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Save the nation

By sharmiPublished about a year ago 3 min read


One of the most important problems the world faces today is environmental degradation. Both the planet's and its inhabitants' health are impacted by it.

Natural disasters, industrial operations, and human activity are just a few of the things that can pollute the environment. In every region of the world, environmental degradation is having a negative impact.

In addition to looking into some potential remedies, this article will also examine the causes and impacts of environmental pollution.

Causes of Environmental Pollution:

Activities both natural and human-made can pollute the environment. Volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and dust storms are some examples of natural pollution triggers.

However, human activity is largely to blame for environmental contamination.

Some of the main reasons for environmental pollution include the ones listed below:

    • Industrial activities: Businesses including chemical plants, oil refineries, and manufacturing facilities discharge significant amounts of pollutants into the environment. These contaminants include heavy metals, chemicals, and greenhouse gases.
    • Transportation: Pollutants including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates are released by vehicles like cars, trucks, and buses. These contaminants can have detrimental impacts on health and contribute to air pollution.
    • Agriculture: Agriculture practices including the application of pesticides and fertilizer can pollute the soil and water. The usage of these substances may harm people's health as well.
    • Waste management: Improper waste management can cause pollution of the air, water, and land. While littering has the potential to contaminate natural habitats, landfills and incinerators release hazardous chemicals into the environment.

Effects of Environmental Pollution:

The environment and its inhabitants are negatively impacted by environmental degradation in a number of ways.

Some of the main consequences of environmental pollution include the following:

  1. Air pollution: Air pollution can cause respiratory conditions like asthma, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smog and acid rain are two examples of how it may harm the ecosystem.
  2. Water pollution: Water pollution can cause the extinction of aquatic habitats and the decline in biodiversity. Additionally, it may harm human health in other ways, such as by causing skin conditions and digestive issues.
  3. Soil pollution: Soil pollution can result in the loss of biodiversity and the deterioration of agricultural land. As an example, the buildup of heavy metals in the food chain can have detrimental consequences on human health.
  4. Climate change: By releasing greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, environmental pollution causes climate change. Rising sea levels, higher temperatures, and more frequent natural disasters are all possible effects of climate change.

Solutions to Environmental Pollution:

Environmental contamination can be addressed in a number of ways. Some of the most significant fixes include the following:

Utilise renewable energy: Using clean energy, such as solar and wind power, can aid in lowering air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Utilize fewer vehicles: Using fewer vehicles can help reduce air pollution. You can get there by walking, riding a bike, or by public transportation.

Use ecologically friendly goods: Using goods that are good for the environment, including biodegradable detergents and organic foods, will help lessen environmental pollution.


Today's society is dealing with a significant problem: environmental degradation. Numerous things, such as human activity, industrial operations, and natural disasters, all contribute to its occurrence

The Earth and its inhabitants are negatively impacted by environmental degradation in different ways. Environmental contamination, however, is a problem with many answers.

The usage of environmentally friendly items, clean energy, less driving, and trash reduction are a few of these. Every person has a responsibility to contribute to the effort to lessen environmental degradation and save the world for future generations.

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