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How to Be a Responsible Citizen and Live a Greener Life

Do you want to save money and energy by living a green way of life?

By Justiss GoodePublished 2 years ago 9 min read
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Green living is a phrase that has gained in popularity with people who want to live a healthier way of life. The desire to live green generally includes more than just wanting to improve one’s own health and surroundings.

This quest to live green typically involves the desire to live in such a way that benefits the earth and everything on it.

The shame over what mankind has already done, and is still doing to the earth is a burden that all of us bear. For some people, there comes a point and time when they desire to change this for the better.

The fact that you’re reading this information right now means you’re probably a person who the ideal of living a greener life appeals to you.

This article has a quick list of 15 simple things that you and your household can do to help live a greener life. Before taking a look at that list, let’s consider some important facts first.

As you read over the following information, as well as the list, take note of the areas that you and your household will need to give particular attention to. You may even find that there are some things you are already doing effectively to help towards a greener way of life!

Eating Green

There are lots of things that most people don’t consider when they think of living a greener life. For instance, your family can learn to live greener by eating healthier meals.

This is something that you might not readily associate with living green. But what needs to be understood is that living green can be done in a variety of ways and both directly and indirectly.

Certain activities can have a positive effect on the environment as a whole. Eating healthy is one of those activities. This is because health conscious people who try to eat natural foods, and use natural ingredients, often rely on recycled packaging as well.

Eating healthier is a win-win situation for the consumer and the environment.

Although the thought of doing something to help the environment is appealing to some individuals, there is often a major deterrent.

One of the primary concerns is the amount of time that may be involved with living green. With that in mind, it is important to understand that living green doesn’t mean you have to get involved with a huge community project.

Of course, joining a green project is a lofty goal that is definitely worth the effort, but there are so many other ways that you can help in your day-to-day life.

Take the example that was already mentioned — eating healthier. Your dedication to eating healthier will automatically put you on the “green” path.

Once you start paying attention to the ingredients of the food you shop, you will be aligning yourself with people who live a green lifestyle. Eating healthy will prompt you to want to shop at the closest farmer’s market for fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of the nearby corner grocery or super market.

Buying food directly from these types of open air markets will result in eating healthier and living green. You can even do a little research about the places you normally shop.

This may take a little of detective work on your part, but it will be worth it to make sure that chemicals and pesticides are not sprayed on the products that you purchase.

Talk to the person at butcher at the deli or stocking the meat in the supermarket. Start making it a point to know about the meat you purchase. Were the cows grass-fed instead of corn-fed?

It makes a difference in the beef. Grass-fed beef is said to be better because it is higher in omega-3 fats. Becoming knowledgeable about these types of things will come in time. When you’re just starting out, however, eating green can really be a challenge.

It is all that some individuals can do, just to accomplish the task of staying committed to reading the labels. Making a stand and taking control over what you eat and shop for on a regular basis is not easy. The poor eating habits that you have learned were not developed overnight. Neither will the good eating habits that you are striving for.

Eating healthier automatically equals eating green. This involves everything from the way we buy (or grow our food), to the way we package, prepare and eat it. Besides the products that we eat, we can do our part for a greener world by also watching the products that we use in general.

One good way to do this is to get used to purchasing biodegradable products. If you haven’t been a label watcher in the past, now that you’re committed to greener living, start watching the types of household sprays, cleaners and other products that you purchase.

Man-made chemical solutions represent the biggest harm to our environment. That is why you should make it your business to know what is in the products that you use.

In reality, there are countless ways that every single household can do their part for the green movement. Everything we do on a daily basis has some kind of impact on the environment. Unfortunately, much of what we do is taken for granted.

This is truly evident in areas that relate to conservation. One of the best ways that we can embrace a green way of living is in the area of conservation. When it comes to green living, conserving our natural resources plays a huge role in the big scheme of things.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation should be more than just a buzz word. When we learn to save on water, energy, fuel, food and even time, it all has a positive impact on our environment as a whole.

Making a determined effort to prevent waste in all areas is a positive step in the fight to save our earth. Unfortunately, in the United States, this statement is easier said than done.

Many Americans take so much for granted, only because most of us cannot imagine being deprived of something so basic as water. This is true, even though the possibility of a serious water shortage is more real than people realize.

