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1,000-year-old 'alien' fossil presented to the Mexican Congress

TPO - A journalist and UFO researcher has just shown Mexican lawmakers the remains of creatures considered "non-human", at a hearing before Congress. Mexico's first public statement on the subject.

By TestPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Revelations in Mexican Congress: Unveiling Enigmatic "Non-Human" Creatures

In a riveting and unprecedented moment, a seasoned journalist and dedicated UFO researcher recently took center stage before Mexican lawmakers. In a hearing that transcended conventional norms, he presented the bewildering remains of beings classified as "non-human." This extraordinary spectacle marked a pivotal juncture, as it represented Mexico's inaugural public address on the subject – an endeavor that promised to shift the narrative surrounding unexplained phenomena.

Extraterrestrial Discovery Ignites Global Intrigue

The date was September 12, and Mr. Jamie Maussan, a prominent figure in the world of UFO investigations, was about to unveil two enigmatic boxes that would send shockwaves through the global community. Inside those containers lay what he claimed to be the preserved body of an alien being, purportedly discovered in the remote depths of Peru in 2017. Maussan's revelation didn't end there; he backed his assertion with scientific gravitas. The extraterrestrial relic had undergone carbon dating, a rigorous process administered by the University of California and the Mexican National Autonomous Research, which astonishingly dated the creature to be between 700 and 1,800 years old.

However, it was the physical characteristics of this unearthly entity that captured the imagination. The specimen featured an astonishingly unusual physiology – three fingers on each hand, and an elongated, slender head that bore an uncanny resemblance to the archetypal depiction of an alien from a Hollywood science fiction blockbuster.

In a riveting address, Mr. Maussan proclaimed, "This is the first instance of extraterrestrial life being presented in such a tangible, indisputable form. I firmly believe that the evidence we possess points to these entities being non-human, devoid of any connection to known terrestrial species." His plea to the gathered parliamentarians was unequivocal – view this matter not as a mere political debate but as an issue of profound human significance.

Even more tantalizing were Maussan's hints of possible DNA testing that could serve as the ultimate verification of the otherworldly origin of the samples, though as of now, it remains unclear whether such tests have been undertaken.

This wasn't Maussan's inaugural foray into the enigmatic. In the past, he had presented claims about "non-human" remains found in Peru, although some of those assertions were later discredited. What sets this latest revelation apart is the glaring dissimilarity between these samples and the specimen he introduced in 2015.

This extraordinary assembly was convened to deliberate on the inclusion of UFO-related language in the Space Protection Act. If this amendment is ratified, Mexico would stand as a pioneering nation, becoming the first to officially acknowledge the presence of alien life on Earth, as reported by local media outlets.

The remains of a creature believed to be an alien were presented to the Mexican Congress. (Photo: Reuters)

However, Mr. Maussan was not alone in his mission to present this startling case. He was joined by a former US Navy pilot who had recently revealed a similar phenomenon before American politicians in Washington.

Across the border in the United States, the Department of Defense established the Regional Irregularities Office, a unit authorized by Congress to investigate incidents of this nature. Up until May of the current year, this office had probed nearly 800 reports of UFO encounters, with many of these occurrences remaining unresolved. This has led to a growing belief among US lawmakers that the military may possess a wealth of undisclosed information about these perplexing phenomena.

Approximately a month following the hearing in Washington, the Pentagon made a momentous announcement. They introduced the Office of Worldwide Unusual Resolutions and unveiled a public-accessible website aimed at sharing declassified information about UFOs with the world.

As the mysteries of the cosmos draw nearer to our collective understanding, the world watches with bated breath, embracing the possibilities that lie beyond the boundaries of our planet.


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