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Curiosity Bites

Next time, I will!

By Kennedy ReedPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Well that came out of nowhere. I’m not swimming my usual route but still have never seen one before, so I wasn’t prepared when we slammed into each other through the murky deep. The eyes were so close together and the bubbles coming out of its face were unnatural. This creature was unlike anything I’d ever seen. I’m not afraid of anything, though, and this creature recoils as expected. I slowly swim around it, being sure to keep it in my eyeline while I decide if it’s dinner or not. I could take a bite and see. Before I can make up my mind the creature begins to move its puny fins and surface, staring me down the entire time. I could’ve used that meal, I shouldn’t have been hesitant. I know better. Still, this creature was unlike any other I’ve encountered during my long swim and something felt uneasy about its presence. Oh well, it was the only one and it’s gone now.

I swim fast but methodically. My body is built for this. I swim to survive and it makes me feel alive. This ocean is mine. Ah, there’s a familiar creature! Too small and fast to waste my energy, so it’s not a meal but it is at least familiar. Maybe I’ve stayed in the deep for too long? I’m only this close to the surface to find food. It was never this hard to eat before. Now I conserve my energy until I find a meal that can sustain me. Hunger sometimes leads to distractions, but I can afford those because I’m the predator of this ocean.

A shadow up ahead could mean a suitable meal. I increase speed slightly and try to smell my dinner. An uneasy feeling creeps into my fins as a recently familiar scent comes back to me. But this is much bigger than that creature was. I decrease speed significantly. My senses are keen but even I falter in the face of the unknown. And I do not know what I am seeing right now. Smaller shadows are starting to appear from the large one. Maybe a feast? Maybe an ambush. But I don’t think about that because I’m the predator of this ocean and I don’t get ambushed. Still, my last meal was not so long ago that I need to swim out of my way for these creatures. I continue on my path.

The vibrations of the ocean course through me. I can feel movement around me before I see it. This creature is moving fast. And in my direction. I dive slightly and allow my dark skin to camoflauge me into the deep. I am invisible. But that’s not the case for everyone. These unfamiliar creatures are becoming a nuisance to my hunt as well as to others, it seems. Lurking above is a cousin of mine who doesn’t seem to notice my presence. He’s fixated on the unfamiliar creatures as if he’s been warring with them his entire life. I pause. My cousin seems to make a sudden decision and quickly swims in the opposite direction of the creatures. Interesting. I can’t be distracted by this. I remain unseen so continue to make my way underneath. The unfamiliarity of this unease and these creatures scratches at my instincts. Maybe I should’ve stayed in my depth. I’m hungry though and resting has never been an option.

Up ahead! I know that smell. That’s dinner. And it’s almost too easy! I see a row of options and make my lunge for the biggest prize. This should be enough to keep me swimming for a while. I’m satisfied. Something is wrong, though. Within my meal is an unfamiliar sharpness. Pain. Suddenly, the reek of those creatures invades my senses and I begin to thrash my body through the water. I’m stuck. The meal I was shredding slowly drifts out of my mouth as I look around me for the creator of this trap. Who dares fight me? But nothing. I try to swim away but the tug against my mouth keeps pulling me back. Thrashing about will only cause injuries, so I wait. I’m not used to just floating. How long have I been here now?

Suddenly a tug, but not by me. I’m being brought to the surface. My instincts kick in as I begin to swim against the force, down into the comfort of my deep. But I have no energy and the dull pain has now been reignited with a fury. I haven’t been this close to the surface since I was a pup. The stench of these creatures is overwhelming now as the cold air laps against my skin. I don’t panic. I wait for my opportunity to fight. While scanning my surroundings for the best plan of attack I see my cousin across from me being picked up by these creatures. What’s he doing here? What’re they doing to him?


Primordial instincts take over me as I forget the pain in my mouth and the hunger in my stomach. I am the predator of this ocean and I am big. Bigger than these awful creatures that I will never forget. I thrash away from my would-be captors and work to destroy as much in my path in the process. My injuries are bad and I am hungry, but I will heal. A splash behind me gets my attention. I’m ready to fight.

The creature floats for a moment and then begins to sink to the deep, it’s blood smells familiar. Cousin. I watch as he tries to move his body, but without his fins he cannot swim. I am hungry. But I will skip that meal.

I thought I was the predator of the ocean. But there’s something much scarier out there.

Ah, there’s a familiar meal! No strings attached, either. This is why I like my deep.


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    KRWritten by Kennedy Reed

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