa, and the four known lactase enzymes have been found in humans, but only one in Europeans.

In order to study the history of human milk, researchers turned their attention to Africa, mainly because Africa began to domesticate cattle and sheep 8,000 years ago. And some researchers have examined Sudan and Kenya between 2000 and 6000, when hard calculus began to appear on their teeth, and specific proteins in milk have been found from calculus.

The results of a recent paper show that some people started consuming large amounts of dairy products 6,000 years ago. And this conclusion has become the earliest evidence of human use of dairy products. However, the history of dairy products in Africa has the same origins as in Europe, and it can be delayed even further.

A new study found that the calculus in human teeth contains a lot of protein, which may come from milk, or some yogurt. Today, this phenomenon is very common. These dairy products will break down the lactose in dairy products in advance before fermentation. This result can help more people digest and absorb.

Archaeologists at the University of Washington found that the main reason for human mutation is that lactase can help get more nutrients from milk, which can make their bodies stronger than other companions, and some people drink milk regularly. The body will live longer and the children born will be healthier.

Conclusion: No matter how many years ago, milk has been used, but now milk is a common drink in life, and it can also help the human body to supplement a lot of nutrients. People's acceptance of milk has become more and more widespread, and it can provide the body with a large amount of protein, maintain a day's vitality, and make the body stronger and stronger.


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sondra mallen

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