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A Spooky Tale of Stationery and Suspense

The Spooky and Mysterious Happenings in the Haunted Office Supply Closet

By Maxo BomPublished about a year ago 3 min read

It was a normal day at the office when the first strange occurrence happened. An employee went to the supply closet to grab some paper for the printer, but the door was locked. This was strange, because the supply closet was always supposed to be open during business hours.

The employee shrugged it off and went about their day, but soon other strange things started happening. People reported hearing strange noises coming from the closet, like the sound of paper shuffling or objects falling off shelves. Some even claimed to have seen shadowy figures moving around inside the closet when they walked past.

The office manager tried to investigate the situation, but every time they went to open the closet, the door was mysteriously locked. They even called a locksmith to replace the lock, but the same thing kept happening.

Soon, rumors started circulating around the office that the supply closet was haunted. People started avoiding the closet altogether, and some employees refused to work in the office altogether.

One day, an adventurous employee named Jake decided to investigate the closet himself. He snuck a set of lockpicks into the office and waited until everyone had gone home for the day. Then, he made his way to the supply closet and started picking the lock.

As he worked on the lock, he heard strange noises coming from inside the closet. It sounded like someone was shuffling papers or moving objects around. He tried to ignore it and focused on the lock, but he couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching him.

Finally, he managed to pick the lock and swung the door open. To his surprise, there was nothing out of the ordinary inside. Just boxes of paper, a stapler, some pens and markers, and other office supplies.

Jake was confused and disappointed, but he didn't give up. He started to come into work early and stay late, staking out the supply closet to see if anything strange happened. He even set up a camera to record any movement or sounds coming from the closet.

Days went by, and nothing happened. But then, one evening, Jake was looking over the footage from the camera and he saw something that made his blood run cold. A shadowy figure appeared on the screen, moving around the closet and shuffling papers.

Jake didn't know what to do. He was scared and confused, but he knew he had to tell the office manager. He showed them the footage, and they were just as scared and confused as he was.

Together, they decided to bring in a paranormal investigator to see if they could get to the bottom of the strange occurrences in the supply closet. The investigator set up cameras and motion sensors, hoping to catch any evidence of supernatural activity.

Days went by, and they didn't find anything. But then, one night, the motion sensors went off, and the cameras captured something strange. A glowing figure appeared on the screen, moving around the closet and making strange noises.

The investigator and the office manager were both scared, but they knew they had to confront whatever was in the closet. They took a deep breath and approached the door, opening it slowly.

To their surprise, there was nothing there. Just the same old boxes of paper, staplers, and pens. But they could feel a strange energy in the air, like something had been there and then vanished.

After that, the strange occurrences in the supply closet stopped. The employees were still a little spooked, but they started using the closet again without any issues.

As for Jake, he couldn't shake the feeling that something supernatural had been in the closet. He started researching the history of the office building and found out that it used to be a printing press in the early 1900s. He theorized that maybe the ghost of a printer or typesetter was still lingering in the supply closet, unable to move on.

Despite the spooky experience, the employees at the office started to joke about the "haunted supply closet," and it became a source of laughter and camaraderie among them. And, of course, Jake became the office ghost hunter, always ready to investigate any strange happenings in the future.

short story

About the Creator

Maxo Bom

Hi, I am Maxo Bom, a content writer and writing content on vocal media for more than a year, hope you like my work.

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