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"Big Eye Lashes"

A Story of Inner Strength

By Isra SaleemPublished 11 days ago 3 min read
"Big Eye Lashes"
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

As a child, I was always fascinated by my mother's makeup routine. She'd spend hours in front of the mirror, carefully applying foundation, blush, and mascara. But it was her eyelashes that truly captivated me. Long, luscious, and dramatic, they framed her eyes like a work of art.

I remember asking her why she wore false lashes, and she'd smile, saying, "To make my eyes sparkle, darling." And sparkle they did. Her big eye lashes became a trademark of sorts, a signature feature that made her stand out in a crowd.

As I grew older, I began to experiment with makeup myself. But no matter how hard I tried, my own lashes seemed puny in comparison to my mother's. I felt like I was missing out on some essential femininity, like I was stuck in a perpetual state of girlhood.

One day, I decided to take the plunge and get my own set of big eye lashes. I booked an appointment at a salon, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. What if they looked fake? What if they hurt?

The stylist, a kind woman named Sophia, put me at ease. She explained the process, from measuring to application, and assured me that I'd be thrilled with the results. And thrilled I was. When I looked in the mirror, I barely recognized myself. My eyes seemed bigger, brighter, and more alluring than ever before.

I felt a newfound confidence, like I could take on the world. And in a way, I did. I started wearing bolder outfits, trying new hairstyles, and even landed a promotion at work. It was as if my big eye lashes had unlocked a hidden potential within me.

But as time passed, I realized that my obsession with my lashes was masking deeper insecurities. I was using them as a crutch, relying on their drama and flair to make me feel worthy. And so, I made a conscious decision to scale back, to focus on inner beauty rather than external validation.

It wasn't easy, but slowly, I began to embrace my natural self. I learned to love my own lashes, imperfect and short as they may be. And in doing so, I discovered a sense of freedom and self-acceptance that I'd never known before.

I still enjoy wearing false lashes on special occasions, but now I do it with a newfound appreciation for my own natural beauty. I've learned that true confidence comes from within, and that my worth isn't defined by the length of my lashes. My mother, who still rocks her signature big eye lashes, is proud of the woman I've become. She sees the confidence and self-acceptance shining through, and knows that I've found a beauty that's more than skin-deep.

As I look in the mirror, I see a woman who's imperfectly perfect. My lashes may not be the longest or the fullest, but they're mine, and they frame the windows to my soul.And when I put on my false lashes, it's not to hide behind them, but to enhance the beauty that's already there – a beauty that comes from self-love, self-acceptance, and a deep understanding of what truly makes me sparkle.

Years later, when my own daughter asked me about my big eye lashes, I smiled and told her the story of how they helped me find my confidence and self-acceptance. She looked up at me with her big, curious eyes and said, "Mommy, your sparkle is what makes you beautiful." In that moment, I knew that I had passed on the most important lesson – that true beauty is not about the length of our lashes, but about the depth of our self-love and self-acceptance.


About the Creator

Isra Saleem

Versatile writer skilled in both tale & stories. Captivate readers with engaging content & immersive narratives. Passionate about informing, inspiring, & entertaining through words.

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