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Climbing a mountain Kilimanjaro

Climbing a mountain like Kilimanjaro

By Abdelrahman ElshoraPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Climbing a mountain like Kilimanjaro

In 2017, my cousin and I embarked on a journey to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. It was something we had both always wanted to do, and we were determined to make it to the top.

We arrived in Tanzania and began our journey up the mountain, accompanied by a team of experienced guides and porters. As we climbed higher and higher, the air grew thinner and the temperature dropped. We were both struggling, but we refused to give up.

On the fourth day of our climb, we woke up to the news that one of our fellow climbers had fallen ill and needed to be evacuated from the mountain. We were all shaken by this news, but we knew that we had to continue on.

As we climbed higher, the terrain grew more and more difficult. We were now above the clouds, and the air was so thin that every step felt like a struggle. We were both exhausted and freezing cold, but we knew that we had to keep going

Finally, on the fifth day of our climb, we reached the summit. It was a moment of pure joy and triumph, and we both felt an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment. We had made it to the top of one of the world's tallest mountains

But our journey was far from over. As we began our descent, we were hit by a sudden snowstorm. The wind was so strong that we could barely stand, and the snow was falling so heavily that we could barely see in front of us.

s we struggled to make our way down the mountain, we suddenly realized that one of our guides was missing. We searched for him frantically, calling out his name and shining our flashlights into the darkness. But there was no sign of him

We were all terrified. It waI pitch black, the wind was howling, and we were In the middle of a snowstorm on a mountain that was notorIous for its treacherous weather conditions. We had no choice but to keep moving, hoping that our missing guide would find his way back to us

Finally, after what felt like hours, we saw a faint light in the distance. It was our missing guide, who had somehow managed to find his way back to us despite the storm. We were all overjoyed and relieved, and we continued our descent with renewed determination.

As we made our way back down the mountain, we were all exhausted and battered by the storm. But we were also filled with a sense of gratitude and awe. We had been through an incredible journey, one that had tested our physical and mental limits, and we had come out the other side stronger and more resilient.

But our journey had also shown us the power of human connection and the importance of teamwork. Without our guides and porters, we never would have made It to the top of the mountain. And without each other, we never would have made It through the storm.

In the end, our climb up Mount Kilimanjaro was more than just a physical challenge. It was a journey of self-discovery, of pushing ourselves to the limits, and of realizing the Incredible power of the human spirit. And it was a journey that we would never forget

The experience of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro taught me many valuable lessons that have stayed with me to this day. Here are some of the most important ones:

1. Perseverance is key: Climbing a mountain like Kilimanjaro takes a tremendous amount of physical and mental strength. There were times when I wanted to give up, but I kept pushing myself to take one more step, and then another.

2. This experience taught me that with perseverance, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to


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  • Abdelrahman Elshora (Author)12 months ago


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