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5 Potentially Habitable Planets Found So Far

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By Jhine17Published about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by: rbkomar/getty images

5 Potentially Habitable Planets Found So Far

By 2023, researchers have been finding new planets outside of our solar system for several decades. More than 5000 of them have been discovered, and many of them may already be home to life. Let's have a look at the newly discovered potentially livable planets if you're up for a wild voyage across space. We are traveling to LP 890-9, a red dwarf star situated 105 light years from Earth. Please fasten your seatbelts, LP 890-9b and LP 890-9c. In terms of warmth, this star is much better than our sun. It is roughly 4,700 degrees Fahrenheit in temperature. Despite its diminutive size, this little guy is jam-packed with surprises, like the two exoplanets it orbits. One orbit around its star is completed in around three days. Imagine sleeping through a bitter winter and waking up in a sweltering summer. But LP 890-9c steals the show. This one was found using the Speculoos telescope; it is farther away from the star and orbits more lazily than LP 890-9b, taking 2.5 times as long. Although it is bigger than Earth, its true claim to fame is that it is in the habitable zone of its star, which indicates that it may have liquid water on its surface and a climate that supports life. The James Webb Space Telescope is now an excellent choice for investigating the atmosphere of this planet. Hold on though; LP 890-9c is not experiencing a perfect world.

The fascinating exoplanet lp890-9c continues to be worth further study despite these obstacles. Who knows what mysteries it could contain. Now let's discuss the reason why lp890-9c is a magnetic exoplanet that warrants additional research. Yellow dwarfs like our Sun are considerably more relaxed and fainter than gj1002, but that's good because each of its planets round the star fairly closely, so it shouldn't be too far away. An international team of astronomers results by experts from the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canaria has discovered two Earth-like planets which are only 16 light years from our solar system, following candidates gj1002b and gj1002c. Using information from NASA's Kepler satellite, scientists rediscover The Lost exoplanet in 2022, and they do the same with this world. It's also possible that the planet is tidally locked, just like LP 890-9c, which would be uh unpleasant that's why Kepler 1649c is definitely worth further study; maybe it turns out to be a perfect place for us to set up a vacation home in the future just make sure to bring plenty of sunscreens since the planet is pretty close to its star. Things could get pretty toasty. Kepler 1638 B this exoplanet is located. About 5 000 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. It has also located in the habitable zone of its star. It was discovered in 2020 by the Kepler spacecraft through a process called transiting; they take a bunch of photos of the star at different times; after that, the programs analyze these photos and look for small spots and dots on them; these tiny dips in brightness May mean that a planet was passing by the star Kepler 1638b is a bit of an oddball compared to most exoplanets we have found so far, it is about four times the mass of Earth. It has a radius about two times that of Earth, making it a super Earth exoplanet. Its orbital period is about 260 days which is quite close to our Earth, which is excellent. Winter and summer will finally flow normally, at least somewhere. Kepler 1638b is an intriguing possibility for further research to discover if it may support life since it could have liquid water there. Finally, we have Kepler-438b, which was discovered by the Kepler space observatory in 2015. It represents an exoplanet that is approximately identical in size as Earth and orbits within the habitable area of its star, but there are a few limitations.


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Hello folks. Since I was a grade student, I have love making stories to the point that I bought notebooks for this and let my classmates read them. And also read books related to science, mystery, and others. I hope you've love it too.

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