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Why Corporate America Sucks

And what to do

By ELPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

Working in corporate can be a challenging experience for many reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons why people find it difficult:

1. Long hours: Many corporate jobs require long hours and a lot of hard work. This can be especially challenging if you have other commitments outside of work, such as family or hobbies.

2. High pressure: Corporate jobs often come with high levels of pressure to perform and meet targets. This can be stressful and lead to burnout if you're not careful.

3. Office politics: Working in a corporate environment often means dealing with office politics and navigating complex hierarchies. This can be frustrating and make it difficult to get things done.

4. Lack of autonomy: In many corporate jobs, you may feel like you don't have a lot of control over your work. This can be demotivating and lead to feelings of dissatisfaction with your job.

5. Bureaucracy: Corporate environments can be bureaucratic and slow-moving. This can make it difficult to get things done quickly and efficiently.

6. Limited creativity: Many corporate jobs require you to follow strict guidelines and procedures. This can be limiting if you're someone who enjoys being creative and thinking outside the box.

7. Lack of meaning: Some people find that working in corporate doesn't provide them with a sense of purpose or meaning. This can make it difficult to stay motivated and engaged in your work.

8. Work-life balance: Balancing work and life can be challenging in a corporate environment, especially if you're expected to work long hours or be available outside of normal business hours.


Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion that is caused by prolonged stress and overwork. It is a common problem in today's fast-paced, high-stress work environment, and can have serious consequences for both individuals and organizations.

The symptoms of burnout can include feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and detachment from work, as well as a sense of decreased effectiveness and accomplishment. Burnout can also lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach problems, and sleep disturbances.

There are many factors that can contribute to burnout, including heavy workloads, lack of control over one's work, lack of social support, and a mismatch between one's values and the demands of the job. Burnout can also be caused by a lack of work-life balance, as well as by personal factors such as perfectionism and a tendency to overwork.

To prevent burnout, it is important to take steps to manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This can include setting realistic goals, taking breaks throughout the day, and seeking social support from colleagues and friends. It is also important to prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep.

Overall, burnout is a serious problem that can have long-term consequences for individuals and organizations. By taking steps to manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance, it is possible to prevent burnout and promote well-being and productivity in the workplace.

So what else?

There are many jobs outside of the corporate world that you may be interested in. Here are a few examples:

1. Entrepreneur: Starting your own business can be a great way to take control of your career and pursue your passions.

2. Freelancer: If you have a specific skill set, such as writing, graphic design, or programming, you may be able to work as a freelancer and offer your services to clients on a project-by-project basis.

3. Non-profit work: If you're passionate about a particular cause, working for a non-profit organization can be a great way to make a difference while also earning a living.

4. Creative industries: If you're artistically inclined, there are many jobs in creative industries such as music, film, and advertising that may interest you.

5. Trades: There are many skilled trades that are in high demand, such as plumbing, electrical work, and carpentry.

6. Healthcare: If you're interested in helping others and have a passion for science, a career in healthcare may be a good fit for you.

7. Education: If you enjoy working with people and have a passion for teaching, a career in education may be a good fit.

These are just a few examples of the many jobs that are available outside of the corporate world. When considering your career options, it's important to think about your interests, skills, and values, and find a job that aligns with them.


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