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Medium is losing its Charm - It's no more an Ideal Blogging Platform

As Medium is growing it's losing its charm instead of becoming more attractive to people.

By makelivingonlinePublished about a year ago 4 min read
Medium is losing its Charm - It's no more an Ideal Blogging Platform
Photo by Molnár Bálint on Unsplash

As Medium is growing it's losing its charm instead of becoming more attractive to people. Since I start writing on Medium till now I saw lots of changes made by Medium. When I joined back in 2020, everyone was allowed to join Medium's Partner Programme. Then Medium cheers the writers with bonuses that boost the writer community's interest in Medium. Writers put themselves into a competition to get bonuses but soon Medium declared that no more bonuses will be awarded. Medium also changes some of its features along with changing terms and conditions. Where it changes its terms and condition to join Partner Program, it also removes a very cool feature called "series." I liked that feature so much, though I never tried it; however, I was thinking to try. Because I feel that feature is very cool and give a very creative and aesthetic look to the user profile. In replacement of bonuses, Medium gives hope to writers in the name of "referral" that do not work so well.

A few months back I noticed Medium also remove the "writing from phone option." I was used to creating a draft from my phone most often. One day I was thinking to create a draft for my new story when I found the option for writing a story was not available on my cell phone. It was very disappointing. Then I skipped writing for a few months on Medium because I do not get enough time to write from my laptop. Writing from the cell phone feature was so productive and helpful for me. But today after a few months I found those features again.

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There is a + button available on Medium on the cell phone. It excites me a bit. A new feature that seems interesting is "give a tip." But I think it just seems cool but it will not work cool. Think for a minute; when a person will get a free read and already pay a fee to get full access to read the story (medium member), then who will bother to give you a tip? Once it was my favorite blogging platform, but it's no more attractive to me as it was before.

Plus, nobody knows the mystery of its curation and distribution. It seems a puzzle or a jock. No one exactly knows what quality means for Medium. I myself published some articles on Medium that hardly get some views and the same articles are flooded with views, reads, and responses on other sites. Medium chooses my few articles for distribution and then within a few minutes it stops distributing them.

Screenshot by Author

It was just like someone switched on the light and then switched it off at the moment. Like a child is playing with the switchboard. And another fun fact is, that many articles that I uploaded on Medium are ranking in Google Searched Engine but they are not distributed on Medium. The articles that are distributed by Medium got round about 20 or fewer views and reads. And undistributed articles got more than 3.5k views and reads. Is it not funny? Then, distribution serves me with what benefit? I will suggest you to try to rank your article with proper SEO on Google instead of Medium. In this way, you can earn up to $35 per article, at least.

Another flaw of Meidum is it has become a money-making niche game. I do not say writing about this niche is the wrong thing. It's a proper niche or this is perfectly alright if someone is guiding you about making money and providing you with some authentic information. I myself share some information about making money online. But it was based on my personal experience, I only share what I find authentic. The disturbing thing is, that everyone on Meidum is telling you how to earn money, and how to be successful on Medium because it's the only thing that works well to earn some pennies on this platform. (except for some top writers who are luckily earning good on Medium, and Medium is only a platform for them). Others are playing the "money-making article game" on Medium. Because I thought they might not get any other way to survive on Medium. No matter whether the information they provide is helpful for the reader or it's really worth following the guide. Some people just use a ''keyword'' ''making money'' to earn some from that keyword. And when you read their stuff and follow the points that they ask you to do - sometime later you just regret wasting your time. This is the biggest flaw of Medium. There is no place for innovation, ideas, creativity, education, and other things; though Medium claim they are looking for innovation and good ideas. The response you will get on these topics when you will publish will be so lamentable. On the other hand, if you will post a "money-making article" or how to earn 22300$ on Medium, the bees will be there on honey. Money is limited to money-making topics or to particular top writers – who are the only top writers on Medium for ages. Nothing else is important here.

I am running multiple blogs other than Medium. I am so encouraged by the Analytics of my blogs and the results are fruitful. Once I said in one of my articles that "consistency is the key so don't leave your Medium journey halfway, but respect your time and efforts as well. Don't be stuck to the Medium - also bother to try your luck on some other ways." Today, I feel that I said it right. If you are one who is stucked into the Medium algorithm or competition - just go and explore more, and try something new, might be your luck is waiting for you there.


About the Creator


A passionate writer, freelancer, blogger, explorer, and learner. If you want to learn to survive in the online world—join me hear.

❦Freelancing ❦Blogging ❦EarningMoneyOnline ❦Writing


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