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Dear Universe

You're part of me, as I am you. Thank you

By TestPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Dear Universe
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Dear Universe,

We've been together through so much. We have laughed, cried, loved and emotionally died. This year has been a tough one. You should know. You have been beside me, holding my hand. I nearly gave up. I was on the verge of ending it all, and you showed me another way. I apologise for the times I gave up on you and I apologise to myself for nearly giving up on me. I want to thank you for showing me the strength to find the light. The light that was always inside me, I had just forgotten. You gave me everything, from the body in which I experience life, down to the trillions of cells that make up my being. Each one of these trillions of cells has their own structure and function, but one thing I know for sure is that every cell in my body is filled with gratitude and love for your creation. I appreciate all the time and energy you have showered me with. You have nurtured me in your warmth from the start of my life, becoming a rouge teen, to now being a 30 year old lover of life. Your unconditioned love taught me understanding and your wisdom taught me oneness. For that, I can only repay you by evolving into the best person I can be for myself, others, and every creature on this planet.

You see, I always had a dream of loving truly. It wasn't until I connected to myself and the universe that I knew what true love was. I felt like I had lost my purpose, but your wisdom showed me that all the atoms, electrons, protons, and particles in the universe live to serve a purpose for themselves and others. Although I was ready to give up on myself, all the atoms, electrons, protons, and particles in my body were still serving me. They were not giving up on me because they served a purpose, and their continuation showed me that I could also continue. I fought hard, taking a day at a time. Some days were harder than others, but with the strength of a warrior and with the willpower of the universe in me, the days became more balanced.

I have managed to find love again, in myself and in life. It's like I'm seeing everything for the first time again with innocent eyes. Wonder and magic exist again; It's in everything. From the intricate detail of shapes to the vividness of colour, the sounds of birds, the fluffiness of clouds, a cat's purr, and the buzz of bees. I am no longer just looking; I'm seeing. I'm not just listening; I'm hearing. The universe, Earth, I see you and I hear you. You are part of me, as I am part of you. Your frequencies sing to me in a language I understand. Your vibrations caress me in a nurturing embrace. The energy radiates through me. The Earth has kept me grounded my entire life, and I owe everything to it. Without the earth's balance, I would not have found my own. Earth showed me that it didn't matter how tough times got, or how damaged I thought I was. Everything can be reversed and everything can heal. It just requires us to believe. Every day I would wake up and the Earth would be there for me, nurturing me with the sun and blessing me with the moon. With all of Earth's creatures singing and all of its flowers swaying, Earth gave me hope. I thank you, Universe, for bringing me to such a wonderful planet with which I share all of my highs and lows. The Earth is truly magnificent and a one-of-a-kind treasure that will always be implanted in my memories and my soul through lifetimes, and I thank the Universe. You have shown me more than I ever thought possible. Your unconditioned love is imprinted in every aspect of creation, and I feel it within me.

Lastly, I want to thank myself for having the courage to make it through the most insane of times and to heal from the trauma of my past. I thank myself for showing up every day and never giving up on myself. I thank myself for being my own hero and saving myself. The hardest lesson I ever had to face was self-love, and I thank myself for finally realising my own worth. I am grateful to the light that exists within me and around me. It was always there, guiding me. No one's light ever goes out. After all, we are made from the stars. I thank the light of others for shining and guiding me when I was lost. You all turned into lighthouses, guiding me to shore. I'd like to thank everyone and everything. I love you all unconditionally.


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