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American Animals California, Colorado, Connecticut

The wildlife of three US states

By Rasma RaistersPublished 5 days ago 4 min read

Wildlife of California

The US state of California is nicknamed the Golden State. It shares a land border with Oregon to the north, Nevada, and Arizona to the east, and Mexico to the south. The western coast of the entire state is bordered by the Pacific Ocean. The California Central Valley lies in the center of the state. There are several mountain ranges among them the Sierra Nevada, the Klamath Mountains, the Coast Ranges, and the Transverse Ranges. California includes both the highest point, Mount Whitney, and the lowest point, Death Valley, in the entire continental US.

Official State Animal

California Grizzly Bear

Official State Reptile

Desert Tortoise

Official State Bird

California Quail

Official State Amphibian

California red-legged frog

California is home to forty-six types of snakes among which seven are venomous. Among the common snakes are gopher snakes, garter snakes, California kingsnakes, and boas.

Among venomous snakes are rattlesnakes. The most common are the Western rattlesnake, Mojave rattlesnake, and the Western diamondback.

Best Places to See Wildlife

Yosemite National Park is located in the central Sierra Nevada range. It is right next door to the Sierra National Forest and Stanislaus National Forest. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage site. You can enjoy the cliffs, pine groves, shrublands, and alpine woodlands and meadows.

The wildlife that makes their home here are black bears, mule deer, fishers, goshawks, cougars, bobcats, river otters, foxes, and others.

The Redwood National and States Parks are located in the far northwest corner of the state. This is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. There are lots of redwood forests.

Some of the wildlife here are mountain lions, black bears, coyotes, bobcats, foxes, beavers, river otters, seals, hawks, ospreys, squirrel-like rodents, and more.

The Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park are located side by side in the southern part of the Sierra Nevada range.

Visitors can see bighorn sheep, bears, wolverines, and cougars.

Joshua Tree National Park has a scenic desert landscape.

There are roadrunners, tortoises, lizards, coyotes, bobcats, bighorn sheep, jackrabbits, and kangaroo rats.

The Crystal Cove State Park has coastal cliffs and beachfront coves with the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean.

There are about 180 species of birds among them the ring bill gull, greater roadrunner, and turkey vulture.

Endangered Animals

Kangaroo Rats

Ground Squirrels

Southern Sea otters

Humboldt Martens

California Condors

California Brown Pelicans

Greater Sandhill Cranes

Sea Turtles

Mountain Yellow-legged Frogs

There are nearly twenty endangered species of butterflies.

Wildlife of Colorado

The US state of Colorado is known for having some of the most towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains. The state has eight distinct ecosystems varying from grassland to forest to wetlands and semi-desert shrublands evoking from the deserts of the neighboring state of New Mexico.

Making their home in the state are large grazers such as bison and bighorn sheep. There are vicious predators like bears, foxes, and mountain lions. Like in other Mountain States such as Montana and Wyoming most notable herbivores also include elk and moose.

Among smaller creatures are prairie dogs that create tunnels that are used by about 150 different animals and beavers who play a critical role in the wetlands ecosystem.

Official State Animal

Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep

Official State Bird

Lark Bunting

The best places in the state to see elk are the Horseshoe and Morain sections of Rocky Mountain National Park.

You can see bison just outside of the city of Denver at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is also home to coyotes, mule deer, and bald eagles during the winter season.

To enjoy birds take the South Platte River Trail in the winter where you can enjoy bald eagles. Birds here all year round are kestrels and red-tailed hawks.

State Forest State Park is known as the “Moose Capital” of Colorado.

Other animals here are beavers, foxes, and black bears.

Bighorn sheep are most common at the Great Sand Dunes National Park. Here you can also see rodents like ground squirrels. Among the big predators are coyotes and bobcats.

Endangered Species

Bighorn Sheep


Black-footed ferret


Kit Fox

Alpacas In Connecticut

One of the places where you can do some bird watching in the US state of Connecticut is Silver Sands State Park.

The park offers summertime swimming in Long Island Sound and visiting a bird sanctuary on Charles Island. On the island, you can find heron and egret rookeries.

Other birds seen are the snowy owl and the rough-legged hawk.

You can take wonderful nature hikes and watch wildlife at the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center. Here you'll find mixed woods, wetlands, and meadows.

In the meadow, you can spot bluebirds or bullfrogs and painted turtles in the pond. There are birds such as owls and hawks.

At Burgis Brook Alpacas you'll find over 50 Peruvian huacayas living on the farm in Canterbury. They have delightful names like El Futuro and Claribelle. Many can be petted. Their soft fleece turns into knitting yarn which can be purchased at The Crimp Farm Shop and foodstuffs produced on-site.


About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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