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The story through her eyes

Fooling her twice

By Melina simpsonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

going on ten years ago they worked together, she always had a thing for him, he had a cute smile and smirk along with a very sexy accent. She thought of telling him to see if anything would come of it many times, but always chickened out, believing herself when she thought that she wasn’t good enough, pretty enough or sexy enough. So they just remained work friends.

After leaving the work place they crossed paths again on a dating app, he liked her pictures and began messaging her. She was so shocked and excited to think that he could be interested, she replied to his messages and sent images for his eyes to see , some very naughty images and clips for his eyes only to watch. After a day or two he stopped replying, he kept reading the messages she sent him but he just left them as read. This confused her, this made her become self doubtful again, second guessing how she looked and if she really was good enough to receive his attention. Another day or two passed and his friend messaged her out of the blue, he spoke about things she only told his friend, things that she only sent to his friend and showed his friend. She couldn’t believe that he could do this to her, that he showed people even after she asked him not too, even after he said it was for his eyes only and like a fool she believed him. She was told to stop texting and stop sending images to this guy that he wasn’t interested in her and that she should delete everything and block him. As upset as she was she did as she was told, not getting replies from him hurt her as she thought they were good friends and now she knew it wasn’t true.

After a while she forgot about him, about what had happened between them and how he made her feel, she moved on and lived her life until one day… she got a message from him, “hey”, with much hesitation she ready the short message, and left it on read. Not knowing why he messaged her after so long and what to reply with. A few days went by and he messaged again, “hey, how are you? I am sorry for ghosting you”, he wrote. She replied with “ok”. Again not knowing what to write back, then one night she had too much to drink and texted him, they wrote back n forth for a little while and he seemed to have changed, they organise to catch up for drinks and pizza and movies. They both wrote about how they were looking forward to it as the days lead to the Friday that they had planned for. In the back of her mind she knew this sounded too good to be true but still went through with the planned night catch up anyway.

Things went as planned, she turned up, they had drinks, watched movies, talk, laughed and ate pizza. The night was fun and chill, then he asked to kiss her, and one thing lead to another and they were both naked and moaning. It totally made the night great. All of a sudden she realised the time and decided she had to go, he seemed ok with it but she knew he may be a little pissed that she left so fast. On her way home they messaged each other, talking about next time they catch up. Saying goodnight and going to bed she had a huge smile on her face.

The next day they continued messaging and then just like last time he read some texts and didn’t reply, her heart sank, she felt sick and started to self doubt again… this time he saw her naked, so venerable and told her to her face that she was sexy, that she was beautiful and he like the way she looked. And like a fool she believed him. He messaged back the next day but after her reply he didn’t read or reply to anything she sent. Giving him the benifit of a doubt she left it be and didn’t message again until the following day, saying hello and asking how he was but like the day before he didn’t read or reply to anything she sent. It is now the third day and still nothing. I guess once a guy ghosts someone that’s what he is, he got what he wanted and now he just doesn’t want anything more.

What a fool she was, I’m sure many can relate.


About the Creator

Melina simpson

creative writing is fun, it allows my mind to race. I am a fun and bubbly person who loves to let my imagination run wild.

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