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Empire of Dust

A land where we are just piles of dust under someone's feet

By Nutchaya NoradechanuntPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Empire of Dust
Photo by Kunj Parekh on Unsplash

The dust cloud stretches over the dreary, ominous evening sky. At least I believe it is the evening since the hour of darkness is the norm, and the warm breeze brushing against human skin is a luxury. I take my daughter's hand as we both march towards the dim light sparked from candles like seas of stars surrounding the old wretched willow tree. As we get closer, the crowd begins to gather. Our hands tightly entwined while I navigate towards the front of the crowd, yet as the sea multiplies, we are crushed in its folding arms. Rest upon brittle tree branches lies a group of vigilant eyes, red sultry lips, and large prying ears that act as presidents of this holy event. They are known as the watcher, the guardians of Dominion.

“Before we start, I’d like to pay my respect to Mr. Paraisy as the custodian of this land we now call Dominion—the last remaining paradise of humankind,” announced the red lips effervescently while the eyes watch ambitiously at the crowd, “We all gather here today to commemorate our 30 years of victory as survivors in this magical country and the very figure, who made all of this possible. We all know his name, Mr. Paraisy. To he, who heaves the rain, paints the forest green, binds the faith, and commands militia, to serve his people. To the divine keeper of mankind."

Everyone shares this sacred moment in silence in the grace of Mr. Paraisy. Sometimes I wonder whether he knows that the paradise he created is now forlorn. I wonder if the hearsay can be accounted as faithful that he was engulfed by the menacing land beyond the fence in the search for another promising land. After the ceremony, everyone disperses back to their boxes. Although cramped, the absence of windows creates a perfect home that protects us from continual storms of dirt and snooping eyes like the ones on the mournful tree.

“Mummy mummy! Mr. Paraisy, is he dead?” my daughter, Mia, asks.

“Do not ask such question! He may or he may not be. Nobody wants to hear such horrible news about the great Paraisy. It would crush their hearts. And there are eyes and ears and mouths everywhere so you must be careful.”

“B… But mummy, if he is so great, why do we still have to wear this otterly stupid face mask?”

“Baby, it’s utterly. Secondly, it’s not a face mask. It’s a respirator. And finally, one man cannot simply do everything on his own," I explain as I pinch her chubby cheek.

“Well, I think that’s irony because how come he can be a scientist, artist, priest and militarist all at the same time?” she frowns in disbelief while I chuckle, not knowing how to give a reasonably good enough answer to please my little devilish curious monster. So, as I tug her into bed, I gave her my best response.

“That’s what geniuses do, sweetheart. But for those like us, we can only hope that we have done our elders proud and enough to rest assured that the young ones, like you, can accomplish the same.”

While trying to quietly unclutter my side of a tough wooden bed, I stumbled upon a memory from 10 years ago – a radiant blue heart-shaped locket. A token left behind by my mama, who mysteriously disappeared without a kiss goodbye. I clutch on the locket, hoping to destroy it in my palm before a strange crack halts me. The locket unlocks itself as a tiny piece of paper fell out, revealing a message:

Dear my lovely Kore,

You must be wandering all these years why I left. It was not your fault, but it was mine. I received the exact same message from my mother, who gave me this necklace. She told me a story of a great land beyond Dominion’s fence. A hidden land with soft green grass and a sky as blue as the ocean used to be. You still do remember that, don’t you? Don’t take me for a fool yet, if you haven’t already noticed that the very precious heart locket that was passed down to you was made from Karner blue’s wing found only in that forbidden land. I am sorry that I couldn't give you a better life. There is nothing here for you and that is why I must go.

With all my love.


Anger fades as tears stream down my face. I realise that I have been carrying a time capsule that hold mama’s dream all these times. Now it is my dream. A dream of a mother, who can provide a better future for her daughter. I left the heart locket by the drawers and run my fingers through Mia’s delicate hair as my chest grows heavier with despair. Trying to hold tears back while I sing her favourite lullaby. It will not be a final kiss, I promise. I will come back for her.

Pray to come home to Mia, I stand in stillness in front of the fence while glancing back into an emptiness of Dominion. I turn around to face the truth and take the first leap into the desolation of madness. Beyond the comfort of Dominion, the murky smell of mud and sludge grows stronger. It is an eternity of suffering through the dense piles of dust that crushes my skeletons in every step I lead.

There! Stand before me is a great dome of barrier that glimmers through my eyes as if they are made of diamonds and a wicked pair of lips and vicious eyes and eyes that obstructs my path, demanding for my sacrifice of either an eye, an ear, or lips before entering the sacred city of Gaia.

"It's the price for curiosity," it says.

To have caught a glimpse of the legendary land, it is enough to surrender an eye for Mia’s future…

As I set foot in Gaia, a gentle breeze touches my skin as I reveal my bare face. This is the first time in an eternity that fresh air enters my lungs. Astounded by the bright glittering glow of light, I squint my one good eye and am thrilled to discover more. Gaia is furnished to perfection—packed with civilisation, enriched in natural resources, and ornamented by portraits of Mr. Paraisy and his recent achievements in expanding this marvellous metropolis. I cannot wait to tell Mia that he is still very much alive, and I must find him! He is the only one who can end the horrendous life in Dominion.

Like me, many in the city have disfigured appearances. They seem to enjoy themselves in clouds of nasty grey smoke and delighted among a huge swarm of revellers, who do not perceive or mind my presence. The only creatures who notice, are the watcher. In despair of trying to locate Mr. Paraisy in this gigantic city, I stray from the crowd and start throwing pebbles into a canal with anger. The water splashes back as it discolours into brown droplets with an awful smell. I follow down the canal that flows far beyond the city and it is obnoxiously overrun by foul scents and mucky filths that all streams down to Dominion. Above the city limit is a giant poster of Mr. Paraisy’s proud smile that writes, “The divine keeper of Gaia.” My heart drops into Tartarus pit. I run as fast as I can to escape from the city as the watcher prey on me, sealing all the gates and sewerages out of Gaia. Before I realise, a ring is flown out of nowhere to wrap around my neck. My body slams down on the floor and I lose memory of what comes next…

Mr. Paraisy… He appears in front of me in the most grotesque way, unlike in the portraits—one ear is ridiculously larger than the other, one iris is browner or bluer than the other and a pair of lips that are disorderly sewn to his face.

“Why go back to that dreadful place, dear?” he asks, like he knows my thoughts while the mouths in the room echo his words.

“My daughter, Mia…”

“I know, Kore,” he interrupts. “She’s a clever young lady. A quality that passes from grandmother to mother and daughter.”

“You knew my mama?”

“Of course! She was one of the first residents of Gaia. Life is a ladder, and she reached the top. So why don’t you consider this as your reward? Why don’t you stay and let Mia accomplish her own way here just as you followed the breadcrumbs left by your mama?” he whispers gently into my ears.

“No! Mama won’t do that, and I won’t either.”

He sighs in disappointment, “Curiosity has prices,” and gives me a sly grin as I am dragged out of his sight.

I am now trapped in a lavish box. In darkness, I am awakened… but it is too late. I close my eyes, imagining Mia’s light weight in my embrace. I yearn for her smile, frown, and tears. Oh Mia! I do wish you can hear me from this sorrowful pit. I realise now that we are no better than an embodiment of dust and bodies under his feet.


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    NNWritten by Nutchaya Noradechanunt

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