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By roy SlezakPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Have you noticed that pandemics are becoming more frequent around the world?

Many people say we are fullfilling the description in the Book of Revelations from the Bible, and that may be true. However, the root cause may be something that we can reverse and hopefully, our scientists realize what is going on.

Vaccines are created after the fact and take years to perfect and viruses learn to mutate into resistant strains that sometimes are even more devastating to the populations. The next question is, just how many vaccines can we put in our bodies?

At some point, vaccines may become more devastating than the virus it was developed to fight. We have already seen some signs of this over the years.

What we also have seen is the re-emergence of "old" viruses that were thought to be cured a long time ago. The root cause, in my opinion, is the same.

Covid-19 brought much awareness in the United States about the devastation to life as we know it and Covid is just the tip of the iceberg.

The following is a description of what I believe is the root cause, and that root cause continues on today. That is why I fear for future generations of the world and the continuation of the pandemic trend.

Covid-19 has taken its toll on the whole world and has hit the US and its Native population the hardest of any nation.

We, in my opinion, are letting our guard down and the chances are that we will suffer the consequences in the form of another spike in cases and more deaths due to the virus.

Yes, we will defeat or at least minimize the threat of Covid, but where does the future lead us. The future, my friends, is not one I wish to see develop on our current path.

Science can come up with vaccines and other medications to slow the spread and even eliminate this virus for a while. However, my biggest fear is that we are treating symptoms rather than the cause.

Again, in my opinion, and science backs this up, is the rapid elimination of biodiversity in our environment. Biodiversity is slowly being eroded with the elimination of plant, animal, and insect species that are necessary to balance our world; a balance that we are on the verge of destroying forever.

A world of Biodiversity is critical for our world to survive and for our way of life to be preserved for future generations. Unless we act now, we certainly will suffer from more serious pandemics, floods, food shortages around the world, and climate change that will further exasperate the issues we face.

If we continue to treat the symptoms and ignore the cause our future is not a bright one.

Until we wake up and start treating the cause and stop wiping the oil off the floor without fixing the cause of that oil, we will suffer grave consequences and our way of life, as we know it, will be gone forever.

Science can certainly identify the causes, but if we choose to ignore the science there is no chance to correct the cause of the issues we face. And those issues as mentioned above, are grave consequences of not acting now to eliminate the causes instead of closing the barn door after the cows have escaped.

I am not an alarmist, but I do believe in science and science had sounded the alarm years ago and the world ignored it. We now face a major uphill battle to correct the damage done by ignoring that alarm.

The time to act is now, not later.


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