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Highest specie on earth

By SojiPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Trinity Treft on Unsplash

Title: Human as the highest Animal

Humans, often considered the highest form of animals on Earth, possess a unique combination of cognitive, emotional, and social abilities that set them apart from all other species. In this essay, we will explore the attributes that define humans as the highest animals, examining their intelligence, capacity for empathy, social complexity, and impact on the planet.

One of the most distinguishing features of humans is their remarkable intelligence. Human brains are significantly larger and more complex than those of other animals, allowing for advanced cognitive functions like reasoning, problem-solving, and abstract thinking. This intellectual prowess has enabled humans to achieve remarkable feats, from harnessing the power of fire and developing complex languages to inventing tools and creating intricate works of art.

Furthermore, humans have the unique ability to plan for the future, reflecting a level of cognitive sophistication that sets them apart. This foresight has enabled humans to develop agriculture, build civilizations, and shape the course of history. It has also allowed them to envision and work toward a better future through scientific discoveries and technological advancements.


Empathy, another defining characteristic of humans, plays a crucial role in their higher status among animals. Humans possess the capacity to understand and share the feelings of others, which has led to the development of complex social structures and the establishment of moral and ethical codes. This capacity for empathy has enabled humans to cooperate on a large scale, form communities, and build intricate systems of governance.

Humans also exhibit a high degree of social complexity. They form intricate relationships, build families, and create communities with shared values and norms. This complexity extends beyond immediate social circles to include vast networks of individuals connected by common interests, ideologies, and affiliations. The ability to collaborate and communicate with such complexity has allowed humans to address collective challenges and advance their societies.

Additionally, humans are the only animals capable of creating and transmitting culture. Through language, art, music, and storytelling, they pass down knowledge, values, and traditions from one generation to the next. This cultural transmission has played a crucial role in shaping human societies and enabling progress. It allows humans to build upon the discoveries and achievements of previous generations, leading to the accumulation of knowledge and the development of increasingly sophisticated societies.

The impact of Human on the planet

Humans' impact on the planet is another indicator of their elevated status as the highest animals. They have transformed the Earth's landscapes, harnessed its resources, and altered its ecosystems to a greater extent than any other species. This ability to shape their environment is both a testament to their adaptability and a cause for concern, as it has led to environmental challenges such as climate change and habitat destruction.


In conclusion, humans are the highest animals on Earth due to their unparalleled intelligence, capacity for empathy, social complexity, cultural transmission, and profound impact on the planet. These attributes have allowed them to shape the course of history, build complex societies, and adapt to a wide range of environments. However, this elevated status also comes with responsibilities, as humans must grapple with the ethical and environmental consequences of their actions, human also have the communicational abilities than other species on earth which enables human to be the head of all the species and God also made human being the head by creating human last according to the creation story. Other species like dogs, cats and some other domestic animals like goats etc have few similarities with humans which makes it easier for humans to have a kind of friendship with them.


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Comments (3)

  • Oluwaniyi Juwon10 months ago


  • Valuable content, would love to see more of this.

  • Soji (Author)10 months ago

    Nice content

SWritten by Soji

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