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How I'm Working To Reduce My Waste

The steps I'm taking to lead a less wasteful life

By Stephi DurandPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
My sweetcorn before being planted in the garden

Disclaimer: any products mentioned are of my own honest opinion. I have not been asked to create sponsored content, they are included because they relate to the article.

Reducing waste is something I have wanted to do more of over the last few years. Some areas I can't reduce yet, whereas others areas I have every opportunity to do so. It's just a case of starting it.

Some of the things on this list I've tried within days of discovering, (and haven't gone back!) whereas others I have gradually incorporated into my routine.

I feel it's important to state that I am in no way zero waste. I doubt I'll ever be able to get to that stage; what I find more important is each individual doing what they can, no matter how little, compared to one person doing it all. No matter how small it is, it will make an impact.

So why not start now?

I'm going to be grouping my list into four sections: Personal; Home; Garden; and Miscellaneous. Some lists will have more than others, but I hope you try at least something from the list — or maybe one from each section!

Let's get on with it, shall we?


Using What You Have

This one will be the common theme across all of the sections. Reducing your waste is something which takes time. Sure, you can go out and buy eco-friendly, reusable items — but buying everything at once can be expensive.

If you have plastic items which can be reused, then keep using it until it can’t be used anymore. Why? Because that way it isn’t going to waste. If you want to swap to a bamboo toothbrush, but your current plastic one is no where near ready for the bin, use it! Some things will go to waste when it’s their time, but don’t let it be wasted unnecessarily!

Swapping my Empties for Plastic Free

While I was making my way through my deodorant (which quite frankly, was pretty bad at its job) I would constantly see ads for a plastic free brand called Wild. Naturally, I was interested, so when I finally ran out of the deodorant (I think that was the true test of my patience! My armpits definitely appreciated it ending!) I was straight there getting their latest scent.

Because I waited, I used up a product and disposed of the container by throwing it into the recycling bin. Now I have a reusable case and fully biodegradable packaging with my new deodorant which leaves me smelling like lemon meringue.

I'm still working my way through Christmas body wash gifts (I know I can't be the only one) but as soon as I’m done with those, I plan on looking into Wild’s soap bars!

I’m simply taking it one step at a time, replacing my products only when they’re used up.


Plastic Containers and Glass Containers

I love to freezer meal prep, and for that, I need containers. Glass containers aren’t as cost-friendly as packets of plastic tubs, so while we own two glass containers which we can meal prep casseroles in, the plastic ones are great for reusing for the time being.

I plan to keep these plastic ones until they fall apart. They’re brilliant for storing chilli and mashed potato portions in, as well as vegetables we’ve chopped and frozen ourselves.

My aim is to gradually increase the amount of glass containers I own when I have the spare money to do so. I know I can’t wait to get more that’ll store our casseroles in as meal prepping that is a huge benefit. (We love a broccoli casserole recipe, but making it from scratch the day we want it? That’s a lot of work...)

Glass and plastic containers in use. Broccoli casserole and pizza dough


Biodegradable Seed Starter Pots

Two words: toilet rolls.

Once you've used up the toilet paper, there's no need to throw these cardboard cylinders into the recycling bin. Instead, cut four slits at the bottom, fold them in to make a base, fill with soil and voila! You have your very own biodegradable seed starter pots!

I love these because you can either sow individually or cluster. When they're grown you can pull the roll apart to separate the clustered seedlings and replace (throwing the used up roll into your compost) or if you planted individually, just put them straight into the ground!

There's no worrying about whether the roots are damaged in the transplant, there's less mess in the overall process — honestly, I love it.

So far I've used these with my sweetcorn and pumpkin plants, which were sown individually, (and now happily in the garden!) and I cluster planted some mint and chamomile too. I've not got too long left until I start separating the seedlings.

And should I have too many seedlings to deal with? Well, there will be an answer to that further down this list!

Mint seedlings in a toilet roll planter

Simple DIY Watering Can

My partner and I have to buy a lot of plastic water bottles. This is due to a medical reason and we don't have any intention change until we have our own place together. Again, sometimes time is needed.

