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Prepping for beginners.

By Christopher HarveyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Mario Klassen on Unsplash


If you are new to prepping, then you’ve come to the right place. The Prepper Journal is specially created to help as many people as possible get started with preparation. Whether you’re looking for the supplies you need to weather a short-term emergency or the other end of the spectrum that becomes completely self-sufficient; We have the information in the Prepper Journal to equip you with the tips and ideas you need to get started on your prepper journey.

What is a prepper? It depends on who you ask, but to me a prepper is simply someone who takes steps to make sure their families are fully prepared, on their own, to deal with whatever life throws at us. It really doesn’t matter to me what people are preparing for, it’s the “why” that drives you and makes your efforts sound. I like to think that everyone from the single mother of three to the ex-military who lives on 200 acres of paved land can contribute to our community and learn from each other in some way.


Prepping is a lifestyle, not a travel destination, and I don’t think any of us can really say that we are prepared for all sorts of doomsday scenarios. I don’t put much emphasis on the title of an expert as there aren’t many of us who have survived much more than what we would call minor inconveniences. Getting through a power outage or starving yourself for a day doesn’t qualify you as an expert.

If you’ve been camping in the woods or have eaten a beetle, it doesn’t mean you know everything there is to know about survival. Each of us has our own experiences and there are those who are more experienced in some aspects of life than others, but we are all human. Our drive and determination make so much more than many people want to consider. Each of us can survive almost anything, with the right attitude, the right resources, and the right circumstances.

If you just want to know where to start, we have plenty of articles to get you started. For a good start into the things you can do and steps you can take to prepare yourself, I recommend that you start with the following articles when you are ready to begin prepping.


The articles above contain a considerable amount of information to help you get started with prep, at least as far as food is concerned, but the basics deserve their own section as well. There are really 4 main areas that almost anything preparation-related can fall into. These are water, food, shelter, and security.


By Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Let’s start with the obvious. The average person needs approximately 1 gallon of water for daily use under normal conditions. While some of this is devoted to hygiene and cooking, plan on budgeting no less than this amount for your survival prep. Without water, our bodies become dehydrated quickly and that can make a bad day worse very quickly.


By Dan Gold on Unsplash

When you start considering preparation, one of the first things to start preparing for is the food. Simply put, food is a basic requirement if you plan to live, and your family must have a supply of food on hand regardless of the day or your situation. Due to our just-in-time supply chain model, most grocery stores do not have more than 3 days of food in stock. The shelves are cleaned quickly in every emergency or disaster situation.

You don’t want to be one of those people who realizes that you have nothing in the house for dinner and that a major blizzard, hurricane, or other event is imminent. You go to the grocery store and find bare shelves as they did during Hurricane Sandy. This happens in any case in which people might go hungry. Shops are being cleared and the bigger your city, the faster the shelves will be empty.

Not only will there be no food on the shelves, but the shelves could stay that way for a long time. What if the roads are impassable? What if there is an interruption in supply. You could be without food for a long time and this should never happen. They eat every day and so do everyone else. Running out of food should not be an option for your family, at least for a reasonable amount of time.


By Evan Leith on Unsplash

Shelter is a broad subject and covers many different aspects of preparation, but essentially it is a way to keep you out of the elements. Optionally, accommodation can provide you with a safe place, protected from people who want to harm you or your family or keep your body temperature at a level that will keep you alive.


By John Salvino on Unsplash

There are few things more likely to spark a fight than the discussion of firearms and especially what are the best options for a defensive weapon when you are just starting out with your emergency preparations. There are entire survival forums on this topic alone, and if you want opinions there are plenty of places to find them. Similar to the conversation about Bugging Out Vs. When settling down there are many options, opinions, and reasons why you should or shouldn’t do one thing or the other that is given by all.

For my part, I believe that under equal conditions, every responsible adult should have a firearm available for safety.

Hope the above gives you a good start and we will keep it and add more as the days go by. I hope you will join us on this journey.

Thanks for reading!

Originally posted on my blog. Check it out here:

Original post:


About the Creator

Christopher Harvey

I’m a long-time writer and musician. I love telling stories and writing poetry.

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