California’s most recent drought and series of wildfires are also a real concern, not to mention the problems the Pacific Northwest has been having with excessive heat. The reason these situations are relevant to this story, is because much of what is happening, mankind is responsible for.

Here’s what a recent report released by 27 climate scientists from the World Weather Attribution network had to say about the excessive heat we’ve been witnessing. According to them, this extreme increase in temperatures would have been:

“virtually impossible without human-caused climate change,”

This new analysis went on to warn the public about the extreme heat by saying:

“As warming continues, it will become a lot less rare.”

As is evident by the above comments, there is very little that we can be complacent about, when it comes to our concern about the environment, and the need for conservation. This is not just about water conservation, but about the need to stop wasting and risk diminishing other resources as well.

For instance:

Do you pay attention to the energy your household uses? Perhaps it is time that you did. There are some things that you can actively start taking a closer look at, and consider making adjustments. Learning to be proactive about conservation and living green is something that will benefit us all, once we learn to create healthier lifestyle habits.

When we do, we will begin to discover ways to start eliminating waste. This is how we do our share for a greener way of life. As you start to think in terms of conservation, the opportunities for you to conserve will become more and more obvious.

Your conservation efforts will begin to manifest in the way you learn to recycle and reuse items.

The more you get into your green way of life, recycling and reusing items should be the rule, not the exception.

Whether it’s passing down outgrown clothing, unwanted furniture and other items, or simply cleaning plastic and glass containers to save and reuse, recycling is one of the most helpful household activities when it comes to living greener.

Make reusing boxes bags and containers start to become like second nature to you whenever possible. In a similar way, allow these 15 simple ways cited below to become just as commonplace to you.

15 Simple Ways

Note these 15 simple ways to make your life a little greener. You can actually start doing them right away.

1.You can help recycle your electrical items by giving them to e-waste agencies for proper disposal.

2. Donate or re-circulate books that you no longer have a use for instead of throwing them away,

3. When you are only shopping for a few things, why not take a re-usable cloth tote bag to the grocery store

4. Don’t forget to unplug electrical appliances that tend to drain energy whether they are on or off. You can use a power strip and simply flip the switch off when the items are not in use.

5. Try using baking soda and liquid detergent to create a less abrasive and more eco-friendly house cleaner. It works great for the kitchen and bathroom.

6. Take time to turn down the thermostat in the winter. You can use a sweater or extra blankets to help stay warm

7. Keep curtains and drapes closed in the summer when it’s hot. Rooms will stay dark and cooler. Instead of always running the air conditioner and fan, open windows to create a cross breeze.

8. Don’t forget to water the lawn late in the day or early evening. This will prevent the grass from burning in the sun and help to cool things off.

9. Make sure you wash full loads of clothes and dishes to conserve water. Use a container to rinse dishes instead of letting water continually run in the sink.

10. Hanging clothes out to dry instead of using the dryer, whenever possible will conserve energy.

11. Take a moment and fix leaky faucets or running toilets right away. A simple washer on a faucet may end up saving gallons of water and hundreds of dollars

12. Why not try and take public transportation or car pool when going to work or school. Walking or riding a bike is also a healthy alternative.

13. Don’t forget to teach young children about recycling and conservation. They love to help and will end up being the biggest advocates.

14. Sit down and create a green related goal list of additional things you can do for green living.

15. Read and always be alert to other ways to go green. Be sure to network with others who share your zeal.


Has this article has peaked your interest and started you thinking about the various ways you and your household can make changes? If your answer is yes, then you are on the right path to starting to live a greener and healthier life.


  • Living greener can be applied to multiple aspects of your daily life.
  • Recall the various ways that eating healthier means living greener.
  • Keep in mind what poses the biggest problem to mankind’s environment.
  • Consider what the 27 scientists said about mankind’s connection to climate change.

Clearly, no one person or household is the solution to what’s wrong with the environment, but each one of us has a responsibility. If we really want to see a change for the better, it has to start somewhere, so why not with you and me?




About the Creator

Justiss Goode

Old crazy lady who loves to laugh and make others smile, but most of all, a prolific writer who lives to write! Nothing like a little bit of Justiss every day :-)

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