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The Unnamed Princess.

Epilogue. 1

By Tifuh AwahPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

Babe princess got up from sleep just as they were entering the town. She noticed that the car had stopped shaking tremendously; it glided like a snake very smoothly. The man who was driving wheel looked at her and smiled.

“We are in town princess; you will soon enter your new home.”

“What’s the name of this town? it’s so beautiful.” She said looking round. The houses were constructed with well shaped bricks and shiny roofs. Some of the houses were carrying other houses on their heads and she saw a long ladder leading up.

“Don’t worry; you will soon be like these city people running across the road or climbing those tall houses.”

“Never in my life time, I don’t want to fall down or die soon.”

“That’s what I thought when I started working here, but now you see I can drive the white man’s car.” he said and branched into a neat street with fewer houses.

The grass was well kept; the flowers were blossoming and the houses were very big with big windows. She had never seen this type of window before. If Annah Mupah had such large window children would run through them whenever she wanted to beat them, she thought and smile as the car halted and a tiny little girl ran towards them.

The driver opened the door and she stepped out holding her clothes in her hand. The ground was cold very cold and she noticed that places were very cold, she started to shiver; the tiny girl was still looking at her amazed when two other children taller than her came out of the house and ran towards her.

“Dad said you went to bring a princess…” the older girl said looking questioningly at her.

“Yes, ma’am she is a real princess of my village, a favorite princess for that matter.” he said

“Your princess has no crown, look at her, she is dirty, ugly and very very poor. She has no shoes. If this is how princesses really are, then I don’t want to be a princess.”

“Not so hard darling be kind to her, she is here to serve you, show her some respect.” their mother said moving towards them. The lady greeted her kindly and asked her to follow them into the house. But, babe princess couldn’t. She felt as if her feet had been planted into the ground. For the first time of her life, she regretted ever being a princess.

The middle aged mother looked at her critically, then at the driver.

“I said… I wanted a big girl, a girl who can work, not a kid” she scolded

“She can work very hard madam. These village children are very powerful.” he said smiling through scattered rusted teeth.

Babe princess wondered if there were no chewing sticks in this town. She followed Ma’am into the big parlor, into a long corridor, the house had four bedrooms, one for the parents, one for the two girls one for the boy and one for guests. Ma’ m took her to the a small room in the kitchen and showed her to a corner

“This will be your room.”

“Thank you mother.” she said

“No… Madame” she corrected and left. She stood holding her new loincloth tight to her body; she heard the slap slap sound of Madam’s slippers on the cement floor as it retreated in through the giant house. Babe picked a plastic from a corner, put her loincloth inside and hung it on the wall; she looked around for clean sacks, piled them in a heap and lay down to rest. A few minutes later Marry Anne came to see her. Carrying a small baby, babe had never seen a babe that small.

“Hey, is this your palace princess?” she said

Pulling at the baby

“Careful with that baby, it will cry.”

“Oh it’s a baby doll see…” she said dropping it to the ground, the baby did not cry. Babe princess picked it up and noticed it was very hard, she dropped it in fright and this amused the little girl.

“You must be a strange kind of princess. Real princesses have varieties of dolls. Come to our room and see our collection.” she said pulling her along.

Babe princes followed her.

Their room was huge, they were two beds and she saw Elizabeth bouncing on the bed.

“Hey hey, you will break it.” She screamed

“No way… it’s a spring bed but you are so dirty you can’t sit here.” She screamed

“Is this room for two of you, it’s too big, it can house twenty children in the palace.” she said

“Come and look at this picture, it’s a picture of Queen Elizabeth two, when she was still a princess.”

Babe princess looked at the smiling young girl”

“She is micara and she is very beautiful” she said

“And rich, very rich look at you… you are very poor and they say you are a princess, ish… I am ten time a princess that you.”

Babe princes looked around at the pile of babies some had no heads, others no limb and no hands, she also saw small vehicles like the one she entered to come here but it was too small.

“Who enters in this car ?” she asked picking up one.

“These are toys dummy” she said “I am so disappointed, I was looking forward to living with a real princess. But, what do I have, a stupid little girl now you can go.”

She said waving her out. Babe princess went out of the room and back into the kitchen and Ma’am was in there serving food.

“Ma’am the other room is very big, I want to stay there.” she said.

Ma’am stopped what she was doing and looked at her, then burst out laughing.

“You want to sleep with my daughters, look at you, you are their nurse, my house maid. Your father sent you here so that, you can work, and work and work. Never you think you are like my daughters. You are not and will never be. Is it clear?” she said holding her ears.

to be continued.

(The Unnamed Princess)



About the Creator

Tifuh Awah

Welcome to my corner of Vocal! I belief that words have the power to inspire, connect, and change the world. Here, I make sense of the world and share my view. Please, support me Let's take on a literary journey to transform and heal.

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Comments (1)

  • Arslan9 months ago

    Extra ordinary work

TAWritten by Tifuh Awah

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