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13 Everyday Habits That Make You Smarter

Live a healthy life.

By Muhammad Subhan HameedPublished 12 months ago 4 min read


A lot of people think that being smart means getting good grades and having a degree. However, being smart is more than just memorizing information or reciting facts. It’s about thinking critically and making decisions that benefit you. In this article, we will explore 13 everyday habits that can make you smarter, regardless of your age or level of education.

Table of Contents

1. Question, Don’t Just Assume

2. Read Something You Normally Wouldn’t

3. Diversify Your Day

4. Expose Yourself to Different World Views

5. Make a Point of Learning Something New Each Day

6. Apply New Knowledge

7. Think of New Ways to Do Old Things

8. Play Games That Make You Think

9. Increase Mental Intensity

10. Take Up a Productive Hobby

11. Hang Out with People Who Are Smarter Than You

12. Get Some Physical Exercise

13. Set Aside Some Quiet Time

14. Conclusion

15. FAQs

1. Question, Don’t Just Assume

Subheading: Critical Thinking is Key

Questioning is a habit that applies to every aspect of life, from acquiring new information to navigating relationships. Many people tend to accept things at face value without questioning them.

2. Read Something You Normally Wouldn’t

Subheading: Expanding Perspectives through Reading

Reading is an excellent way to expand knowledge and vocabulary. To become smarter, it’s essential to read every day. Moreover, challenge yourself by reading materials that oppose your own perspective. Engaging with different points of view can be eye-opening and broaden your understanding.

3. Diversify Your Day

Subheading: Embracing Novelty for Mental Stimulation

While routines can be beneficial, getting stuck in a rut limits growth. To be both happy and productive, it’s crucial to introduce novelty into your daily life. Break away from autopilot by trying new activities, taking different routes, or exploring new hobbies. These changes stimulate your brain, making you more creative and adaptable.

4. Expose Yourself to Different World Views

Subheading: Embracing Curiosity and Cultural Diversity

Smart people are curious and open-minded. Actively seek interactions with people from various backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Engaging with diverse ideas and opinions broadens your understanding of the world. While you may not agree with everything, keeping an open mind helps foster personal growth.

5. Make a Point of Learning Something New Each Day

Subheading: Continuous Learning for Mental Development

Learning something new every day, no matter how small, has a significant impact on your brain. Engage in activities such as watching educational shows, listening to podcasts, or subscribing to thought-provoking newsletters. Additionally, utilizing word-of-the-day apps can expand your vocabulary. Learning is valuable, but applying that knowledge to improve your life is equally important.

6. Apply New Knowledge

Subheading: Practicing What You Learn

Don’t let new knowledge go to waste. The true value lies in applying what you’ve learned. Whether it’s information about nutrition, technology, or any other subject, actively apply it to your life. By doing this, you strengthen your understanding and give the educational process greater significance.

7. Think of New Ways to Do Old Things

Subheading: Stimulating Creativity and Problem-Solving

Challenge your brain by exploring alternative ways to accomplish everyday tasks. This habit helps fend off boredom, keeps your mind sharp, and makes life more interesting. Additionally, finding more efficient methods for routine activities can enhance productivity. Embracing a creative mindset leads to innovative solutions and personal growth.

8 . Play Games That Make You Think

Subheading: Engaging in Brain-Stimulating Activities

Playing board games, card games, puzzles, or other games that demand strategic thinking keeps your mind active and engaged. According to research, strategy games enhance memory performance. You can improve your capacity to manage many situations in daily life by consistently training your brain.

9 . Increase Mental Intensity

Subheading: Challenging Yourself for Cognitive Growth

Pushing beyond your perceived limits is key to becoming smarter. Engage in activities that challenge your mind, such as learning a new skill or studying unfamiliar subjects. Additionally, explore different thought patterns through self-help books or podcasts focused on personal development. By consistently challenging yourself, you strengthen neural pathways and increase your capacity for learning.

10. Take up a Productive Hobby

Subheading: Nurturing Creativity and Cognitive Function

Interests outside of work are essential for mental health and cognitive development. Hobbies act as mental stimulation and creative outlets. You can improve cognitive performance and become a better-rounded person by engaging in hobbies such as writing, playing an instrument, painting, knitting, carpentry, gardening, or any number of other activities. Additionally, hobbies present chances to widen your social circle and connect with like-minded others.

11. Hang Out with People Who Are Smarter Than You

Subheading: Surrounding Yourself with Intellectual Stimulation

To foster personal growth, it’s essential to surround yourself with individuals who are smarter or possess different areas of expertise. Interacting with such people challenges your thinking, inspires new ideas, and expands your knowledge. Engaging with individuals who offer diverse perspectives helps you think critically and be more effective in various aspects of life.

12. Get Some Physical Exercise

Subheading: Boosting Brain Health through Physical Activity

Exercise is good for your brain as well as your physical health. The brain receives better blood flow with regular exercise, which increases memory, learning, attention, concentration, and comprehension. Additionally, exercise encourages better sleep, which enhances cognitive function and general wellbeing.

13. Set Aside Some Quiet Time

Subheading: Reflection and Self-Awareness

Taking time for introspection and reflection is crucial for personal growth and increased intelligence. Smart people learn from their experiences and identify patterns that may contribute to unhealthy habits. By being self-aware and mindful, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of your thoughts, actions, and life choices.


To become smarter, it’s not necessary to be a genius or spend hours in the library. By incorporating these 13 everyday habits into your life, you can boost your intelligence and enhance your decision-making skills. Embrace curiosity, challenge yourself, and be open to new experiences. Remember, progress matters more than perfection.


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