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Why Women Choose Funny Guys Over Fine Guys - Bovi, Sharon Ooja and More Discuss

What do you think?

By Jide OkonjoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

If given the choice to choose between Broda Shaggi and Timini Egbuson purely based on one being a funny man vs the other being a fine man, which one would you choose? Funny or Fine?

This is the topic of today's discussion.

Broda Shaggi (left), Timini (right)

During a conversation on Inkblot's Meet & Greet, this conversation came up and I knew I had to bring it to our table so I can get your views on the matter. Without further ado, let's jump into the discussion and then we'll vote and talk after.

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From Top-Left to Bottom-Right: Zulu, Damola, Eku Edewor, Naz, Bovi, Sharon Ooja, Pere

Okay, so in the new movie The Perfect Arrangement, Sharon Ooja's character has to choose between Pere's character and Bovi's character. It was during a conversation about why producers choose these two men that the discussion came up.

Here's what was said:

Damola - We wanted 2 guys who were very very different. That the appeal on the surface of each person would not be obvious. See Pere, a beefcake. Then look at Bovi

Naz - Bovi is also a beefcake, how dare you! People actually believe that hot women are attracted to Bovi

Sharon Ooja - And that's no cap. As his friend, I can vouch for him 100%. Women love funny men

Damola - I've always said this thing. If you can make a babe laugh, basically her eyes are closed half the time. She cannot see you. You will get married, you will have 5 children. That's how I got married to my wife, I just kept making her laugh.

Sharon Ooja - The truth is guys like Bovi will walk into a place and a girl, maybe like me sitting down and trying to be like "oh nobody should talk to me", he will come and make you laugh. And he will crack you. He's likely the guy to talk to a girl first before even a guy that feels like "I'm a hunk" or "I'm Denzel".

Eku Edewor - Bovi is handsome. We put this thing like "oh comics are funny and not these attractive men", with women as well. If you're the funny woman, you're not the pretty woman. That is not the reality.

Eku did not lie. As a society, we really have this thing that when somebody is seen as funny, we automatically just put them as "oh this one is funny, he/she cannot do romantic" whereas a lot of the most sought after people are actually funny people. I think both Damola and Sharon's points were absolutely right. But then again, I know a lot of women who would rather have fine men over funny men, which is also understandable. Everybody wants a person they can show off at the end of the day.

It's an interesting conversation to have. I have to turn it to you.

In dating, would you rather go for FINE or FUNNY? Let me know in the voting poll below and if you want to expatiate on your answer, feel free to leave a comment either below or on my Facebook post.

That's All.

I hope you’ve had fun. Don’t forget to like my page (Jide Okonjo) if you don’t already for more stories like this, the fun never ends

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Until next time, have a wonderful rest of your day.


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Jide Okonjo

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