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Coffee and Nerves

Meeting the family

By Tamika C Published 2 years ago 3 min read

He wants me to meet his family. I was charmed, excited, nervous, and freaked out. We had news to share, we were expecting. He always would talk about his family so I really wanted to meet them, but this was literally a brand new relationship, and yup boom I was pregnant. This isn't what this story is all about so sorry. That story will have to wait.

So we take this trip and drive up to D.C., it was a 9 hour drive. I told him that I was a road trip kinda gal, but my playlist was Tupac, Janet Jackson and Mariah Carey and I can get loud... he was cool with that, as long as long as I added Biggie to the mix. It was a nice smooth ride.

Driving into D.C. was amazing, I was just excited to see a new city as an adult, young kid we traveled a lot in the car. This was very different. We get there around 7am right around when people leave to head to work so parking was great, I am super nervous. Just really hoping and praying they are nothing like my ex's mother. He told me I had nothing to worry about again, I promise and takes my hand. I love you and they are going to love you. He introduces me and I felt the love, I met his Grandma, I remember her lovely smile, his brother, mother and father. We ate breakfast which was so good (home-cooked) and drank coffee. We shared the news and they were actually excited.

I started to feel relaxed, my nerves went away and I wasn't tense. Now normally when I feel like I have to go, I have time to make it somewhere comfortable, but I don't know what came over me because all of a sudden my stomach said "it is time," (in my Rafiki voice).

Unfortunately I didn't have time to think on this one. I had to go to the bathroom. He has one bathroom and it was very close to the living room, where everyone was at. I tried to go silently. Thank God the TV was on. Run the water, thank God again because that didn't take long. Wipes self... look in the mirror, smiles and washes hands...flush. Water starts to rise, God please no no no no, moves the rug and water is about to hit the floor. My log was still floating around, I grab the plunger and it goes down. I flush again and this time it got real angry and water came up faster and all over the place. I grab towels... I hear a knock on the door. You ok in there? I open the door and he is standing there concerned. He sees the mess and I whisper to him, I promise I did not blow it up in here, I just flushed! In my mind, I'm thinking my log couldn't have caused this. He yells for assistance and all I felt was shame! He says don't worry about it, it was probably my fault because I went before you and I blew it up!

I was so embarrassed, I couldn't believe my body failed me like that. The nervousness that I felt and the coffee did not help. Now I can sit back and laugh at this. Iv'e been to his house a couple more times after that and there is always a moment that I have when I enter that bathroom. I imagine the toilet with this "got that azz" kinda smile. The He in this story is now my husband. I mean the way he came in there and dealt with my crappy water I knew that I was loved.


About the Creator

Tamika C

Where I come to ease my mind. Finally just making time to write and read, which is what I use to enjoy doing.

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