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Da Vinci is a traveler? Heart puzzle solved 500 years ago, researchers are only now

The heart puzzle left by Leonardo da Vinci

By sondra mallenPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

When you think of Da Vinci, what comes to your mind? Is it "Mona Lisa's Smile"? Or the story of "Da Vinci painted eggs" that I learned in elementary school textbooks?

Speaking of which, many people have certain misunderstandings about Da Vinci, thinking that Da Vinci may be just a painter. In fact, Da Vinci is a rare all-rounder in the history of human development. You can even say that he He is a genius scientist, because not only can he draw, but it can be said that he is involved in many fields, and he is proficient in everything.

How awesome is Da Vinci?

In the history of human development, the Renaissance in the Middle Ages in Europe can be said to be the beacon of human progress, and Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most outstanding representatives of the Renaissance. It is to think that he is a unique genius in human history. It can be said that this evaluation is very high. Even Einstein has never received a similar evaluation.

In addition to painting, Da Vinci has made extraordinary achievements in many fields such as architecture, sculpture, medicine, mathematics, physics, biology, astronomy, invention, and geology. Of course, Da Vinci himself loved painting very much. This also allowed him to leave many famous paintings, so many people misunderstood that Leonardo da Vinci might be just a painter.

Although Da Vinci loved to paint, Da Vinci also studied the human body very thoroughly. Da Vinci believed that, as the only intelligent creature on earth, the human body is also the most beautiful existence in nature. Humans are also one of nature's most remarkable works.

Therefore, in many of Da Vinci's paintings, you can also see the aesthetics of the human body that Da Vinci wanted to express, and Da Vinci also perfectly drew the anatomy of the human body through research.

You must know that Leonardo da Vinci is also known as the ancestor of modern physiological anatomy. According to data, Leonardo da Vinci dissected at least more than 30 human remains in his life. You must know that people's thinking at that time was still very feudal , Therefore, it is really remarkable that Leonardo da Vinci has so many remains for anatomical research.

There is a view that Leonardo da Vinci's contribution to human anatomy is at least 300 years ahead of his period. A heart manuscript drawn before, until some time ago, scientists finally revealed the answer.

The heart puzzle left by Leonardo da Vinci

More than 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci let human beings understand the structure of the heart for the first time through anatomy, and at the same time, he also knew the inside of the heart. However, there are some manuscripts about the heart of Leonardo da Vinci, scientists have always existed. unsolved puzzle.

The reason is that in the heart manuscript drawn by Leonardo da Vinci, there are some particularly subtle structures on it. No one knows what these structures are, including some later studies of cardiac anatomy, and no corresponding structures and clues have been found.

Did Da Vinci draw it wrong? The researchers dubbed Leonardo da Vinci's tiny structures "trabeculae," which are muscle fibers made up of bundles of heart muscle that reside in the inner wall of the ventricle. No one knows exactly what it does.

Until some time ago, through research, scientists finally revealed the answer. It turned out that the myocardial trabeculae drawn by Leonardo da Vinci more than 500 years ago have a very important connection with the development of the heart.

The study found that when the heart just appeared in the embryo, the myocardial trabeculae also appeared, and the myocardial trabecula directly determines whether the heart can develop completely and absolutely determines the quality of the heart function.

Through experiments in laboratory mice, scientists have reconfirmed the importance of myocardial trabeculae and found that if the myocardial trabeculae are missing, it will lead to congenital heart disease.

It can be said that in the past 500 years, even though human science and technology have been developing continuously, no one has been able to reveal the heart puzzle that Leonardo da Vinci left 500 years ago.

It can be said that Leonardo da Vinci's research on the internal function of the heart is at least 500 years ahead of human beings. Therefore, many people think that Da Vinci may be a "traverser", otherwise why is Da Vinci so powerful?

Is Da Vinci a traveler?

Although Da Vinci is known as a genius of the world, what many people don't know is that Da Vinci did not show anything special in his youth and looked very ordinary.

