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By Oyinkansola OlubiyiPublished 7 months ago 4 min read

The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is one of the few mysteries that remain unsolved. Let's rewind back about 600 years to the story's origins. It all began with an Italian man who had grand ambitions of sailing across the ocean to reach Asia, a land rich with spices, silk, minerals, and more. Traveling to Asia by land would take an incredibly long time, so he hatched a plan to build sturdy ships, gather a crew of sailors, and set off on this ambitious voyage. What could possibly go wrong, right? Well, this man was none other than Christopher Columbus, and in 1492, with the support of Spain's royal family, he embarked on his historic journey.

Initially, things seemed to be going well, aside from one small detail – Columbus was heading in the wrong direction. But as he neared the end of his voyage, he stumbled upon something very strange. Little did he know that he was sailing right through the notorious Bermuda Triangle, a place also known as the "BT," the "point of no return," or the enigmatic region located between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Florida. This area has witnessed numerous tales of ships, boats, and planes disappearing without a trace, some reappearing years later, while others seemed to vanish into thin air.

However, there is one thing we know for sure – we have no definitive answers about what's going on in this mysterious corner of the world. People have been trying to unravel its secrets for years, but the Bermuda Triangle remains shrouded in uncertainty.

But let's get back to Christopher Columbus. What exactly did he witness during that fateful evening, and what could have possibly terrified him so profoundly? According to Columbus's logs, he saw an immense flash in the sky. Imagine yourself in his shoes – sailing through uncharted waters with no idea where you are, and suddenly, a colossal flash illuminates the sky right in front of you. It's safe to say that most of us would find solace below deck, gnawing on a lemon or something equally comforting.

Interestingly, Columbus never mentioned encountering massive waves, torrential rain, or strong winds that often accompany thunderstorms. All he noted was that single flash in the sky. Maybe some mischievous dolphins were putting on a fireworks display or some other natural phenomenon occurred. Following the flash, Columbus reported that his compass needle started behaving erratically, spinning in every direction.

So, what could explain this unusual occurrence? Well, modern scientists believe they might have an answer – an asteroid impact. Yes, you heard it right, an asteroid crashing into the ocean. But how does that explain the compass going haywire, you might wonder? Asteroids come in various shapes and sizes, much like chocolate eggs with the best parts on the inside, packed full of minerals and metals worth trillions of dollars. Some asteroids even have magnetic fields around them, making it easier to land on and mine. These magnetic fields can persist for millions of years.

So, the theory goes that an asteroid impact could have caused Columbus's compass to spin wildly. But the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle doesn't end with Columbus. There have been countless other strange incidents in this region, like ships and planes vanishing into thin air. While some of these mysteries have been solved, others continue to perplex us.

For instance, consider the story of the SS Cotopaxi, a cargo ship on a routine voyage from Charleston, South Carolina, to Havana, Cuba, in 1925. Two days into its journey, the Cotopaxi sent out a distress signal, reporting that it had encountered a powerful tropical storm and capsized. The wind was fierce, lightning lit up the sky, and rainwater began to flood the ship's hold. Suddenly, a bright white flash of light enveloped the vessel, and it vanished without a trace.

Later, its wreckage was supposedly found in the Gobi Desert, which is on the opposite side of the world from its intended route. However, this part of the story is fictional and was created for a movie by Steven Spielberg. In reality, the Cotopaxi was declared missing, and its 32 crew members, including the captain, were never found.

Fast forward to 2020, and the wreckage of the Cotopaxi was indeed found, not in the Gobi Desert, but off the coast of Florida by a man named Michael Barnett. He had moved to Florida to study shipwrecks and stumbled upon a massive wreck that locals referred to as the "bear wreck." Through meticulous research, Barnett pieced together the puzzle and identified it as the Cotopaxi. The ship had disappeared due to a combination of factors, including broken hatch covers that allowed water to flood the hold during the tropical storm.

These are just a few examples of the strange occurrences associated with the Bermuda Triangle, and while some have logical explanations, others remain unsolved, leaving us with an enduring fascination for this enigmatic part of the world.

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  • Alex H Mittelman 7 months ago

    Great work! Fantastic job!

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