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Lies, Lies, Lies...

"Always trust your gut because your gut never lies."

By IamSORELLEPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Lies, Lies, Lies...
Photo by Luis Galvez on Unsplash

Can someone care and lie at the same time? In my opinion, I don't think that's possible because if you care or love someone so much you should tell them the truth when you lie but in this world, no one really tells the truth sometimes. It just depends on if the lie will hurt others in the process. To be fair, I am the last person that should judge anyone for not telling the truth about something. I'm not a saint when it comes to telling truths because I had a few lies I told as well and I'm not proud of that.

In my last confession stories I told you about a guy and the drama I went through for 2 years while messing around with him. I may have gotten rid of the presence of him but his lies didn't stay blocked off long enough for me to see what I saw yesterday. You know how you get curious about someone and you go lurk on their social pages, but curiosity kills a cat every time. As always I go to the comment section to see any new comments under his pictures sometimes just to be curious.

And yesterday I saw the girl he was lying about since last year under his post with a lot of flirty comments. As I was seeing this I'm thinking to myself "go and check her page too" so that's what I did. And then I saw him with the same type of comments. Now here I am thinking in my head like this got to be a joke they playing right? But the more I was reading the comments the more it became real enough for me to know that he has lied once again about this girl.

And yes I know that he and I are not together and never will be but if you are still talking to me like we are, then I'm going to think otherwise. Just 2 months ago he was telling me he cared about me, and this and that. But like always they tell you what you want to hear. I stopped watching his stories on Instagram because I thought it was creepy for me to do that. But now I know that I don't need to anymore because he never really cared about me at all because if he did, he would have told me the truth.

But I forgot for a quick second, if he did tell me the truth then I was going to stop messing with him and talking to him for good. But he was sadly mistaken, he must've thought since I stopped lurking on his page he could post what he wanted about his girlfriend but little did he know, was even though I don't watch what's on his stories, I see what he posts. Let me stop acting like a stalker before someone calls me insane.

I'm not mad about what he posts, I'm mad about the "I'm not with anyone" or "I'm not ready for a relationship" type of crap. What I never liked was people playing me for a fool and don't think before doing stupid things that can get them caught up. But since he never cared then I don't. I stopped caring since yesterday. Meditation saved me from doing things that I would've regretted, and that was texting him about it when I know for a fact he was going to lie again. So I took the high road and I'm moving on with a fresh start to focus on more important things.


About the Creator


Hi, my name is Sorelle and I'm studying to get my BA in English. I have always wanted to write because it makes me feel more confident in continuing my education as a future writer.

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