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Facts About The Great White Shark

10 Facts!

By MarcosOPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Welcome to Fish Insider, where we dive into the captivating world of ocean predators. Today, we will explore 10 fascinating facts about one of the most formidable creatures in the sea: the great white shark. Prepare to be amazed by these remarkable insights into these mighty hunters.

Fact 1: Did you know that great white sharks can grow up to an impressive 20 feet in length and weigh over 4,000 pounds? To put it in perspective, that’s about the same weight as an average Jeep Wrangler. However, these fearsome creatures are not found exploring sandy dunes like their terrestrial counterparts. Instead, their domain lies beneath the ocean’s surface, where they spend most of their time hunting.

Fact 2: Great white sharks are incredibly fast, capable of reaching speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. With such agility, there’s very little that can escape their relentless pursuit. Swimming alongside a great white shark is a feat reserved for only the most skilled and daring individuals.

Fact 3: Once a great white shark is born, it embarks on a remarkable journey. These sharks have an average lifespan of 40 to 70 years. Just imagine the incredible experiences and encounters one of these magnificent creatures can witness in its lifetime, from the diverse array of fish it consumes to the occasional encounters with adventurous divers.

Fact 4: The great white shark is an unrivaled beast of the sea, rarely challenged by any other creature. However, there is one exception—the orca, also known as the killer whale. Orcas are the only known natural predators of the great white shark. These encounters, though, are relatively rare and typically involve younger and less experienced sharks.

Fact 5: A great white shark boasts an impressive array of teeth, with more than 50 teeth spread across two rows. The upper jaw alone contains up to 25 teeth, while the lower jaw accommodates the rest. Interestingly, these numbers only account for the exposed teeth. Behind the initial row of 50, there are five or six additional rows, each housing more teeth. This abundance of teeth equips the great white shark with immense power. The largest individuals can exert a bite force of over 1.8 tons, capable of causing significant damage.

Fact 6: Great white sharks give birth to live young, a characteristic that sets them apart from many other species of sharks. However, despite this similarity to mammals, they are not classified as such. Instead, they are cartilaginous fish, as their bodies and skeletons are primarily composed of cartilage rather than bone. This flexible structure allows them to navigate through the water with grace and agility.

Fact 7: Great white sharks are classified as vulnerable according to the federal Endangered Species Act. Overfishing, primarily driven by sport and thrill-seeking, as well as the demand for their fins and teeth, has contributed to the declining numbers of these majestic creatures. Shark fin soup, considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, has driven the targeted hunting of great white sharks for their fins.

Fact 8: While humans may have once believed that they were high on the great white shark’s menu, the reality is quite different. Seals and sea lions are the preferred prey for these sharks, constituting a significant portion of their diet. Following these marine mammals, ordinary fish are also on the menu, particularly for younger great white sharks. However, humans are not typically targeted as primary prey.

Fact 9: Great white sharks are known for their impressive breaching behavior. This entails leaping more than 10 feet out of the water in pursuit of their prey. Breaching requires a tremendous amount of energy, so it is not a common occurrence. Witnessing


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