And while many people believe that Darwin pioneered human archaeology and fossil research, in fact, Leonardo da Vinci began to study fossils more than 500 years ago, and Leonardo da Vinci also believed that through fossils, You can understand the evolutionary history of life on earth, and at that time, no one else could understand his thoughts at all.

In addition, long before Magellan sailed around the world and proved that the earth is round, Leonardo Da Vinci said that the earth is round, and he also said that the diameter of the earth is about 7,000 miles. It can be said that this data is also similar to today's The diameter of the earth is almost the same.

At the same time, the theory of crustal movement and continental drift proposed by Leonardo da Vinci is also more than 300 years ahead of the world, which makes Leonardo da Vinci not like the people of their time.

According to folk records, there was a suspicious case during Da Vinci's childhood. According to the data, because Da Vinci was an illegitimate child, he had always lived in the countryside and had not studied systematically. He saw a bird with beautiful feathers, the bird guided Leonardo into a cave, and then Leonardo disappeared for 2 years.

When Da Vinci reappeared, he began to show amazing knowledge, and he soon became a blockbuster. Many fields were self-taught, no one knew where he studied, but Da Vinci obviously possessed and his advanced ideas, and in his manuscripts, there are many modern things.

There is a view that the cave that Da Vinci entered may be a "wormhole". Da Vinci traveled to the modern world, learned a wealth of knowledge in the modern world, and then returned to his own era.

In addition, there are views that Da Vinci may not have traveled to the future, but may have encountered aliens in a cave, and the aliens taught him a wealth of knowledge, which gave Da Vinci the opportunity to become famous in one fell swoop. An unparalleled genius in human history.

So, is it possible for Da Vinci to be a transmigrator? In other words, did Da Vinci have been to the future world, or was he instructed by aliens?

Judging from the manuscripts and other works left by Da Vinci, Da Vinci does not actually seem to be instructed by aliens, but is very much like a traveler, or has been to the future world.

Because many people think that Copernicus proposed the "heliocentric theory", but in fact, long before Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci once said that the earth is not the center of the universe, and the moon does not emit light, although In Earth's night sky, the moon looks bright, but in reality, it's just refracting the sun's light.

Moreover, Da Vinci once designed a "robot", which is still made of metal, which is also very incredible. You must know that human research on robots is hundreds of years later than Da Vinci.

In addition, Da Vinci also drew many modern products in the manuscript, cameras, tanks, machine guns, helicopters, submarines, etc., and they are all the same as modern times. If these are all Da Vinci's brain holes, then , is indeed amazing.

Besides Da Vinci, what other scientists are suspected of crossing over?

The scientist who is suspected of crossing the border will be introduced next, is a very rare talented woman in Chinese history - Wang Zhenyi.

We all know that in the feudal society, the social status of women was very low, which led to the fact that many women had no chance to display their talents, but Wang Zhenyi became a rare female scientist in ancient my country.

Wang Zhenyi was born in the Qianlong period. She was a child of a large family in Nanjing. Her father was a scholar and her mother was a lady. At that time, although it was already in the modern period, the feudal ideology at that time was still very serious. Therefore, the family did not hope that Wang Zhenyi could learn culture, but hoped that she could be a virgin girl and find a suitable family.

But what is incredible is that Wang Zhenyi did not live according to the family's plan, but kept it from her family. talent.

From the age of 18 to her marriage at the age of 25, Wang Zhenyi has always devoted herself to scientific research. The world authoritative journal "Nature" also selected Wang Zhenyi as a "female scientist who lays the foundation for scientific development". At the same time, the International Astronomical Society will also An asteroid named Wang Zhenyi star.

From these points, it can be seen that Wang Zhenyi's Science City is recognized internationally, but it is strange that at the age of 25, Wang Zhenyi suddenly gave up scientific research, but seemed to have an epiphany, looking for someone to marry. .

This also makes many people suspect that Wang Zhenyi before the age of 25 may have been "souled" by modern people, and when the time-travel is over, Wang Zhenyi has become an ordinary person again. What do you think of this? Do you think Da Vinci and Wang Zhenyi will all be transmigrators?


About the Creator

sondra mallen

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