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The Best & Cutest Story i came across

Lemme tell you a story that I really love, actually my favorite non-fictional one, a real life story. There was a girl and a boy...

By AUPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Lemme tell you a story which I really love, actually my favourite non-fictional one, a real life story. There was a girl and a boy let's refer them here as she and he.They were in love with eachother.

The girl unintentionally hurt that boy and then apologised for it and she was really really really really feeling sorry about it tho the topic was not so serious but hurting him made her feel sorry like hell. She was continuously apologising to him and he was comforting her saying it's okay, only we got eachother's back, I will be there for you whenever you lack something and it's okay to commit mistakes, only we will have to forgive eachother na, you have to forgive me sometimes and I have to forgive you sometimes…It's completely okay…I am here for you…

But the girl was so upset on herself that she said she feels like she is not the perfect one for him.

And now what he said will just UwUzone you guys-

He said listen you know lemme tell you a story the girl nodded her head in yes.

He: I went to a shopping mall and my jeans size is 34 for example but I loved a jeans very much there and it's of 36 size but I loved it so so so so so much that I just can't take my eyes off it and so I bought it.

She: But why when you can't wear it?

He: Who said I can't, I will give it to the tailor to alter it.

She: What if the tailor can't then?

He: Then I will wear it with a belt.

She: What if it's still loose then?

He: Then I will use my hands and stitch it using needle and thread but do you think I will leave that jeans which I love so much no never.

She: Ummm man that's great, your love towards that jeans that you did every possible thing just to keep it with you cause you loved it so much.wowie

He: Yes, and you know you're that jeans to me.

Everybody has some flaws, commits mistakes but I love your flaws the thing which you see as a flaw of yours is beauty to me. Even those dark circles of yours are so beautiful gigggles*

She: Cries out of love*

(whispers: Do I even have darkcircles)

So this one's my forever favourite💜

Take care✨

PS: Sometimes your windmill needs just a stroke of wind to rotate with the same speed

Please forgive me because i am writing the same story again because of word limit but i really want to share this beautiful story that i can't stop myself from sharing it

There once was a girl and a boy, let's call them she and he, who were deeply in love. One day, the girl made a mistake and unintentionally hurt the boy. She felt incredibly remorseful and apologized profusely, even though the issue at hand was not particularly serious. Despite her apologies, she couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't good enough for him.

But he, being the understanding and loving partner that he was, comforted her with these words: "You know, let me tell you a story. I went to a shopping mall and saw a pair of jeans that I really, really loved. The problem was that it was a size 36, and my size is 34. But I loved those jeans so much that I couldn't take my eyes off them, so I bought them. And you know what? Even though they were too big for me, I took them to a tailor to have them altered. And if that didn't work, I planned to wear them with a belt. And if they were still too loose, I was even willing to stitch them up myself with a needle and thread. Because, you see, I couldn't bear to part with something that I loved so much. And you, my dear, are that jeans to me. You may have flaws and make mistakes, but to me, they are what make you beautiful. Even your dark circles, which you see as a flaw, are beautiful to me."

With those words, he reminded her of the depth of his love for her and that their relationship was worth fighting for. And that is why this story is her forever favorite.

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