I do hate how many bottles go to waste. I've cut past bottles in half to use as planters for tomatoes and basil, but my favourite use has to be as a DIY watering can.

There's two ways I do this. No.1 is simply using the bottle as is.

I have a lot of basil growing on my windowsill, so keeping a bottle of water (labelled 'plant water' to prevent a mix up) nearby makes it easier to give them their regular watering. I just have to take it down to the kitchen sink to refill every few days.

Method No.2 is by poking small holes into the bottle cap.

This way when the bottle is filled with water, I simply turn it upside down, give the bottle a good squeeze and the water comes flowing out, like a... well, like a cheaply made watering can.

The important thing here is that is does the job!

I keep one in the conservatory which holds some seedlings and a bay leaf tree. It's simple in use and also easy to add liquid feed to, meaning I get happy and healthy plants!

Cardboard and Shredded Paper

These are brilliant in the garden! If you're starting a raised bed or a no dig garden then at least one of these will be a treat!

I love to lay my cardboard down as a base in my raised beds and planters. It'll help prevent any possible leaks, while slowly breaking down overtime, giving the soil added compost.

Shredded paper is something you can use in three ways. My favourite is method number three!

1- In the compost bin. As composting is the next section, I'll keep this brief. Shredded paper is a great thing to add to compost, and an excellent way to clear out old bank statements or junk mail!

2- Mulch. I haven't tried this method myself yet, although it's in my mind as a budget-friendly option should I need it at any point in the year. Mulch is so good for your plants and if your a fan of either Epic Gardening or Self Sufficient Me, then you surely must be hooked on the hype too!

3- Raised bed filler. Once the cardboard is down, I like to dump a load of shredded paper into the bottom before adding soil. This means I need less soil to fill the bed (although when it slowly starts to settle it will need topping up, but by then you can add compost or mulch!) and it will break down directly in the bed meaning more goodness for the soil over time!

It's less waste in the bin, and more good for your garden. Just remember to remove the tape from the cardboard!


You can either buy compost bins or make your own. There's many options out there! I also like having a mini compost bin in the kitchen to throw scraps into.

Whenever I meal prep mashed potato for the freezer, all my peels go straight into the compost bin. So does any shredded paper I can get my hands on. Recently, I've added excess sourdough starter when I've accumulated too much, as apparently it is fantastic to add into your compost bin!

Just remember to break down sturdier items like egg shells otherwise they'll take a lot longer to compost.



Did you know there are apps and websites you can use to give away and get things for free? (Yep, this is the answer to my seedlings!)

My go-to apps are Olio and Freegle.

On Olio you can upload foods or items you want to give away, and it has to be for free. You aren't allowed to charge for anything — unless you sell through their Made tab. This is a way to make sales as a small business!

Olio also has a Food Waste Hero program. Certain stores in your area may already be apart of it, or you can encourage companies to sign up! This means when stores or takeaways have stock which is close to expiring, you take it home and list it on the site for people to claim! This way we're making less food waste in the area! (Plus, if you're the Food Waste Hero who collected it, you're allowed to keep up to 10% of the collection!)

Freegle works similar to Olio. You put items on that you want to get rid of, but if there's anything you're hoping to get, you can also make a wanted post too. This isn't always successful, as the people in your area may not have what you're after. But it never hurts to try!

I think it's safe to say that the moral of this post is this: it takes time to reduce your waste.

Let it go naturally and make improvements where you're able to — not where you think you have to.

I hope this post has inspired you with new ways to reduce your waste. These are some of my favourites right now, and I'm looking forward to adding more to my collection! (I'm even looking into being a food waste hero!)

Another incredible harvest from my little basil jungle

Take care, I'll see you in the next one!

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About the Creator

Stephi Durand

Indie Author | Content Creator

'Look Up' is available to purchase at all online book retailers in Paperback and eBook.

Writing here, writing there, writing everywhere...

Instagram: @stevie_dd

Twitter: @StephiDurand

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    Stephi DurandWritten by Stephi Durand

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